SubscribeWebGPU is a web API that allows developers to access the power of the GPU (graphics processing unit) for 3D graphics and compute purposes. It provides an interface for developers to access the underlying hardware capabilities of the GPU, allowing them to create high-performance applications in JavaScript. WebGPU is designed to be cross-platform, allowing developers to create applications that can run on any device with a compatible GPU.
Embracing WebGPU and WebXR With Three.js
JSNation 2024

27 min
Embracing WebGPU and WebXR With Three.js
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The 3JS project has evolved into a community-driven effort with numerous contributors over the past 14 years. It started with 3D engine work in Flash and transitioned to using SVGs for rendering in HTML5 before adopting WebGL. The project showcases various projects and frameworks, including a no-code tool powered by 3.js. The team is working on a new render using WebGPU and developing a new shader language called TSL. The hope is that WebGPU will eventually replace WebGL, offering better control and performance.
Migration from WebGL to WebGPU
JS GameDev Summit 2023

21 min
Migration from WebGL to WebGPU

This talk explores the differences between WebGL and WebGPU, with a focus on transitioning from WebGL to WebGPU. It discusses the initialization process and shader programs in both APIs, as well as the creation of pipelines in WebGPU. The comparison of uniforms highlights the use of uniform buffers for improved performance. The talk also covers the differences in conventions between WebGL and WebGPU, including textures, viewport and clip spaces. Lastly, it mentions the differences in depth range and projection matrix between the two APIs.
React + WebGPU + AI – What Could Go Wrong? 😳
JSNation 2023

31 min
React + WebGPU + AI – What Could Go Wrong? 😳
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With AI and web GPU, it's an exciting time to be a developer. The speaker's journey involves combining programming and design, leading to the creation of Pure Blue, a powerful programming environment. Adding AI to the mix, the speaker discusses the potential of AI in the creative process and its impact on app development. The talk explores the role of React components and WebGPU in enabling fine-grained editing and running AI models locally. The future of app development is discussed, emphasizing the need to stay ahead of the curve and leverage the power of JavaScript.
Makepad - Leveraging Rust + Wasm + WebGL to Build Amazing Cross-platform Applications
JSNation 2022

22 min
Makepad - Leveraging Rust + Wasm + WebGL to Build Amazing Cross-platform Applications
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Welcome to MakePad, a new way to build UI for web and native using WebAssembly and Rust. JavaScript is not suitable for complex applications like IDEs and design tools. Rust, a new programming language, was used to reimagine MakePad, resulting in a fast and efficient platform. MakePad offers live editing, high CPU performance, and the ability to load native instrument components. The future of MakePad includes an open-source release, a design tool, and support for importing 3D models.
Unreal Engine in WebAssembly/WebGPU
JS GameDev Summit 2022

33 min
Unreal Engine in WebAssembly/WebGPU
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Alex Saint-Louis, co-founder of Wunder Interactive, shares the mission of bringing Unreal Engine to the browser, enabling cross-platform 3D applications and games. They are working on a WebGPU back end for Unreal Engine to push the limits of 3D on the web. Wunder Interactive has improved compression, built their own asset file system, and offers powerful tools for game developers. They are utilizing modern web technologies like WebAssembly, WebGL, and WebGPU, and plan to support other engines like Unity and Godot. The team aims to transform the industry by bringing console-quality games to the browser and providing an alternative distribution path. They are excited to bring Unreal Engine 5 to the web with WebGPU support and are working on WebXR support for cross-platform 3D experiences, including VR.
Extending Unity WebGL With Javascript
JS GameDev Summit 2022

32 min
Extending Unity WebGL With Javascript
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Unity targets over 25 platforms and technologies, including desktop, mobile, and virtual reality. They use Emscripten to compile the engine and game logic into WebAssembly for web development. Unity can be extended with plugins to access browser features like WebXR's augmented reality mode. The speaker demonstrates intercepting Unity's calls to the browser to modify its behavior. Unity is actively working on mobile support for web export and improving documentation for extending Unity with web plugins.
What Can you Do with WebGPU?
What Can you Do with WebGPU?

WebGPU is an upcoming web API that provides low-level access to the GPU, offering better performance and enabling new rendering techniques. It allows for the use of compute shaders, which provide more control over memory synchronization and threading, and can be used for general computation on a GPU. WebGPU opens up possibilities for unique effects in games and promises future support for ray tracing in browsers.