Hi, my name is Nikita and today we will talk about webHAD API as a way to control some real devices right from the browser via USB. But a little disclaimer, not only USB, you can work with Bluetooth too, but today we will talk about only USB.
Who am I? I'm Nikita Dubko, I am a web developer, about 15 years of experience. I'm a podcaster a little bit, D&D player, I really love kayaking with my friends and I am a drums and piano player a little and we will use it in this talk. So also I am a Google developer expert, and for me GDE is about knowledge. And it's really cool to visit some GDE meetups and know something about new web APIs. For example, about WebHAD and we talk about it right now because of GDE meetups.
And how it all started? Maybe you saw on Twitter some kind of front end, it is not real programming. You just move some pixels, you colorize some buttons and you don't even have an access to real devices. We C++ programmers, we real developers, we work with real devices, we use drivers and so on. But really maybe we have any possibility to work with real devices. So let's explore. Let's talk about some kind of C++ languages, not only C++.
To work with real devices, you should use HID interface. HID — it's Human Interfaces Devices. And you use it a lot. For example, it's keyboard, mice, gamepad — all devices that help people to communicate with laptops, PCs. And it's like a layer between PC and human. So it can be USB class and Bluetooth class. Today we will talk about USB class, but working with Bluetooth, it's not so complicated.
And let's talk about drivers — such drivers. To write a driver, you should know a lot about your device and, you know, drivers are like some abstraction layer to help our application to work with the operating system. If we have some application and it wants to communicate with some real device, with hardware, it should call some operating system library that it can be a driver. And this driver will use some raw data to communicate with this real device. It asks real device, do you have some data, hardware can respond, yes, I have, take it. Operating system processes this data and returns the result of such processing to application. So, it's like abstraction layer, you can write this layer and name it driver. But to be honest, we have a polling in our operating system. So, when you connect some real device via USB to operating system, it asks real device, do you have something? Real device, no, I haven't. Do you have? No, I haven't.