December 8 - 12, 2023
React Day Berlin
Berlin & Online

React Day Berlin 2023

Build apps, not walls

Take part in the exploration of the React universe! Focusing on in-depth talks, hands-on workshops, and developing new opportunities, the main React Conference in Germany provides space for everyone to make friends and collaborate on stellar apps.

This edition of the event has finished, the latest updates of this React Conference are available on the Brand Website.
Miguel Ángel Durán
Miguel Ángel Durán
midudev, Spain
Talk: Panel discussion "Innovation in React", Crafting Pristine React: Best Practices for Maintainable Code
Miguel has dedicated over 15 years to web programming and technology. With a deep passion for coding, he has also ventured into the realm of content creation, managing one of Twitch's leading channels in the "Software & Game Development" category. His mission has always been simple: share knowledge and empower others. Whether coding or streaming, Miguel continues to influence and inspire developers at all stages of their careers.
Eddie Jaoude
Eddie Jaoude
EddieHub, UK
Talk: How MDX is a game changer for your React Project's Documentation
Eddie is an Open Source fullstack and DevRel expert, with experience in Javascript, Typescript, SQL, NoSQL, automation testing and DevOps. The foundation of Eddie's tech ethos is Open Source, as there is something in it for everyone. Eddie founded the EddieHub community to foster collaboration, communication and career development. Eddie received the GitHub Star of the Year 2020 Award, GitHub Community Growth Award 2021 and GitHub Teacher of the Year Award 2022.
Matt Pocock
Matt Pocock
Independent, UK
Talk: React's Most Useful Types
Matt is an independent TypeScript educator, building awesome self-paced courses at Total TypeScript.
Cory House
Cory House, USA
Talk: Managing React State: 10 Years of Lessons Learned
Cory is founder of reactjsconsulting, where he helps companies transition to React. He is a Pluralsight author, 9 time Microsoft MVP, and international speaker. He has trained over 10,000 software developers at conferences and businesses worldwide. Cory has authored over a dozen courses on JavaScript, React, C#, automated testing, and web development on Pluralsight. He shares software development tips daily on Twitter as @housecor.
Tejas Kumar
Tejas Kumar
Consultant, Germany
Talk: React Server Components, Panel discussion "Innovation in React"
Tejas Kumar is an international keynote speaker, best selling author, and host of the developer-loved ConTejas Code podcast with an engineering background spanning 23 years, from design to frontend to backend to devops. Today, Tejas shares talks at large with developer communities worldwide, equipping them to do their best work.
Aiden Bai
Aiden Bai
Dimension (, USA
Talk: Virtual DOM: Back in Block
Aiden Bai is a frontend performance engineer with a passion for efficient developer tools. He's the creator of Million.js and React Scan, and is the resident performance nerd at Dimension.
Mark Erikson
Mark Erikson, USA
Talk: Panel discussion "Innovation in React", What's New in Redux Toolkit 2.0
Mark Erikson is a Senior Front-End Engineer at Replay, and lives in southwest Ohio, USA. Mark is a Redux maintainer, creator of Redux Toolkit, and general keeper of the Redux docs. He tweets at @acemarke, and blogs at He spends much of his time answering questions about React and Redux anywhere there's a comment box on the internet, and usually hangs out in the Reactiflux chat channels.
Tobias Koppers
Tobias Koppers
Vercel, Germany
Talk: Rethinking Bundling Strategies
Creator of Webpack and Turbopack. Father of two children. Likes to play board games.
Medhat Dawoud
Medhat Dawoud
Miro, Netherlands
Talk: Daily Brush for Website Speed: Embrace the Performance Budget Ritual
Medhat is a Senior Software Engineer at Miro and a Google Developer Expert in Web Performance with extended experience in several web technologies, through his writings on his blog, online video courses, and talks he likes to share learnings, tips to write cleaner/reusable code, and useful DevTools, also he likes to speak about web performance and how to ship a fast and accessible web application to everyone
Jesse Hall
Jesse Hall
MongoDB, USA
Talk: OpenAI in React: Integrating GPT-4 with Your React Application
Jesse Hall, aka @codeSTACKr, is an accomplished full-stack developer with a dedication to teaching others about web development. By leveraging his self-taught experience, he creates engaging and informative content through articles, videos, live streaming, and interactive presentations. His areas of focus include JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Node.js, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and MongoDB. In his pursuit of knowledge sharing, Jesse continually updates his skills and techniques to provide cutting-edge insights and tutorials for web developers of all levels.
