Recreating urql's GraphQL cache on the edge

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The video covers the essential aspects of working with GraphQL, particularly focusing on caching and query handling. It starts by explaining the difference between GraphQL mutations and queries, noting that mutations are used for pushing data and queries for retrieving and caching data. The use of Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) is highlighted for identifying whether a query is a mutation or not. The video demonstrates how to leverage Cloudflare Workers and Wrangler CLI for deploying and managing GraphQL services on the edge. It also provides detailed steps on how to handle cache invalidation by extracting type names from responses and mutations. The speaker emphasizes the importance of type names in maintaining data consistency and cache invalidation. The video also covers how to use tools like AST Explorer and the 'visit' function to manipulate GraphQL queries efficiently. Additionally, it discusses the process for setting up a key-value store using Cloudflare KV and handling GraphQL requests and responses, including caching strategies and error handling.

From Author:

Table of contents:
- Deploying a premade GraphQL API
- Creating an edge worker + cache on Cloudflare
- Configuring caching based on typenames
- Adding invalidation based on mutation return types

This workshop has been presented at GraphQL Galaxy 2021, check out the latest edition of this Tech Conference.


The session is being wrapped up by Timo.

The content focuses on communication, conceptual understanding, and design.

You can create a basic graphical endpoint using the link provided in the chat.

You need to run npm install and then npm start to deploy services locally. Rangler, a CloudFlare CLI, will be used for deployment.

If you encounter a 403 error, try running wrangler init and ensure you are signed in with your CloudFlare account.

Cloudflare Workers can perform fetch requests and intercept requests, functioning similarly to service workers.

An AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) is a hierarchical representation of the source code. It is useful for parsing and manipulating queries in a normalized way.

You can identify it by checking if the operation type in the AST is 'query' or 'mutation'.

Type names are important for identifying the type of data returned by GraphQL queries and mutations, which helps in cache invalidation and maintaining data consistency.

Cache invalidation is handled by extracting type names from responses and mutations, then invalidating queries that depend on those type names.

Andy Richardson
Andy Richardson
114 min
13 Dec, 2021


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Video Transcription

1. Introduction to Coding and Communication

Short description:

Next we're gonna wrap up the session with Timo. Can he get started? Can you show him how to code a course? Tyto, can you explain the concept you're talking about? A lot of my content focuses on communication. I feel overwhelmed but passionate. We've had some requests to get data and do some validations. If you have a basic graphical endpoint, fantastic. If not, use the provided link to create one. We can use that for the workshop. Let me send you a repo. Now let's get started. Install dependencies with NPMCI and Rangler. Login with your CloudFlare account. Run npm start and handle the type error. Start making GraphQL requests. We should see them console logged in. Let's proxy the request and handle the error.

Next we're gonna wrap up the session with Timo. Can he get started? He's here with you, can't he Timo? Can you show him how to code a course? He must be. So let's go ahead and get him started. Tyto, can you explain conceptual you're talking about? And can you talk about communication and design?

Yeah, definitely. So a lot of my content right now focuses on communication. I feel a little bit overwhelmed. Not that I want to admit, but I'm a little overwhelmed because I am very, very passionate about communication and I've had some requests to get data, but we also want to do some invalidations. So if you have a basic, like for a graphical endpoint, fantastic, if you don't, just head over to this link in the chat. As you can create a super, super basic graphical endpoint. So in this example, it gives us like a little JSON schema. Just click extend JSON, deploy API. And then we get a little link here and now we can actually do some graphQL requests. So if I go into, if I go into Insomnia here and say, get users, for example, we should see, there we go. We got a bunch of users. So just make your own, if everyone has their own, you'll see you'll get like a little unique URL. Keep that safe. And we can use that for the rest of the workshop. Although if you, like I said, if you have a API that you want to use as well, graphical API, then you can use that instead. And I'll just put in still one in advance.

All right. And let me send you a repo as well. Cool. We've got our own repo and we just basically just some boilerplate to get started. So I will share my screen and let's, let's get started. So change my end point here. Let me make sure I'm on the right repo. Cool. So what we want to do, is if you just run NPMCI and we'll install some dependencies. And one of those things that will be installed, oops, let's try that again. One of those things that will be installed will be Rangler, which is a Cloudess CLI for deploying services, things like that. And we're actually going to need Rangler for this project, even though we're running it locally for now. So what you wanna do is if you just run, I'll put this in the chat. Npm bin Rangler login, something like this. If you're on Windows, it might be slightly different. It will give you a prompt to open a browser and just sign in with your CloudFlare account. It will give you a prompt to open a browser and just sign in with your CloudFlare account.

