What’s New in Astro

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What's next for Astro? Hear from Fred K. Schott (Astro co-creator, core maintainer) about the future direction for Astro's content-driven web framework. Featuring new announcements and demos that build on three of Astro's foundational core primitives: Islands, Content Collections, and View Transitions.

This talk has been presented at React Summit 2024, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.


Astro improves performance by delivering static HTML and only loading JavaScript for interactive components. This reduces the initial load time and optimizes the site for core web vitals, making it faster and more efficient.

The Islands architecture in Astro allows developers to break down a webpage into static and interactive components. This approach ensures that only the necessary JavaScript is loaded for interactive elements, optimizing performance.

View transitions in Astro are animations between page navigations that are powered by the browser, requiring no JavaScript. They provide a seamless user experience and are available in modern browsers like Chrome and Edge.

The content layer in Astro is a feature that manages both local markdown files and remote content from APIs or CMSs. It provides a unified data layer that is TypeScript-enabled and supports various content sources.

Astro's future roadmap focuses on three main areas: view transitions, the content layer, and server islands. These features aim to further optimize performance and enhance the developer experience for content-driven websites.

Astro's main features include the Islands architecture for performance, a content layer for managing local and remote content, and view transitions for seamless animations between pages without JavaScript.

Astro focuses on improving SEO by optimizing site performance and ensuring fast load times, which are rewarded by search engines like Google. The framework also supports meta tags and accessibility audits to enhance SEO.

Astro focuses on performance by using an architecture called Islands, which strips out unnecessary JavaScript and optimizes for static HTML. Unlike frameworks that deliver full-stack JavaScript, Astro aims to deliver faster, content-driven websites.

Yes, Astro can be used with React. Developers have control over when React components load, allowing for deferred loading of less important components to optimize performance.

Astro is a web framework co-created by Fred. It is designed to push the web forward by improving performance and optimizing content delivery for sites like marketing pages, blogs, and e-commerce sites.

Fred K. Schott
Fred K. Schott
30 min
14 Jun, 2024


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Video Summary and Transcription
The Talk revolves around the future of JavaScript, React, and Astro. Astro focuses on performance and delivering a better developer and user experience, particularly for content sites. It introduces view transitions, islands, and content as primitives for the next decade of web development. Astro also emphasizes zero JavaScript transitions, native transitions, and a unified content layer. It aims to optimize performance, offer personalized experiences, and ensure compatibility with any tech stack.
Available in Español: Qué hay de nuevo en Astro

1. Introduction to the Future of Astro and React

Short description:

Let's talk about the future, the future of JavaScript and React and a little bit of Astro. My name is Fred. I'm one of the co-creators of the Astro web framework. We have some exciting things to share, some cool announcements. There's some really cool future of the web stuff that is happening right now in browsers, in frameworks all over the place. I'm excited to dig into them.

All right. Thank you all. Thank you for having me. All right. Let's talk about the future, the future of JavaScript and React and a little bit of Astro. My name is Fred. I'm one of the co-creators of the Astro web framework. And this is a talk about the future of Astro, but we see that so tied into the web platform. React is one of the biggest frameworks that you can use with Astro, so we're a very generic kind of agnostic web framework. But Astro and React is chef's kiss, beautiful. I want to talk about the future of React. And I have some exciting things to share, some cool announcements. We've been tweeting all week about a couple of these things. I want to dive into some of them, share some new things that haven't been talked about yet. And no matter what tech stack you're on, this should feel super exciting. There's some really cool future of the web stuff that is happening right now in browsers, in frameworks all over the place. I'm excited to dig into them. So, sound good? Should we get started?

2. Design Principles and Astro Features

Short description:

We built Astro around the idea of performance, shipping the performant Islands architecture. Through years of adoption, we've surpassed other JavaScript frameworks. Our goal is to deliver a faster, better developer and user experience, especially for content sites. Astro challenges the way frameworks build sites and incorporates content as a primitive, along with view transitions that will blow your mind.

We have a couple of design principles on the Astro web framework. One of my favorite one of them is this idea of pushing the web forward. There are plenty of web frameworks out there. We don't want to just be another one of them, another way to use React or Celt or Vue. We want to be something that challenges best practices and ideas.

So to give an example of this, when we started Astro, we were looking around. And one of the things that was like super frustrating at the time, this is going back, you know, a while now, was this idea of performance. You know, every web framework, including Next.js, including, God, what was, you know, create React app especially, they had their great hello worlds, their great blogs, their great getting started all looked good under the kind of, you know, if you look at them quickly, the performance was there. But then real world, they all struggled to actually deliver on that promise. So real world performance and kind of theoretical performance, very different.

When you're shipping a lot of JavaScript to the client, it's really hard. Your baseline is already so high to then have so little room to wiggle around and actually build your own code when the framework is taking up so much of that. When you're building your UI as a JavaScript app versus a page of HTML that is static and fast and has interactive components, we're not talking about a static kind of dead web, but the idea of shipping an app versus a page, in practice, it becomes very hard to make an app performant at the same level that a page of HTML can be.

So we saw this problem where in real world applications, everyone was struggling to hit performance. No one up here is batting above 50%. Right? Some are even, you know, one out of five sites are performant, four out of five aren't. That's a really kind of scary place to be in. And so we saw this problem not as a problem of developers not taking performance seriously. You know, it's not really something that is up to everyone to be an expert in performance. If that's the baseline for the web, that's a pretty tough place to start. We saw this as a problem of tools. Tools can do a better job at, we use this term, the pit of success, pushing you into the pit of success. You should fall in to success, not have to struggle to climb it.

So we built Astro around this idea of performance. We shipped a new architecture called Islands, which is incredibly performant. It strips out unnecessary JavaScript, it makes your page faster. And now, after years of real world adoption, we are now way, way above baseline here against every other JavaScript framework. This idea that full stack JavaScript is like this super unified story, but it doesn't have to mean everything JavaScript, client JavaScript, server. Everything is getting shipped to the user. We can be much smarter about how we deliver that. And the results here speak for themselves. So we're not even like the smallest or the second smallest in this chart. There's so much real world data that shows that when you remove JavaScript and get super smart about how you deliver your site, even if you're using React, even if you're using a framework, whatever your favorite tools are, you can still bring those to the developer experience, but get something at the end of the day that's much, much faster, a much better developer and user experience. That's our goal with Astro, ultimately, especially for content sites. Content is so important to the web. That's our whole focus. If you're building a marketing site, a blog, an e-commerce site, if the main purpose of your site is to deliver content to the user, that's where Astro can really come in. So if you haven't checked it out, that island architecture, that's the original kind of genesis of Astro challenging the way that frameworks build sites. The next year, we looked at content as a primitive for Astro. So content has lived as a primitive in static site builders for forever. Gatsby had the GraphQL content. This is not a new idea, but we wanted to bring this to the modern age, right? TypeScript, not GraphQL, schema validation, front matter validation. We built content into the platform of the Astro framework last year, or a couple years ago. And then lastly, view transitions. If you haven't seen view transitions, they're gonna blow your mind. React, Astro, it doesn't matter. This is like one of my favorite technologies to come out of the web platform. So if you haven't had a chance to check this out, we're gonna dig into it because it's really, really cool. And there's some really exciting things happening, not just like this year, but like literally this week that we're gonna dive into. So view transitions, we started adopting last year.


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