Daishi Kato
Daishi Kato
Zustand, Jotai & Waku author, Japan
Talk: Exploring React Server Component Fundamentals
React library author, maintaining three state management libraries, Zustand, Jotai, Valtio, and React Server Components framework, Waku. More links:
Jani Eväkallio
Jani Eväkallio
Software Engineer, UK
Talk: Durable Objects - Everything Everywhere All At Once For Not Very Much Money
Jani Eväkallio is a full-stack software engineer living the startup life in London.
Mike Hartington
Mike Hartington
Talk: To App or Not: When to Choose Native or Web
Mike is a developer, Angular GDE, and Director of Developer Relations at Nx. Big fan of the web, helping people, and building cool stuff.
Nitin Kumar
Nitin Kumar
Razorpay, India
Talk: The Anatomy of Webpack: A Deep Dive Into Its Architecture
I am a frontend engineer and an open-source maintainer based in India. I am currently helping in the development and maintenance of the ESLint and the webpack ecosystem. If I’m not coding, I’m definitely watching Anime!
Sanket Sahu
Sanket Sahu
GeekyAnts, India
Talk: WordPress-like Plugins, but for Next.js
I found my love for computers at the age of 8 and haven’t looked back ever since. I built a bunch of products (builderX) and OSS (NativeBase) and lead a consulting company of 500+ folks. I am very fortunate to combine my two passions, design and code, into what I do for a living. I am Sanket, founder at GeekyAnts and still a developer at heart. Currently, I spend my days in my self designed caravan, learning what it’s like to live as a digital nomad and I can’t wait to share my stories with you!
Josh Goldberg
Josh Goldberg
Open Source, USA
Talk: Type System React
Hi, I’m Josh! I’m an independent full time open source developer. I work on projects in the TypeScript ecosystem, most notably typescript-eslint: the tooling that enables ESLint and Prettier to run on TypeScript code. I’m also the author of the O’Reilly Learning TypeScript book, a Microsoft MVP for developer technologies, and an active conference speaker. My personal projects range from static analysis to meta-languages to recreating retro games in the browser. Also cats.
Ivan Akulov
Ivan Akulov
Framer, Netherlands
Talk: Brace Your React, New Core Web Vitals are Coming
Ivan is a: • Google Developer Expert • Sr Web Performance Engineer at Framer • Prev. web perf consultant (Google, Toggl, Appsmith, etc.) Outside of work, Ivan enjoys exploring modern art, discovering lesser-known electronic and techno artists, and obsessing over serif typefaces.
Manjula Dube
Manjula Dube
Vanguard, Germany
Talk: Empathy Driven Development
Manjula loves contributing to OSS in her free time. She loves teaching and believes it is best way to learn more and more. She is one of the organisers for React India.
Nicola Corti
Nicola Corti
Meta, UK
Talk: The day I broke React Native
Nicola Corti is a software engineer in the React Native Core team at Meta, where he helps to build one of the most popular cross-platform mobile framework. Nicola is also a Google Developer Expert for Kotlin, and he is the maintainer of several open-source libraries and tools for Android developers. His involvement in the ecosystem goes from speaking at international conferences to being a member of CFP committees, and supporting developer communities across Europe. In his free time, he loves running! Specifically, running a podcast (The Developers' Bakery - all about Open source) and running Marathons!
Luca Casonato
Luca Casonato
Deno, Netherlands
Talk: Javascript Should Come With Batteries
I'm a developer and open source enthusiast. I like Rust, Go, TypeScript, and fast websites. I work at the Deno company, building Deno and Deno Deploy, and serving as a delegate at TC39.
Carmen Huidobro
Carmen Huidobro
Directus, Austria
Carmen Huidobro is a developer advocate and dev education enthusiast. She thrives on lifting others up in their tech careers and loves a good CSS challenge. Always excited to talk about teaching tech, especialmente en Español, oder auf Deutsch.
Sylwia Vargas
Sylwia Vargas
Inngest, UK
Talk: Panel discussion "Innovation in React"
Sylwia (pronounced "Sylvia") is a developer advocate at Inngest, a tech writer, and an educator passionate about making tech accessible and diverse. She is a co-organizer at React Robins, a community for women and non-binary React devs. Aside from tech, she’s working on a card game and loves hiking, biking, pierogi, and plants.
