TensorFlow.js 101: ML in the Browser and Beyond

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Discover how to embrace machine learning in JavaScript using TensorFlow.js in the browser and beyond in this speedy talk. Get inspired through a whole bunch of creative prototypes that push the boundaries of what is possible in the modern web browser (things have come a long way) and then take your own first steps with machine learning in minutes. By the end of the talk everyone will understand how to recognize an object of their choice which could then be used in any creative way you can imagine. Familiarity with JavaScript is assumed, but no background in machine learning is required. Come take your first steps with TensorFlow.js!

This talk has been presented at ML conf EU 2020, check out the latest edition of this Tech Conference.


Yes, TensorFlow.js can execute existing Python machine learning models through its Node.js implementation, which supports loading Keras models and TensorFlow Saved models without requiring conversion when executed server-side.

TensorFlow.js can run completely client-side in the browser, meaning that sensitive data does not need to be sent to a server for processing. This approach helps in preserving user privacy and complying with data protection regulations like GDPR.

TensorFlow.js is a library that allows you to run, retrain, or write your own machine learning models directly in JavaScript, enabling machine learning applications to be built in environments where JavaScript runs such as web browsers, servers, and mobile devices.

Using machine learning in JavaScript with TensorFlow.js allows deployment across diverse environments like web browsers, servers, and IoT devices without additional plugins. This approach offers powerful capabilities such as client-side execution, preserving privacy, reducing server costs, and enhancing interactivity and user experience.

Transfer learning in TensorFlow.js allows developers to retrain existing models with their own custom data, adapting pre-trained models to new, specific tasks without the need for extensive training data and computational resources.

TensorFlow.js enables machine learning models to run directly on client devices, utilizing hardware acceleration like GPUs and reducing latency for real-time applications. This setup can lead to cost savings and performance gains, especially in environments where quick data processing is crucial.

Performance of TensorFlow.js is competitive with TensorFlow in Python, especially when models run on Node.js with access to CPU and GPU resources similar to Python. JavaScript's just-in-time compilation can also offer additional performance boosts for certain tasks.

Yes, TensorFlow.js is accessible for developers with varying levels of expertise. It offers pre-made models and high-level APIs that simplify the integration of machine learning capabilities into applications without deep knowledge of underlying algorithms.

Pre-trained models in TensorFlow.js are easy-to-use JavaScript classes designed for common use cases such as object detection, body segmentation, and face landmark detection, allowing developers to incorporate machine learning features without starting from scratch.

Jason Mayes
Jason Mayes
41 min
02 Jul, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription
The video covers the use of TensorFlow.js for machine learning in the browser and beyond, emphasizing its versatility in various environments such as web browsers, servers, and mobile devices. TensorFlow.js allows developers to run, retrain, or write machine learning models directly in JavaScript, providing benefits like client-side execution and privacy preservation. Pre-trained models in TensorFlow.js, such as object detection, body segmentation, and face landmark detection, enable rapid prototyping and creative applications. The video also highlights the use of transfer learning to adapt pre-trained models to new tasks with custom data. JavaScript's interactivity and rich presentation capabilities make it ideal for integrating machine learning into web applications, offering performance benefits through hardware acceleration like GPUs. The talk also mentions the potential of TensorFlow.js to enhance various industries, including fashion and farming, by optimizing processes and improving user experiences. The video encourages developers to explore the TensorFlow.js ecosystem, including tools like Teachable Machine and Cloud AutoML, and to engage with the community for further learning and collaboration.

1. Introduction to TensorFlow.js

Short description:

Hello, everyone. I'm going to be talking to you about machine learning in the browser and beyond. JavaScript is one of the only languages that can run across all of these environments without additional plugins. TensorFlow.js is a great way to train your machine learning models. You can make anything you might dream up, from augmented reality to sentiment analysis. The easiest way is to use our pre-trained models, which include object detection, body segmentation, pose estimation, and face landmark detection. You can see this in action live in the browser, even using the webcam.

TensorFlow. Hello, everyone. I'm going to be talking to you about machine learning in the browser and beyond. So let's get started.

Now, first off, why would you want to use machine learning in JavaScript? That's a great question. And if we look here, we can see that we can use machine learning anywhere JavaScript can run, and that's actually a lot of places. The web browser, server side, desktop, mobile, and even Internet of Things. And JavaScript is one of the only languages that can run across all of these environments without additional plugins. And that alone is very, very powerful.

And with TensorFlow.js, you can run, retrain via transfer learning, or write your own machine learning models completely from scratch if you want to. And you can also use TensorFlow.js to run on your own machine learning models. So let's get started. So TensorFlow.js is a great way to train your machine learning models, and you can run, retrain, or write your own machine learning models completely from scratch if you choose to do so, just like you might be doing in Python right now, but in JavaScript. And that means you can make anything you might dream up, from augmented reality, sound recognition, sentiment analysis, and much, much more. It's really up to you what you create.

