Pretty much every bundler out there supports it, and it allows those bundlers to give a specific name to a package of code that will then end up on the global disk scope in the browser. The example that we're going to work with today is Meltwater Visualizations. When you have a lot of intertwined dependencies, not all of them are going to be able to move at the same pace. Upgrading a dependency for, like, visualizations to version 14 when other people are relying on version 13 might mean that everyone has to upgrade at the exact same time and do a very large forklift upgrade. But if you can load Meltwater Visualizations 13 and Meltwater Visualizations 14 at the same time, you give those other teams an opportunity to upgrade at their own pace, at a reasonable pace that makes sense for the workload that they're under. And that means that versions can move more slowly. And instead of having to do a forklift upgrade, you can now upgrade versions when they make sense to do so for your team's movement. So how do we use UMDs within our bundle? Referencing them comes down to bundling tools. We'll start with Webpack. Webpack has a property called externals. Externals allow us to load those UMDs that have been put on the global disk scope by referencing them using their module name. By using their module name it tells Webpack, I don't want to bundle this node module anymore. Instead, I want to make a reference to that node module to this corresponding global disk namespace. The benefit of doing it this way is that when we're testing with something like Jest or VTest, we can still use that node module to be able to run our tests. It doesn't have to reference the browser specific code if we don't want it to. This means that our testing and mocking is much more straightforward than if we were always relying on the global disk namespace. Now let's look at what a rollup config could look like for this. In rollup, those two things we were talking about that Webpack handles in the externals get divided out into two separate configuration options.
Pretty much every bundler out there supports it, and it allows those bundlers to give a specific name to a package of code that will then end up on the global disk scope in the browser. The benefit of this is that now we can reference that module using the global disk namespace that it's occupying in order to bring it in without having to bundle that dependency into our other code.
The example that we're going to work with today is Meltwater Visualizations. And you'll notice that when we're talking about making a name for this UMD bundle, we include that suffix of a V major version. In this case, major version 14 of Meltwater Visualizations. The reason for this is that when we reference a major version, it allows us to potentially load multiple major versions of the same dependency in the page at the same time. Now, you might be thinking that that feels like a bad idea, and I agree with you. But there's also benefits to being able to do that. When you have a lot of intertwined dependencies, not all of them are going to be able to move at the same pace.
Upgrading a dependency for, like, visualizations to version 14 when other people are relying on version 13 might mean that everyone has to upgrade at the exact same time and do a very large forklift upgrade. But if you can load Meltwater Visualizations 13 and Meltwater Visualizations 14 at the same time, you give those other teams an opportunity to upgrade at their own pace, at a reasonable pace that makes sense for the workload that they're under. And that means that versions can move more slowly. And instead of having to do a forklift upgrade, you can now upgrade versions when they make sense to do so for your team's movement.
Now, this doesn't mean you shouldn't be mindful of a lot of duplication of code, that's how we ended up here in the first place. But it does mean that it makes that upgrade path a lot smoother across a lot of different teams. So how do we use UMDs within our bundle? Referencing them comes down to bundling tools. We'll start with Webpack. Webpack has a property called externals. Externals allow us to load those UMDs that have been put on the global disk scope by referencing them using their module name. By using their module name it tells Webpack, I don't want to bundle this node module anymore. Instead, I want to make a reference to that node module to this corresponding global disk namespace.
So a couple of things are happening here. One, Webpack is being told to ignore bundling that module name, and two, that module name is being set up to correspond to a global disk namespace object that should exist. The benefit of doing it this way is that when we're testing with something like Jest or VTest, we can still use that node module to be able to run our tests. It doesn't have to reference the browser specific code if we don't want it to. This means that our testing and mocking is much more straightforward than if we were always relying on the global disk namespace. The benefit there is easier test setups, easier to debug, and your local code runs the way that you would expect to. It's wonderful to know that we can just use the NPM module for local testing and know that that will act the same as when we're deployed.
Now let's look at what a rollup config could look like for this. In rollup, those two things we were talking about that Webpack handles in the externals get divided out into two separate configuration options.