Szymon Rybczak
Szymon Rybczak
Callstack, Poland
Talk: Bringing React Server Components to React Native
I'm 17 years old React Native Developer at Callstack. I'm the youngest ever React Native contributor, and React Native CLI maintainer
Theodore Vorillas
Theodore Vorillas
Proxima Analytics, Greece
Talk: How to Automatically Consume APIs with React
I’m Theodore, a software engineer, educator and speaker based in Athens, Greece. I’m currently working as an independent engineer, helping companies build and promote their products. In the meantime, I’m also developing Proxima Analytics - an open source, privacy-first analytics platform.
Facundo Giuliani
Facundo Giuliani
Storyblok, Argentina
Talk: Pushing Boundaries to the Edge
Among the different things that Facundo enjoys, some of them are meeting and connecting with other people, web development, and talking a lot. After more than 12 years working as a developer, creating products and projects for different organizations and clients, he thought it would be great to combine those three interests in some way. In his search of ways to handle that, he discovered the world of Developer Relations. Nowadays, Facundo works as a DevRel Engineer at Storyblok, and he spends his time engaging with the dev community, speaking at events and conferences, creating and sharing content, writing articles for different websites and platforms, leading workshops, and talking (of course). He is one of the organizers of React Buenos Aires, the biggest React community in Argentina. He has been selected Prisma Ambassador, Auth0 Ambassador, and Cloudinary Media Developer Expert.
Lazar Nikolov
Lazar Nikolov
Sentry, Canada
Talk: Deconstructing Distributed Tracing
Lazar Nikolov is a full-stack developer with a passion for creating dynamic and scalable web applications. With experience across both frontend and backend technologies, Lazar enjoys digging into everything from React and JavaScript to server-side development. As a dedicated educator, Lazar shares insights and knowledge through YouTube tutorials, online courses, and his own Discord server at
Atila Fassina
Atila Fassina
CrabNebula, Germany
Talk: Understanding Rendering Patterns
Atila is a self-taught developer and content creator who shares knowledge as a mean to learn things better. He's being working with web developments for sometime now. In Brazil and in Europe. Either speaking at conferences, recording videos on his youtube channel, or writing articles on Smashing Magazine,, and his personal blog.
Elian Van Cutsem
Elian Van Cutsem
React Bricks, Belgium
Mentorship available
Talk: All Things Astro, Panel discussion "Innovation in React"
Lead DevRel at React Bricks and Astro Maintainer Former Astro core team and Astro Maintainer Elian, works in the Developer Experience field. Specifically focusing on user experience, documentation, developer guidance, and developer education side of things. After hours, he helps organize BeJS, React Paris, React Brussels, and React Africa. Next to that, he organises the meetups in his hometown. Known for his passion, puns, and innovative approach to delivering exceptional user experiences, Elian brings a unique blend of technical expertise and creativity to his talks. Guaranteed fun on stage.
Maya Nedeljković Batić
Maya Nedeljković Batić
Linear, Serbia
Talk: Multiplayer Games with React Three Fiber and WebSockets
Maya is a software engineer who has been creating complex frontend products for almost a decade. From workflow editors and no-code expert knowledge automation, to data labeling tools for image, video and medical data, she’s seen it all—or at least a lot of it. She studied fine arts painting and game development, but her passion is JavaScript and the web. She is bridging the gap between these different worlds with explorations in Three.js, WebGL, and 3D art.
Daniel Afonso
Daniel Afonso
PagerDuty, Portugal
Talk: A Nerdy Guide to the Web Trending Concepts
Daniel Afonso is a Senior Developer Advocate at PagerDuty, SolidJS DX team member, Instructor at, and Author of State Management with React Query. Daniel has a full-stack background, having worked with different languages and frameworks on various projects from IoT to Fraud Detection. He is passionate about learning and teaching and has spoken at multiple conferences around the world about topics he loves. In his free time, when he's not learning new technologies or writing about them, he's probably reading comics or watching superhero movies and shows.
Islem Maboud
Islem Maboud
Toptal, Algeria
Talk: SOLIDify Your React Code
Full Stack Software Engineer at Toptal and Content Creator on Youtube
Evyatar Alush
Evyatar Alush
Meta, Israel
Talk: CSS Only* Search: Improve React Filtering Performance with CSS!