So the easiest way is to use our pre-trained models. These are super easy to use JavaScript classes for many common use cases, like we can see on the current slide. And here, we can see things like object detection, body segmentation, pose estimation, face landmark detection, and much, much more. Even natural language processing is supported in the browser. So let's see some of these in action. Now, first up is object recognition. This is using Cocoa SSD behind the scenes, and is trained on 90 object classes. You can see this in action on the right-hand side, with the dogs being highlighted with their bounding boxes, and we can even know that there's two dogs in this image as both are returned to us. So let's see this in action live to see how it performs in the browser.

Okay, so here's a web page I created that's running this code live in Chrome, and if I click on any one of these images, I can now get object detection working for any objects it finds in those images, even if it's different object class types. But we can do better than this, we can actually enable the webcam and then do this live in realtime, and you can see me talking to you right now, and you can see how it's classifying both myself and the bed in the background sometimes as I speak to you. And this is super cool, because not only is this running at a client-side script, this is running client-side in a browser, so that means none of this webcam imagery is being sent to a server for classification. Not only does that save costs, it also means my privacy is preserved, and that's a really big thing these days. And with TensorFlow.js, you can get that for free. So next up, we've got face mesh.

2. Face Mesh, Body Segmentation, and Pose Estimation

Short description:

This part introduces the face mesh feature, which can recognize 468 facial landmarks on the human face. It also showcases the real-time performance of face mesh in a web browser, with the ability to move the face around and see the mesh overlay. Additionally, the use of body segmentation and pose estimation is demonstrated, highlighting the creative potential of these models.

This is just 3 megabytes in size and can recognize 468 facial landmarks on the human face. And this is a really cool feature, and I'm going to show you how to use it on the slide right now.

Now, people are starting to use this for real-world use cases, such as L'Oreal, and they've created AR makeup try-on, which allows you to try on lipstick in this case in realtime without even having to be there physically present in the store. So you should note, the lady on the right-hand side is not wearing any lipstick. We're using face mesh to understand where her lips are, and how to apply the lipstick she wants on her face in realtime. So this is super cool, and I'm sure we're going to see more stuff like this coming out in the future.

So let's see face mesh in action to see how it performs in the real world. Let's switch to the demo. Okay, so now you can see me talking to you with face mesh running in realtime in the web browser at the same time. On the left-hand side here, you can see the machine learning in action, and there is indeed a mesh of my face being overlaid on the web browser, and I can move my face around, and it's pretty robust. I can open and close my mouth and my eyes, and you can see that happening all in realtime. And we're getting a pretty solid 25 frames a second or so as I'm running on my GPU via WebGL.

Now, of course, I'm also streaming this live, so I'm using some of my GPU resources right now. I could get higher frames per second if I desired, but I can also switch as a developer to Wasm, which is WebAssembly, to execute on a CPU, or I can choose to execute on the CPU by itself, which is the slowest form of execution. So there's a number of options on where you can deploy to. And because this is JavaScript, not only am I doing the machine learning there on the left-hand side, I'm also able to render this 3D point cloud of the results on the right-hand side using 3.js. And JavaScript from day one has been designed for the presentation and display of information, so you've got a lot of libraries, especially for 3D graphics, to be able to do this very, very easily. And you can see I can move it around and now inspect my face from different angles, which is being constructed in realtime live in the browser.

Okay, back to the slides. So next up is body segmentation. This allows you to distinguish 24 body areas across multiple bodies all in realtime. You can see this is an action on the slide, and on the right-hand side, we've got a number of lines that represent different parts of each body. Even better, we've got pose estimation going on at the same time, those light blue lines contained with each one of the bodies on the right-hand side there, which allow us to estimate where the human skeleton is. And with that, that can enable really powerful demos, such as the ability to recognize when you're in a certain pose, or a gesture, or something like this. And we've got a lot of great data from our yoga instructors and this kind of stuff, so it's super cool to see the creative potential of this model. And in fact, with a bit of creativity, we can use things like body pics in a number of delightful ways. Here's just two examples I created in my spare time. On the left-hand side, you can see me becoming invisible as I walk around on my bed, and notice when I walk on the bed, the bed still deforms. And with this static image, I'm able to calculate the background updates in real-time and only remove my body from the parts where my body actually is. And of course, it's not perfect, but it's the first steps, and this was made in just a day.


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What are you working on right now?Recently I've taken a pretty big break from side projects, but the next one I'd like to work on is a prototype of a tool that would allow hands-free coding using gaze detection. 
Do you have some rituals that keep you focused and goal-oriented?Usually, when I come up with a side project idea I'm really excited about, that excitement is enough to keep me motivated. That's why I tend to avoid spending time on things I'm not genuinely interested in. Otherwise, breaking down projects into smaller chunks allows me to fit them better in my schedule. I make sure to take enough breaks, so I maintain a certain level of energy and motivation to finish what I have in mind.
You wrote a book called Practical Machine Learning in JavaScript. What got you so excited about the connection between JavaScript and ML?The release of TensorFlow.js opened up the world of ML to frontend devs, and this is what really got me excited. I had machine learning on my list of things I wanted to learn for a few years, but I didn't start looking into it before because I knew I'd have to learn another language as well, like Python, for example. As soon as I realized it was now available in JS, that removed a big barrier and made it a lot more approachable. Considering that you can use JavaScript to build lots of different applications, including augmented reality, virtual reality, and IoT, and combine them with machine learning as well as some fun web APIs felt super exciting to me.

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