1. Managing Complexity in Large React Applications
Hi React Summit, my name is Maxi Ferreira and today I want to share with you some of my thoughts on managing complexity in large React applications. We often imagine complexity as growing linearly over time, but it tends to grow exponentially. I will define complexity as anything that makes the system harder to change or understand. I will share my favorite three strategies and techniques to help you manage this growing complexity in large React projects.
Hi React Summit, my name is Maxi Ferreira and today I want to share with you some of my thoughts on one of my favorite topics, which is managing complexity in large React applications. But before we start, let's picture the journey of any large project. We might imagine that it will go something like this, we're going to make steady progress over time until we finally reach the finish line, we ship to production and we go out to celebrate with our team.
In reality, though, it's much more likely that it will go something like this. Things get messy in the middle. Features now take forever to ship, tech dev accumulates very rapidly and the finish line seems to get farther away each day. The reason this happens is that we often imagine complexity as growing linearly over time. The more progress we make, the more complex the codebase grows, and we sort of expect that. But more often than not, complexity tends to grow exponentially. So when we're only halfway through the project, we can see that complexity is not slowing down. It can feel quite overwhelming.
For the purpose of this talk, we're going to define complexity as anything that makes the system harder to change or harder to understand. What I like about this definition is that we can flip it and we get exactly what we need to do to achieve simplicity, which is making things easy to change and easier to understand. So today I want to share with you my favorite three strategies and techniques to help you manage this growing complexity in large React projects, which I'm hoping will be useful, especially if you're in the messy middle of your project right now.
2. Component Composition in React
Component composition allows for flexibility in React applications. By breaking down a large component into smaller ones, we can make changes without adding numerous props. However, too much composition can make a component harder to use.
The first one is component composition. So what do I mean by this? Here we have a location card component that takes a couple props and renders this beautiful card that we see on the right. It looks quite nice actually and it's definitely simple and easy to use. The problem with this component is that it's not very flexible so if you want to make a simple change like hiding that add to favorites button that we see there on the bottom right, then our only option is to add another prop. That's not too bad. It's just an extra prop and the component is still quite simple and easy to use. But now we get a new requirement. We also want to make a change to the label of the button in some parts of the application. Okay, I guess we can add another prop for that. And this is still okay. But we have to be careful here because now we open the door for customizing anything in this component via its interface. So guess what's gonna happen next time someone else is asked to change the color of the button in some part of the app? They're gonna add another prop. We can see how this can get out of hand pretty quickly.
3. Improving Design with Component Composition
Component composition allows for flexibility in React applications. By breaking down a large component into smaller ones, we can make changes without adding numerous props. However, too much composition can make a component harder to use.
So let's see how we can improve this design with component composition. We still have a location card component here that handles maybe the layout of the component. But now it doesn't take any props. Instead we're defining the contents of the card via child components. So now it's much more flexible. If you wanna hide the favorite button like we did before, you can just target that element in the JSX and remove it. And there we go. We wanna change the label and the color of the button. Well, the button is right there. So we can make the change in the button directly without having to change any other part of the component.
The important thing to keep in mind here is that with composition, there is usually a trade-off between flexibility and ease of use. We can break down a large component into lots of smaller ones, and this will make things super flexible. But with a lot of little pieces, the component becomes harder to use. At the other end of the spectrum, we have a very simple component that is not very flexible at all, like our initial example of the location car component. So usually, you want to be somewhere in the middle when it comes to composition. And this will give you the right level of composition for the problem that you're trying to solve.
Now how do we find this sweet spot? This brings me to my second point, which is to use the modules. This is a concept that comes from the book a philosophy of software design, which is one of my favorite books, and talks about module depth as a trade-off between cost and benefit. Any module, it could be a function, a class, or a React component has essentially two parts. It has an interface, which in the case of a React component, this is the props of the component. And it has a piece of functionality, which is what the module does. A deep module is one that provides powerful functionality via simple interface. A shallow module on the other hand, is one that provides very little functionality compared to the complexity of its interface. So let's see an example of a deep React component. This FileAbloader component, you know, it has a ton of functionality. It takes care of validation, drag and drop, the actual file uploading, including the error handling. And at the same time, the interface is very simple. It only has two props. The implementation of this component is probably very complex. But because of the simplicity of the interface, that complexity is nicely encapsulated.
4. Managing Complexity and Reducing Cognitive Load
Component complexity can spread throughout the codebase. It's important to control the evolution of abstractions and reduce cognitive load. By minimizing the information needed for simple changes, we can make development easier. One example is declaring access rights in component lists. Other strategies include clear variable names, good comments, predefined design patterns, and documenting important decisions. Simplicity is difficult, but we can slow down complexity's growth.
It doesn't leak to the rest of the system. Compare that to this button component. One could argue that it doesn't do much compared to the complexity of its interface. More importantly, we can see that it's mixing several concerns here. We have the concerns of the button itself, but we also have the concerns of the icon and the tooltip. So not only the implementation of this component is likely very complex, but it's also spreading that complexity through the rest of the codebase.
It's important to know that nobody sets out to build something very complex from the start. Things usually start simple, like our initial implementation of the location card. This was a powerful component with a simple interface. It was a deep module, until it wasn't. So it's important that we control this evolution to make sure that the abstractions we implemented in the beginning are still the right solutions to the problems that we have today.
And this brings me to my final technique for managing complexity, which is aiming your efforts at reducing cognitive load. By this, I mean minimizing the amount of information you need to keep in your head to make a simple change. Take this component, for example. It's a grid of links to different parts of the app that users will see in their dashboards, but different users will see different links depending on which type of user they are and also on which plan they have. For example, a regular user on the basic plan will only see these four links. Now imagine we want to make a change, like adding a new link to this particular group of users. Here's what the implementation looks like. It's pretty clean, and I see that I have a list of links there, so I know that's where I need to go and add my new link. I see that we're filtering the links based on the user and the plan, which is great because that's exactly what I need to do, and then we're just rendering the links.
Now this filter links function seems important. I know I need to go in there and change the logic somehow so that it shows my new link to the right sets of users, and when I open this function we might find something that looks like this. Now this is a particularly messy implementation, so don't look too much into it. The important point here is that I now need to completely understand this filtering logic to make my simple small change. So I need to load all of this information in my head in order to make the change. Now imagine if the grid component looks something like this instead. It's very similar and I still have a list of links, but now you see that I can declare which users and plants have access to the link right in the list. So all I need to do is add a new item here and I can move on with my day. Notice that we're still calling the filter links function and for all I care about that function can be very very complex, but now I don't even need to open this function to make that change. I'm spared from having to load all of that logic in my head. This is just one example of how we can reduce cognitive load in our app. Other things we can do include using clear variable names so we don't have to guess what a component or a variable does, writing good comments that don't repeat the code but instead they explain the why and the how, using predefined design patterns because we already have a shared understanding of how they work, and documenting important decisions somewhere, particularly those high level decisions that they just don't belong in a code comment.
The core message of this talk is that simplicity is very hard. Making things easy to change and easy to understand is definitely possible but it's not easy at all. Complexity is an impossible enemy. We can never completely eliminate it but we do have some level of control over its growth and I hope that you can use some of the strategies that we covered today to slow it down before it takes over your code base. If you enjoy talking about complexity, software design and architecture you can find me online as charca in all the socials and also on my website frontend.skl where I write about software design and architecture for frontend developers.