Evyatar is a Front End Engineer at Meta. He is a strong advocate for open source software and is the author of several high-profile projects, including Vest validation framework and emoji-picker-react. Evyatar is passionate about API design, dev ergonomics, and building tools for developers.
Tiger Oakes
Tiger Oakes
Microsoft, USA
Talk: Hacking an e-Reader to Show My Tea Menu With JSX
After growing up with dead zones in Hawaii, Tiger wants to make apps that work offline and load fast. Today, he programs web apps as a senior engineer at Microsoft. Tiger is an enthusiastic member of the W3C working on new standards for the web, and has previously worked on Microsoft Edge, Firefox for Android, and Google Chrome. He creates art projects out of old devices, including junk phone wall decor and an e-reader tea menu. In his spare time, Tiger performs improv with his wife.
Giulio Zausa
Giulio Zausa, Austria
Talk: How Much RAM Is Your UseMemo Using? Let’s Profile It!
Giulio is an Italian software engineer working at Flux and contributing to open source with Poimandres. He's deeply passionate about pushing the web platform to its limits, building things like custom React reconcilers, real-time computer vision on Web Workers and flex layout engines for THREE.js.
Nicolas Dubien
Nicolas Dubien
Pigment, France
Talk: Break the Race: Easy Race Condition Detection for React
Nicolas is a developer at Pigment. He is the author and main contributor of the JavaScript open source library fast-check.
Karan Kiri
Karan Kiri
Fabric, India
Talk: How to Improve Your Web Application's Security Using Mozilla Observatory
Karan is working as SDE 2 at Fabric. Currently dabbling with Design System, Micro Frontend and Frontend Infrastructure
Petar Ivanov
Petar Ivanov
Talk: Building Enterprise-grade GraphQL APIs with Domain-Driven Design and Clean Architecture
Experienced Software Engineer passionate about building innovative and user-centric products. I have over seven years of experience in the IT industry and a proven track record of building and delivering innovative and high-quality software products. My expertise spans the full-stack of software development and product creation, from ideation to execution. I strive to create a positive impact on society through technology.
Rashmi Nagpal
Rashmi Nagpal
Cactus, India
Talk: Build Intelligence at the Edge - Machine Learning with React Native
Rashmi is a Software Engineer at Cactus with a passion for building products in AI/ML. In her almost 4.5 years career in tech, she’s brought products to life at pre-seed startups, scaled teams and software at hypergrowth unicorns, and shipped redesigns and features used by millions at established giants. When she's not coding, capturing cosmos using her telescope, or playing board games with friends, you can find Rashmi playing with fluffy - her maltese breed pet dog!
Matt Colman
Matt Colman
Atlassian, Australia
Talk: A Tale of the Flip Floppers. From Engineer to Manager and Back Again
A dad, a drummer and JavaScript lover! Matt has a background in animation, games dev and frontend web dev. Passionate about all things frontend. Super passionate about working in teams and helping engineers grow. Matt has lead teams at Blake, Domain and now currently at Atlassian.
Felix Wotschofsky
Felix Wotschofsky
CODE University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Talk: Hacking JSX: Building in Minecraft with React
I'm Felix, a developer passionate about creating outstanding digital products. Currently, I am studying software engineering at CODE University of Applied Sciences in Berlin.
Mukul Ramchandani
Mukul Ramchandani
Viacom18 - SDE2, India
Talk: How the Shadow DOM has Got You Covered?
A curious and passionate web engineer who loves speaking JavaScript with machines. I got 5+ years of creating frontend experiences for humans.
 Cyril Bonaccini
Cyril Bonaccini
BAM, Paris
Talk: Mastering Mobile DevOps: Leveraging React Native for High Performance
Staff Engineer @bam_lab. I focus on architecture & security guidelines, training, and providing the best tools to our teams to create awesome React Native apps.
Cristobal Chao
Cristobal Chao
Torii, USA
Talk: Accelerating Design & Development Innovation with AI-driven Tools
Cristobal Chao is a software engineer, UX specialist and founder of Torii Studio, a studio that helps small to large companies implement front-end processes and systems that are easier to scale efficiently while building beautiful UI/UX products. Prior to forming Torii Studio, Mr. Chao worked as a Software Engineer in companies like Google and Oracle. Also, he worked as the first software engineer for Hattery Labs, a front-end consultancy acquired by Google in 2013. At Google, he worked as part of the Material Design team building the first two versions of Material Design, as well as evangelizing the systems across Google Search, Maps and Google for Work.
