
Internationalization (or i18n) is the process of designing and developing software applications in such a way that they can be adapted to different languages and regions without any changes to the underlying code. This is especially important for JavaScript-based applications, as it allows developers to create applications that can be used by people around the world without needing to rewrite or refactor the code. It also allows developers to easily switch between languages and regions without having to rebuild the entire application.
Ethically Wired: Computer Ethics for Technologists
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
9 min
Ethically Wired: Computer Ethics for Technologists
Computer ethics is the set of agreed upon principles that govern the use of technology, and integrating ethical frameworks into the decision-making process reflects a commitment to fostering a compassionate technological landscape. Incorporating ethics early in the product development cycle can avoid exclusions and financial losses, and can be done through premortems and check-ins. Promoting proactive inclusivity involves validating and prioritizing goals, conducting user testing, and following the Association for Computing Machinery's Code of Ethics. Additional resources include books on computer ethics and the Design Justice Network.
Internationalization (i18n) With AI-Powered Language Model
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
14 min
Internationalization (i18n) With AI-Powered Language Model
Today's Talk covers internationalization with the Powered Language Bundle and leveraging AI capabilities. It emphasizes the importance of planning AI roles and workflows, customizing content locally, and understanding different content types. The translation process involves linguistic analysis, accurate system instructions, and experimentation with different communication methods. The workflow includes using Express Server and Storybook for translations, connecting metadata with the user interface, and integrating AI technology responsibly for efficient and effective results.
i18n Was the Missing Piece: Let 70%+ of the Users in the World to Access Your Apps
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
13 min
i18n Was the Missing Piece: Let 70%+ of the Users in the World to Access Your Apps
Today's Talk explores the impact of I18n and DEX for developers, the challenges of I18n, and the importance of understanding different approaches. It discusses determining languages and regions using IP address, browser settings, and URL patterns. The Talk also covers translation loading, using the i18xProvider, and addressing issues such as URL parameters and maintaining translation files. Additionally, it explores connecting with a Content Management System, implementing folder level translation, and utilizing code splats for dynamic routes.
Localizing Your Remix Website
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
154 min
Localizing Your Remix Website
Harshil Agrawal
Harshil Agrawal
Localized content helps you connect with your audience in their preferred language. It not only helps you grow your business but helps your audience understand your offerings better. In this workshop, you will get an introduction to localization and will learn how to implement localization to your Contentful-powered Remix website.
Table of contents:- Introduction to Localization- Introduction to Contentful- Localization in Contentful- Introduction to Remix- Setting up a new Remix project- Rendering content on the website- Implementing Localization in Remix Website- Recap- Next Steps
Building JS Apps with Internationalization (i18n) in Mind
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
21 min
Building JS Apps with Internationalization (i18n) in Mind
This Talk discusses building JavaScript apps with internationalization in mind, addressing issues such as handling different name formats, using Unicode for compatibility, character encoding bugs, localization and translation solutions, testing in different languages, accommodating translated text in layouts, cultural considerations, and the importance of enabling different languages for users. The speaker also mentions various open source tools for internationalization. The Talk concludes with a reminder to avoid assumptions and embrace diversity in the World Wide Web.
Localization for Real-World Use-Cases: Key Learnings from Onboarding Global Brands
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
8 min
Localization for Real-World Use-Cases: Key Learnings from Onboarding Global Brands
I'm going to talk about localisation in the real world and how Sanity, a platform for structured content, focuses on content as data and flexible internationalization. Sanity allows for multiple languages in different markets, providing customization options for content visibility based on location. The platform offers a flexible approach to content creation and customization, allowing organizations to internationalize their content based on their specific needs. With Sanity's query language and the brand new version of Sanity Studio, developers have more flexibility than ever before.
How do Localise and Personalize Content with Sanity.io and Next.js
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
8 min
How do Localise and Personalize Content with Sanity.io and Next.js
Sanity.io provides a content platform for structured content that replaces traditional CMS. Their solution allows businesses to structure and query content anywhere using the Sanity studio and open source React application. The talk focuses on solving the challenge of sending personalized data to users in a static website environment using Next.js Vercel for hosting and Sanity for content querying and delivery. The Sanity studio allows for modeling pages, articles, and banners, with banners being shown to visitors based on their country. The solution involves using Grok queries to fetch the right banner based on country information, demonstrating personalization based on localization and dynamic content querying.
End-to-end i18n
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
26 min
End-to-end i18n
Thanks for joining my talk on end-to-end internationalization. I'll walk you through internationalizing a React app, covering translated strings, currency and date formatting, translator management, and injecting translated strings back into the app. The constants used throughout the app define localization settings and translations. The React Intel library is used for managing translations, and custom functions are created for consistent date and number formatting. The translation process involves extracting strings, using tools like PO Edit, and compiling the translated strings into JSON files for the React app.
Continuous Localization in Enterprise Web Projects
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
26 min
Continuous Localization in Enterprise Web Projects
Did you know that 50% of users will NOT use the English version of your application, if it supports multiple languages? For ambitious high-growth businesses, going global is not "if" but "when" so it's important to recognize the importance of localization, especially in large multi-team projects. This discussion will explore the depths of localization in Agile companies and what can be achieved with a Continuous Localization system. I'll share some common issues we faced with multi-language products and how localization automation helped us to scale the process across many product teams within the company.
Emoji Encoding, � Unicode, & Internationalization
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
34 min
Emoji Encoding, � Unicode, & Internationalization
This Talk explores the UTF-8 encoding and its relationship with emojis. It discusses the history of encoding, the birth of Unicode, and the importance of considering global usage when building software products. The Talk also covers JavaScript's encoding issues with Unicode and the use of the string.prototype.normalize method. It highlights the addition of emoji support in Unicode, the variation and proposal process for emojis, and the importance of transparency in emoji encoding. The Talk concludes with the significance of diverse emojis, the recommendation of UTF-8 for web development, and the need to understand encoding and decoding in app architecture.
Internationalizing React
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
29 min
Internationalizing React
The Talk discusses the challenges of adding and maintaining new languages in a React application and suggests ways to make the process easier. It defines internationalization as the process of architecting an application for localization and explains that localization involves adapting the content and experience for a specific locale. The speaker recommends using libraries for internationalization and provides resources for learning more about the topic. The Talk also addresses edge cases and difficulties with multiple dialects or languages, translation processes, and right-to-left CSS libraries.