And it's interesting that how you can do that. It's like an NFT. So, NFT are unique tokens. So, owning the NFT can be owning the property or transferring the NFT can make a thing in the property ownership, or you can have some critical parts like address or a unique identifier in the country, something like that. And even one important point, when we talk about NFTs, NFTs can be dynamic. Imagine that you are an NFT, I am an NFT. And why that? We are unique, we have a unique DNA, but we are not the same. We are being older day by day. I hope to not be fat, to not change too much, but I would change. And I am a dynamic NFT as well. And imagine that any person can be represented like an NFT and even to have a unique identity. And talk about unique identity, imagine that we can have a different kind of identities like we used to say that they are the sole bond NFTs. This is another standard where we can't transfer the non-functional tokens or we have some rules. Like if it's your identity, you cannot transfer your identity to another person. So we can have different kinds of NFTs.
Okay, let's come back here. If you'd like to learn more, I just added a lot of links for you to learn. And also you can go to our developer hub, you can see some use cases over there and videos and more tutorials. And we have some bootcamps, starting from zero for beginners, more not related to the front end part that we are in React conference in the JavaScript conference. So you are expert here, but the other part you can learn more. So related to the blockchain stuff, you can learn more in the bootcamps. And let's come back and talk about this. Where does the thesis go? So when we talk about blockchain, the blockchain has the transactions in the blocks. So in order to these transactions being the block, we must have someone validating the transactions. We used to have to say that we have computers, the nodes that are validating the transactions. And we have people behind the nodes, managing the nodes. So the nodes must receive something in order to validate the transaction. And this is the fee. So we pay to a node validator, get the transaction and add the transaction inside a block in the blockchain. Before, did you see that I have some transactions that I had some transaction that was pending? In that moment that the transaction is pending, the transaction is in the blockchain, but it's in the main pool. It's like a waiting area, and waiting to be in a block. To be in a block, the node validator, you get my transaction, and you check if my transaction is valid. I'm doing something that I really can do in the blockchain. I'm trying to spend the same token twice. I'm trying to deploy as much content in a way that is not compiled in a successful way. I'm doing something wrong. The validator is checking that before adding my transaction inside the blockchain. And if the validator adds a non-valid transaction in the blockchain, he will be penalized. And in order to be sure that he will take care of our transaction, we must pay a small fee to do that. Okay, it's a small fee, but like Ethereum is the older blockchain with smart contracts, and is not the cheaper one now. But like I said before, we have some layers too. That is another layer on top of Ethereum that we have. It's like other blockchains, they are faster, cheaper, that they do a validation on Ethereum, but they itself are not Ethereum directly. They are compatible. And they are cheaper, so it's good to use them as well. And you can check about any kind of EVM compatible blockchains. Okay, but this is the fee is going to the node validator. This is the point.
And almost finishing here. So this is the presentation. Let's maintain this some seconds here for you to copy this. And I'm missing you here. If you have more questions, I'm awaiting your questions. One thing I'd like to say is, thank you so much for being here with me. And especially for doing the workshop with me.