Measuring Coverage of React Design System

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Design systems are becoming increasingly popular in modern front-end development. However, measuring the usage and coverage of these design systems is often challenging. In this lightning talk, I'll discuss about a tool that we're working on which uses react-scanner and Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) with custom scripts to generate component usage data for a React design system. 

The talk will cover how we generate this data and how it is rendered in a dashboard to provide valuable insights on the coverage of the design system.

- Introduction to  react-scanner

- Measuring Component Usage

- Identifying Native HTML elements and Styled Components

- Showing Tree structure of Page in terms of Components

- Highlighting Anti Patterns

- Benefits / Use Cases for this tool

This talk has been presented at React Advanced Conference 2023, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.

Watch video on a separate page


The purpose of the design system 4.0 at Fabric is to measure the coverage and usage of components from the previous design system (DS 3.0) compared to the new one, identify native HTML elements and style components used in applications, and detect anti-patterns in their usage to optimize the overall design system implementation.

React Scanner assists by statically analyzing code to extract details of React components, including their properties and where they are imported from. It outputs these details in various formats, aiding Fabric in assessing the usage of design system components and identifying areas for improvement.

To identify native HTML elements, Fabric reads the JSX element names, checking if they are lowercase and do not contain dots. For style components, Fabric had to develop custom scripts, as this functionality was not present in the React Scanner package, to detect style components defined using tagged template literals.

Examples of anti-patterns in Fabric’s design system include using hardcoded color values instead of design system tokens and using basic HTML elements like anchors, inputs, or buttons directly instead of utilizing corresponding components from the design system.

The component restructure visualization presents a tree structure of components used at a route level, allowing developers to easily identify redundant usage or potential optimizations, such as consolidating multiple instances of the same component with different properties into a single, more versatile component.

Future enhancements for the component tree structure visualization include adding property details and highlighting components from different libraries using various colors to provide clearer visual insights into the composition of pages and their components.

Fabric takes data-driven decisions to ensure backward compatibility for heavily used components, focusing on supporting these components effectively and avoiding frequent or disruptive changes that could impact the stability of applications using them.

Karan Kiri
Karan Kiri
11 min
23 Oct, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

Karen discusses measuring the coverage of a design system using React Scanner. The tool helps analyze code and extract component details, allowing for the measurement of component usage and identification of patterns. The analysis also reveals anti-patterns in the design system consumption. By restructuring components, data-driven decisions can be made to optimize component usage at a route level and address anti-patterns.

1. Introduction to Design System Coverage Measurement

Short description:

Hi, my name is Karen. I'll be talking about measuring the coverage of a design system. Our current product is built using micro front-end architecture. We migrated from design system 3.0 to 4.0 and wanted to measure the usage of components. We found a solution with React Scanner, an NPM package that can analyze code and extract component details.

Hi, my name is Karen. I currently work at a startup called Fabric. It's a US-based eCommerce startup. I have previously worked with Razorpay and Ripple Foods in India. I have a total of six plus years of experience in front-end domain.

So today I'll be talking about measuring the coverage of a design system. To give you a little bit of context about what our current product is, so it's build using micro front-end architecture. We use singles for React, Apps Script, and style components. So, as you can see in the header part, there are different products, each is a different micro front-end and it has like different kinds of products like product management, order management, coupon management, customer management. So the product looks something like that.

So we were building a design system in TypeScript from scratch. We had our old design system DS 3.0 in JavaScript. So when we migrated to design system 4.0, which is our new design system, we wanted to measure our coverage. So the problem statement looked something like this. We wanted to measure like what are DS 3 components like what is the usage of older design system component and new design system 4.0 component usage. Native HTML elements that were getting used in our applications and any of the style components that were getting used. And last bonus point that is to like describe your page route in a tree structure using our components.

So whenever we get some problem what we generally do is Google the hell out of it. And I struggled on Google to find a solution. Then I landed on this beautiful NPM package called React Scanner. So basically React Scanner is a NPM package that can statically analyze your code and it can extract out the details of your component including its props and everything. So to go into details I have created this sample React component. Here you can see in the app component we are using some provider container and we have text and we have the link component here. So here you can see the React Scanner can generate like outputting a few different formats. One of them is raw output. So for raw output it gives like all the details of particular instance. So basis provider it will have an array of instances. So in first instance it has like import information where we are importing this component from its props and where is it in the file. And in the processed output here you can see it has like processed or like cumulative information like what are the number of instances of text component, its props, and everything you can see here. So how does React Scanner work? So React Scanner, what it does is like it reads the file and then it parses the code into AST basically abstract syntax tree.

2. Measuring Component Usage and Identifying Patterns

Short description:

It's a tree representation of your code. We were able to generate a dashboard showing the usage of DS3 and DS4 components. We identified native HTML elements and style components using a custom script. Additionally, we detected anti-patterns in the design system consumption.

It's a tree representation of your code. And then it traverses the AST and gathers the information like component name information, import information, prop information, data. Like it gathers data and then it returns it into JSON format. So using that data, we were able to generate this beautiful dashboard here you can see. We can see for this particular application Copilot MFA admin. We were using like these many DS3 components and these many DS4 components and the number of instances of each of the components we can see here as well.

So first part of our problem was solved but we still needed to figure out few points like native HTML elements style components, component structure and anti-patterns. So first thing first, what we did is like fork the React scanner repo and we are now maintaining a copy of the scanner in our code base. So identifying native HTML elements is a very simple task. So you just need to read the JSX elements name and you need to check if it's a lowercase element and it shouldn't contain any dot. If these two conditions are met then you can say that this JSX component is HTML element. So based on this conditions we were able to identify here you can see I was able to identify A tag, H1 and P tag in these files.

Next difficult part was to identify style components. So this style components was not there in the React scanner package. So we had to build on our own writing a custom script. So you can see that we can declare the style components in two separate code style. Here you can see we are using style dot button and we are using style function on top of base button. So this syntax is called tag template literals. So here is the code that we return to identify style components. So basically we wanted to identify from where this base button is built on, like is it built on top of any existing component or any HTML element. Here you can see this base button is built on top of button, but this primary button is built on top of base button. So using this script, not just the component name, but we were also able to gather the raw CSS that were written in the applications. So here you can see we are gathering style CSS raw and file path. And style from basically contains from where the style component was built on top of. And last part is anti-patterns. So anti-patterns is a term that describes like how not to solve your recurring problems. So what all anti-patterns could we have in terms of consuming design system is that like some of the examples could be like using hard-coded color instead of our design system token or like using on anchor or input or button. HTML element, instead of using it from our design system. So these are some of the anti-patterns we wanted to identify. So using all this information that we got from this scanner, we were able to like display that information in our dashboard.

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