Evolution of Form Management in React

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Learn how to handle forms in React using the latest features, such as startTransition, useTransition, useOptimistic, and useActionState, with and without React 19 server actions, alongside proper validation, error handling, and best practices.

Overview The workshop will begin by demonstrating traditional form handling using useState and useEffect for client-side rendering. Gradually, we'll transition to using the latest React 19 features, including server-side forms and the newest hooks for managing form states and errors. By the end of the workshop, participants will understand how to create robust forms with proper validation and error handling.

Learning Goals

  • Latest React 19 Hooks — useTransition, useFormStatus, useOptimistic, useActionState, useDeferredValue
  • Server Actions
  • Revalidations
  • Server-side Validation
  • Error handling
  • Security practices

This workshop has been presented at React Summit US 2024, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.

Adrian Hajdin
Adrian Hajdin
Video transcription, chapters and summary will be available later.