Automating Accessibility Testing for Your Component Library

Are you a developer tired of manual accessibility testing and the long feedback loops it entails? Do you want to efficiently audit and test the accessibility of your components while saving time and effort? Look no further! In this talk, we’ll explore how Storybook, a widely-used open source tool to document your UI components, can be used to automate accessibility testing.

This talk has been presented at React Advanced 2023, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.

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Web accessibility involves building websites that can be used by everyone, ensuring that all users, including those with disabilities, have equal access to information and functionality.

Web accessibility is crucial because it allows you to reach more customers, including the 15% of the global population with disabilities. It also ensures compliance with legal standards to avoid fines and enhances SEO as search engines favor accessible websites.

Accessibility can be measured through four key aspects: perceivability (information must be perceivable), operability (site must be navigable and usable), understandability (information and operation of user interface must be understandable), and robustness (content must be robust enough to be interpreted reliably by a wide variety of user agents, including assistive technologies).

Accessibility should be considered from the start of the development process, not as an afterthought. This approach helps integrate accessibility into the design and development phases, ensuring a more inclusive product.

Storybook facilitates component-driven development, which is crucial for building accessible UI components. It allows developers to isolate and test components, including their accessibility, in a contained environment before integration.

The Accessibility Add-on in Storybook enables easy integration and provides component-level insights, helping developers identify and fix accessibility issues during the component development rather than after full page integration.

Accessibility testing can be automated by incorporating tools like Storybook's Accessibility Add-on, which allows for checking accessibility compliance at the component level during development, thus speeding up the feedback and correction cycle.

While both tools are capable of identifying accessibility issues, Storybook's Accessibility Add-on focuses on component-level insights during development, whereas Lighthouse provides page-level insights after components are integrated and the page is rendered.

Praveen Kumar D
Praveen Kumar D
41 min
23 Oct, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription
Today's Talk focused on automating accessibility testing for component libraries using Storybook. The importance of web accessibility was emphasized, along with the benefits of incorporating accessibility from the start. Storybook was highlighted as a valuable tool for component-driven development, testing, and identifying accessibility issues. The integration of the accessibility add-on in Storybook allows for component-level insights, efficient feedback loops, and automated accessibility testing. Manual testing and addressing complex issues with screen readers were also discussed.

1. Introduction to Web Accessibility

Short description:

Today we'll be speaking about automating accessibility testing for your component library. We'll cover web accessibility, how to measure it, when to consider it, the role of Storybook, how to include accessibility in your component library, and comparing accessibility add-on with Lighthouse and benchmarking. Web accessibility is about building websites that can be used by all. It's important to ensure readability, usability for assistive technologies, and keyboard navigation. Web accessibility is crucial for more customers, compliance with legislation, SEO benefits, and improved usability. Measuring accessibility involves perceivability, operability, and understandability.

Hello, today we'll be speaking about automating accessibility testing for your component library. So we look at the different things that we'll be covering today, web accessibility and its how to measure web accessibility, when to consider accessibility, Storybook and its role in web accessibility, how to include accessibility in your component library, and then we'll be comparing accessibility add-on with your Lighthouse and then benchmark and then see how each one is better over the other.

Okay, what is web accessibility? Building websites that can be used by all. That is a simple definition of it. So that means that if I am able to do, if I am able to use something on the web, the person sitting next to me should be able to do the same things that I can do on the web. So for this to happen, you should make sure that you have ensured readability and usability for assistive technologies like your screen readers, you have made sure that your web application can be navigated through keyboard controls. So these are one of the important things to make sure that your application is accessible.

Now why web accessibility? Usually people think accessibility as something that is a good to have but today I'm going to tell you why it's not just like a good to have thing but a much to have thing. Firstly, more customers. So this is like one of the most important things because about 15% of the global population has some kind of disability. So this gives you an opportunity to tap into the 15% that your competition is not looking into. But this sets a differentiation from a competition and definitely helps you target more customers. Secondly, compliance and legislation. So today as I told you, accessibility has become a much to have and a lot of countries have already declared accessibility as something that you should other to. If you are not accessible then you may end up paying huge fines. So to avoid penalties and huge fines, you should make sure that you are compliant based on whatever your region depends. Thirdly and the most important thing is SEO benefits. Usually people think SEO is something that is just to do with your content but with accessibility, right? Most of the search engine today are optimizing for accessible websites. So if your website is accessible, the probability of you ranking higher in the search results is really high. So you should make sure that if you are just looking for SEO, it just isn't your content that is present on a website but also accessible nature of a website that is very important for your SEO. And then finally, improved usability. Accessibility does not just help people with disabilities but also helps people without any disabilities. For example, a person living in a remote village or someone who's old who's not able to use the website will be able to take benefits based on the accessibility nature of the website. So how to measure accessibility? Perceivability. Ensuring that the information presented is easy to perceive and understand. And secondly, operability. This makes sure that you can navigate and interact easily. So no matter who comes to your website, right, they are able to navigate and interact through your website. Then, understandability. This is making sure that everything on your website is easy and clear to understand.

2. Considerations and Storybook

Short description:

To ensure compatibility and robustness, consider making your website accessible from the start. Start with incorporating accessibility in component development and addressing basics like ARIA rules, color contrast, and font sizes. Covering these basics will already make your application 60% accessible. Then, focus on enhancing the user experience on assistive devices and managing reading order. Storybook is an open-source tool that helps with component-driven development and isolated testing, making it a valuable tool for improving efficiency and cleanliness of projects.

And then, robustness. This is ensuring compatibility with various technologies, including assistive devices like your screen reader and others. And then, compatibility. This is making sure that the features that you have built for your website is compatible and works seamlessly across different assistive technologies.

When should you consider accessibility? Usually people think accessibility as something that you can do after you build your website, after you have everything ready. And then once you go live, right, people usually think that accessibility is something as an afterthought that you can think about. But I would beg to differ. Accessibility is something that should be considered from the start if you want to reap the benefits of accessibility.

So, how do you do it? Start with the components. So, today, everyone follows component-driven development. So, you should make sure that you incorporate accessibility and its consideration right from the start while you begin your component development. Secondly, address your basics. So, the basics like your ARIA rules, color contrast, font sizes, accessible design, and then a few other items attribute to about 60% of the accessibility requirements. This is massive. And today, in my talk, I'll also be trying to help you with strategies as to how we easily make our website accessible and how we cover all these 60% of the basic requirements that are very easy to cover if you have the right strategies and plan in place. And then finally, once you've covered your basics and you know that your application is already 60% accessible, now what you do is you just try to look at the complex cases, right? Like, for example, how do you enhance the user experience on these assistive devices? How do you manage the reading order? And you can tackle all the other complexities.

Now today, I'll be introducing you to a tool called Storybook, which a lot of you must already be familiar with. So Storybook is an open-source tool that helps you document, view and test components in isolation. Now why Storybook? Because Storybook helps you with component-driven development. Today, anyone who is doing component-driven development, right? Use Storybook. We'll firstly look, why Storybook, right? Isolated development. Today, you don't want to keep your components... the tests associated with the components and the various things that you want to do with your components in your application folder. So the easier way to do is with Storybook, you kind of isolate it. You take all your components to a different environment. And then you test your components there. You see if your components are compatible for mobile, tablet views and different things. You also test a lot of other things. So separating this right will definitely help you improve your efficiency and cleanliness of the project. So that is why Storybook is one of the mostly used tool today.

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