Video: Modern JavaScript: Leveling Up Arrays and Intl

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Since JavaScript releases new features every year now, you might miss some of the cool updates to built-in objects like Array and Intl. We'll explore new methods and objects like Array.fromAsync() and Intl.Segmenter, and show you how to navigate browser support for new features so you can remove external libraries or transpiling steps. 

This talk has been presented at JSNation US 2024, check out the latest edition of this JavaScript Conference.

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Hi, I'm Mariko from Chrome Developer Relations Team. Let's dive into the talk, leveling up JavaScript. I sat down and learned JavaScript. I sat down and learned ES6 again. TC39 has published a new version of JavaScript spec every year. I want to focus on the parts of JavaScript that got updates recently. So ArrayFlat creates a new flattened array. You can also pass a depth argument to flatten nested arrays. Another method, copyToReserve, creates a reversed copy of an array. There's also copy to sort, which creates a sorted copy of an array. Another useful method is array to spliced, which allows you to remove and add items to a copied array. Lastly, the array at method returns an item at a given index. Array at accepts negative numbers for reverse order lookup. Find last iterates in reverse order and returns the item or index. Copy to change the value at a given index with a function. Object group by allows grouping and creating a new object by type. JavaScript intl allows for word segmentation in different languages, improving readability. It also includes features like data type format, number format, and plural rules for locale-based results. Staying up to date on web features is challenging due to time-consuming research and potential errors in implementation. Baseline provides clear information on web platform features supported by major browsers, ensuring compatibility without issues. Baseline provides two levels of support: newly available and widely available. By aligning your project to Baseline, you can confidently avoid browser compatibility issues. You can use Baseline to keep up with what's new on the web by installing the Baseline widget. Websites and dashboards like feature explorer and web have been released. The project roadmap includes developer tooling and integrating Baseline into linters and actions. Check the RAM archive insights page for user data based on Baseline years. We are planning for more tools next year, including linting and AI integration.


The Baseline project provides clear information about which web platform features are supported across major browsers, helping developers assess feature interoperability and browser compatibility.

Mariko uses the handle 'kosamari' on most social platforms.

Tools like Babel became important for preprocessing JavaScript code in Mariko's development workflow.

Mariko discussed new array methods like Array.flat, Array.toReversed, Array.toSorted, and Array.toSpliced.

Baseline has three levels: Newly Available, Widely Available (30 months after becoming Newly Available), and Limited Availability.

Mariko learned JavaScript after switching from business development and product management to coding, starting with jQuery and later learning ES6.

The intl.segmentor helps segment text based on language-specific word boundaries, particularly useful for languages like Japanese that don't use spaces for word breaks.

Baseline provides information on feature support across major browsers, helping developers determine when a feature is safe to use without compatibility issues.

Mariko is from the Chrome Developer Relations Team.

ES6 introduced new ways to define variables, classes, arrow functions, and new data structures like sets and maps.

Mariko Kosaka
Mariko Kosaka
27 min
18 Nov, 2024


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