There are more business questions, but I'm gonna actually be a little selective here and give you an opportunity also to shout out some other people.
So this question here is, did you build all of this on your own or how many people are in the project? And then there's a related question about how do you come up with all these incredible ideas with teal draw? Man, there are more ideas than we have time to build, for sure.
No, we're like 12 people. Most of them in London. We have a very nice office in London. If you are in London, let me know. Come by. David Sheldrick, myself, Alex Dietrich, Lew Wilson, slash Toadpond. I guess I'm not gonna name the whole team, but those are the first few people who joined. It is... It's a fantastic team. Mostly product engineers. We're still hiring for our first designer. A lot of these things just doesn't really make sense to design in Figma. You really need to be in it and that's the way that we build it. Nice.
And let me just then finish it with this question, as we are at time. Is that what is the end goal for teal draw now? It's of course, like you said, to propagate more Canvas user interfaces, but do you have a bigger sort of dream for this? Sort of. I love this type of application, this direct manipulation Canvas.
And it really has been... You really haven't been able to do, for example, like a startup that uses a Canvas, have it be good and not spend your first two years just on the Canvas alone. So if teal draw can be that big, like unlock for hundreds or thousands of applications that have this direct manipulation Canvas that can leverage it in different ways and really can discover new use cases for it, like new killer use cases for the Canvas, then I would be happy. But especially now that we had this unexpected new software paradigm just appear, not exactly out of nowhere, but definitely hit the mainstream, which is, I guess, AI. I feel like teal draw, we just happen to be in a really, really good space to explore this. We have this hackable SDK for a Canvas in front of us. And that's exactly what you want if you want to explore, what does software look like on a Canvas with these language models alongside it. So if we also happen to accidentally break open user experience for AI on the Canvas, then I would be just as happy.
But the main goal is to really bring Canvas from being something that's very specialized to very high risk and very kind of often very bad to use into something that is just like a primitive for the web. And as I understand it for like open source and non-commercial stuff, Teal Draw is free, right? So if anybody wants to go and build their own demos, there's no special... It's going to have a little watermark that says made with Teal Draw in the corner.