Cool, alright, I'm gonna assume that you're logged in. So everyone, if you just run now, npm run, I think it was dev, it's called a, oh yeah, npm start, there we go. If you're on npm start, what we're actually going to do now is get a type error, totally intentional, knew that was gonna happen. So let's just quickly just do a, let's do return null as any, and then let's just console log request and see what we get. And npm start, there we go. Cool, so in a second you'll get a little prompt, here we go, that we've got a server listening on this endpoint. And now we can basically start making GraphQL requests to this endpoint, we should see them console logged in. So I have a, I've got Insomnia here, but you can use Postman or Kill or whatever you want. I'm just gonna do H7, H7. Cool, so I'm gonna do a quick report. Let's proxy our request to that. And we get an error, work through exception. That's totally fine, that's because it didn't return. But what we should see is that parameter one is not typed.

2. Proxying Requests in Cloudflare Workers

Short description:

Let's proxy our request in Cloudflare Workers using fetch requests. We'll make a new request to our GraphQL endpoint, taking the necessary details from the fetch request. If you're experiencing a 403 error when signing in to Wrangler, try running Wrangler in it to set up your project. If that doesn't work, try removing the wrangler.toml file and running wrangler inherit. As long as the Annet works, we can proceed. If you're encountering errors when running Yarn start or NPM start, it's likely due to the Annet itself. Annet should create your Wrangler and an instance of the worker in Cloudflare.

Okay, let's ignore that. Let's proxy our request. So in Cloudflare Workers, you can do fetch requests. So, for example, if we want to do a request to Google, we need something like that. And it's just your standard like in-browser fetch request. And the environment we're in in a Cloudflare Worker is basically, they call it Worker because it's kind of like a service worker. There's some constraints as to what you can do in the environment. But in general, you can do things like fetch requests and intercept requests and things like that.

So what we're gonna do is, to start off with, we're just gonna do a fetch and we're gonna make a new request as part of this fetch. The destination is gonna be our GraphQL endpoint. So you'll see that we've got new request destination, and then the rest of it, the body, the headers, things like that, we're just gonna take from the request that's being passed to us from the fetch function.

So if I quickly do another request now, I'll work it through its section. What is going on? Hmm, anyone else getting this error? I was thinking I might've broken something beforehand. I guess not. Ah, there we go. Now it's working, all right so just give me a thumbs up in chat if you aren't getting that weird error that I totally was expecting not. Let's have a look. Okay so Marken's getting a 403, Rodrigo's getting a 403 as well. Okay you're all getting a 403. Okay so that probably means, okay cloud flag client V4 accounts, if you, okay so you're getting a 403 when you're signing in to Wrangler. Before you start, just try and run Wrangler in it so you can do that same thing again with npm bin if you want something like that and you should, in theory then, be set up to go. If you feel comfortable doing that, we can just add one as a console. We can just add one and then just do an empty VERTX and then once I'm done with that, I have a hidden flag here. Just a quick confirmation in the chat if that's working now. Oh, I see. Hm, interesting. Okay, let's have a quick look. Okay, so it looks like what you might need to do is just get rid of the, I'm just gonna try this very quickly. I just did a code break. And I got corrupted and I've found out that it's just because it's not TrueType API. So I'll use the normal module. If you guys can... Yes. Okay, so what we can do is if you just get rid of the wrangler.toml... I need it. No. If you just get rid of wrangler dot toml for now, in your projects. And then run wrangler inherit and in theory, then that should create a project. How's it going for you folks? Is that working now? Okay. Don't worry about that for now. As long as the Annet works, what I'm actually going to do is, we're going to take the, did install something, but now it's failing, same as Marcus, okay. And, am I right in thinking that that's failing when you run Yarn start now, right, or NPM start. The Annet itself is, I'm guessing it's passed. Oh, I'm sorry. Installed something and now it's failing, same as Marcus. Okay, cool. So, if you, what you would do is, we do want to use that previous Wrangler that we have. But, what happens on Annet, I'm pretty sure I need to double check this. It's been a while since I've done this. What Annet will do is probably create your Wrangler, but also create an instance of that worker in Cloudflare, which is the thing that we were missing, which is why it wasn't working.

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