Another question is, are there any unique edge cases or difficulties for countries that have multiple dialects or languages? Let's say, for example, in Spain, you might run into Basquiat or Catalan. Yeah, it makes it just something to be aware of. There are a lot of countries that have different languages or even scripts within different languages. But usually if you define those in your locale string, and the user can also set their preferences either in their browser, or maybe if you're working on a website where people create a login, maybe you can have them set their preferences there, you should be able just to create a locale string with the country, the language, and the script and some of those other properties.
All right. Another question is how do you let translators translate the strings? That's a good question. I think that is entirely dependent and different for your organization and maybe what company you work for. If you don't work for a big company, you might use something like the Google translation API to bulk translate some of those strings. The company that I work for, we have a team of translators that specialize in lots of different languages, so they actually go in and manually translate a lot of the strings as well as using some machine learning APIs to also help out there. I think it just depends on how much translation infrastructure your company has and is willing to invest in.
Another question is, could you repeat the right-to-left CSS libraries that you were recommended? Recommend. I can. It wasn't like an exhaustive list by any means, and these slides will be posted that I can share. But the one that I'm using is RTL-CSSJS, that's the one that lets you do JavaScript objects in CSS in JS. Another one is RTL-CSS, it's like a normal CSS utility. And there was also JSS-RTL, which is for if you're writing CSS in JS with JSS. That's a lot of S's. Sorry. Yeah, there are lots of S's. The last question to you is, do you have any guides or websites, resources to look at for learning more about internationalization, and how to integrate those in your applications? Yeah, I have a page in GitHub that I can share, I can tweet it out, also, that has the resources for all the research that I did for this talk, and anything that I mentioned in this talk is also linked in there. The material design website has a really, really good spec for right-to-left languages that I found incredibly helpful. It's super detailed, it talks about specific icons and all the goods with RTL languages, so I'd definitely recommend that resource as well.
Yeah, thank you so much once again, Pete. It was such a delightful talk to watch. You gave so many good notes about internationalization, localization, and also to see so many people discussing about languages. It's really important, and just to give life to the application in general. Anything in particular that you'd like to add? No, I think, thank you so much for having me. I hope that this is an interesting topic to a lot of people. It sounds like a lot of people are speaking 3-4 languages, so this might hit home for a lot of people, which is awesome. Thank you so much, Daria, for giving us a really great talk and come here. Thank you so much. Of course. Thanks for having me.