Liad Yosef
Liad is the Frontend Architect in Shopify, in charge of its client-side infrastructure, technologies, and performance.
He is a web dev enthusiast for over a decade, juggling React, Webpack and Buzzwords@latest in order to always build the best user experience.
reactsvgperformancereact querytestingnext.jscareerbest practicesblockchainreact nativeadvancedjamstackheadlesstypescriptdesign systemsreact componentsscalabilitycore web vitalsjavascriptbuild toolsvitetoolingstate managementteam productivitycomponent librarynode.jscode qualitywebglyarnweb componentswebassemblysecurity testinganimationsdevtoolsapi securityweb developmenttensorflowmicroservicescssreact hooksfullstackclouddevopssoft skillsssrframeworksaccessibilitycypresse2e testingautomationunit testinggithub actionsmicro-frontendsdatabaseproductivitygraphqllambdauser interfaceswebpackweb appsfrontendmachine learning
Dear Client, I'm Leaving You
React Summit 2022

21 min
Dear Client, I'm Leaving You

With React Server Components and React’s new suspense SSR capabilities, we get an paradigm shift in the world of client/server side rendering. The pendulum that started in plain HTML pages, quickly swinged to all-client-rendering, is now returning to the server side. Emerging frameworks like Next.js and Remix usher a new era of web development, one where SSR is a first class citizen. In this talk we deep dive into those React features, talk about the state of the art practices regarding server rendering, and maybe get a glimpse into the exciting future of front-back-full-stack relationships.
Build a 3D Solar System with Hand Recognition and Three.js
JSNation 2022

36 min
Build a 3D Solar System with Hand Recognition and Three.js
Top Content
We live in exciting times. Frameworks like TensorFlowJS allow us to harness the power of AI models in the browser, while others like Three.js allow us to easily create 3D worlds. In this talk we will see how we can combine both, to build a full solar system, in our browser, using nothing but hand gestures!
Games Are Smarter Than Us
React Summit 2020

26 min
Games Are Smarter Than Us

JS awsomeness beyond webpages. First we'll write a cool 2D game (in Javascript) - and then - write AI code (in Javascript!) that will be able to win this game for us. Oh, what a time to be alive!
Micro-scopes – How to Build a Modular Modern App in a Bundled World
JSNation Live 2021

21 min
Micro-scopes – How to Build a Modular Modern App in a Bundled World

In this talk we will explore the great benefits of breaking a big modern app to meaningful, independent pieces – each can be built, deployed and loaded separately. We will discuss best practices and gotchas when trying to apply this microservice-like pattern to the chaotic world of the browser, and we'll see how building the right pieces guarantees a brighter future for your apps. Let's dive into Neverendering story of modern front-end architecture.