Video: It’s Time to Fall in Love With CSS (Again)

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In a world of components written in JavaScript, CSS became a second-class citizen. But forget the memes. In this talk Tony shows how modern CSS can be a JavaScript developers best friend, saving coding time, and avoiding the kinds of styling problems that use to plague JS devs and have resulted in a myriad of competing CSS abstractions, which may not be so necessary any more.

This talk has been presented at JSNation US 2024, check out the latest edition of this JavaScript Conference.

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Video summary
Hi, I'm Tony Alisea, a developer with over 25 years of experience. CSS won in the 90s due to its separation of structure and presentation, cascade concept, and powerful selectors. JavaScript developers fell out of love with CSS when they started using frameworks to construct the DOM. Instead of looking at the DOM holistically, we began to think in terms of componentization. CSS has continued to grow and add extraordinary features, such as CSS nesting and cascade layers. CSS layers give more control over the layering of CSS styles. Container queries allow us to respond to the size of the container instead of the viewport. The has pseudo class enables selecting parent elements. CSS is now more component-friendly and improves the user experience.


Tony Alisea is a developer with over 25 years of experience who has taught over 350,000 students web fundamentals through his courses on Udemy, Pluralsight, and Teachable. He also shares content on his YouTube channel and offers resources at

The 'It's Time to Fall in Love with CSS' course explores the evolution of CSS, its strengths, and how modern developers can leverage new CSS features to enhance component-based development.

Container queries allow developers to apply CSS rules based on the size of a component's container rather than the viewport, enabling more responsive and adaptable component designs.

You can find Tony Alisea's courses and resources at and help for your development team at

JavaScript developers moved away from CSS due to the shift towards component-based development, which posed challenges with CSS's cascade and selector rules when components were relocated within the DOM.

Modern CSS features that support componentization include CSS nesting, cascade layers, container queries, and the 'has' pseudo-class, which enhance flexibility and efficiency in styling components.

Developers can stay updated with Tony Alisea's content by visiting for links to all his courses and resources, and by checking his YouTube channel for new videos.

CSS became popular because it allowed the separation of structure and presentation, supported cascading style sheets, and offered powerful selectors for styling the entire DOM efficiently.

The 'has' pseudo-class allows CSS to select a parent element based on the state of its child elements, enabling more efficient styling without relying on JavaScript for certain interactions.

Tony Alicea
Tony Alicea
11 min
21 Nov, 2024


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  • Perspective
    Great talk! Everything was explained to cleanly, it is indeed time for devs to fall in love with CSS.
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