Sergio Avalos
Sergio Avalos
Spotify, Sweden
Talk: Let's build a TV Spatial Navigation
Software Engineer working and having fun developing the Spotify client for Smart TVs and Gaming consoles. Freezing (but enjoying) the charming landscapes of the nordics.
Raymond Luong
Raymond Luong
Mercury, USA
Mentorship available
Talk: Applying Product Thinking Principles to your Design System
Front End Engineer interested in design systems, developer productivity + tooling, accessibility, TypeScript, CSS, and UI/UX design. Currently based in San Francisco. 🌉🏳️‍🌈
Christian Stuff
Christian Stuff
Daily, Germany
Talk: React(ing) to WebRTC: Build Better Audio and Video Experiences with Daily React
Christian is an experienced, hands-on frontend developer with a history dating back to the days of table-based layouts and using background images for rounded corners. He's worked with clients of varying industries and sizes. He's been with Daily since early 2020, working on Daily Prebuilt, Daily’s ready-to-go embeddable solution for video calls of all sizes, and Daily React, Daily’s React library for building audio and video in React apps.
Henrik Fricke
Henrik Fricke
WakeSys, Germany
Talk: Escape Security Flaws
Hi, I’m Henrik Fricke. I’m a software developer at WakeSys, focusing on web and serverless technologies. I like to give talks and workshops at conferences and did that also at clients when I tried my best to be a professional AWS cloud consultant.
Nikola Mitrovic
Nikola Mitrovic
Vega IT, Serbia
Talk: Superpowers of Browser's Web API
Experienced JavaScript Software Engineer with 7 years in the industry. More skilled in Front-end Development, with high level of experience in working with Micro Front-end architecture, designing projects as a set of standalone components that include their own interfaces, logic, and storage, developing mini-applications independently, and composing them all together in the browser with different integration techniques. Passionate about web performance and ensuring the best possible User Experience of web applications.
Saravana Srinivasan
Saravana Srinivasan
Red Hat, India
Talk: Building a Better Micro-Frontend Framework That Enables Platform Freedom
Saravana Srinivasan is a Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat and contributing to Serverless Workflow toolings and Kie community. He is an Open source enthusiast and a trainer. He works on various Javascript tech stacks and also enjoys exploring new technologies.
Armin Ayatollahi
Armin Ayatollahi
TechMiners, Germany
Talk: Preparing for Success: A Frontend Engineer's Guide to Tech Due Diligence
Armin is a passionate creator by heart, driven by innovation and the power of technology. As a Senior Software Engineer at TechMiners, he crafts cutting-edge tools that empower seasoned tech analysts to deliver unparalleled insights to clients. With a flair for both art and code, Armin finds joy in every challenge, making an impact no matter the medium or toolset.
James Arthur
James Arthur
ElectricSQL, Croatia
Talk: Local-first Apps with ElectricSQL and React
James is Co-Founder and CEO of ElectricSQL. Prior to founding Electric, he co-founded the Post Urban venture builder and was co-founder and CTO of synthetic data company Hazy.
Oleksandr Tryshchenko
Oleksandr Tryshchenko
Personio, Netherlands
Talk: Challenges of Decomposing a Massive Front-End Using Micro-Frontends
Oleksandr Tryshchenko - Senior Engineering Manager @ Personio He has experience with micro-frontends across three SaaS companies. Initiated and led the migration of FreshBooks from a monolithic UI to a micro-frontends architecture. Currently, he serves as a Senior Engineering Manager at Personio, where he leads the efforts to migrate the entire organization, which encompasses over 130 micro-frontends, to a new design system.
Shubham Gautam
Shubham Gautam
Headout, India
Mentorship available
Talk: The Future of Web Storage: Exploring Advanced Storage APIs
I'm Shubham, a Software Engineer at Headout who loves to experiment with different technologies and use them to create useful applications. I'm particularly fond of TypeScript, Web Performance, Frontend Tooling and I'm always ready to engage in a friendly debate on the topic of aliens' existence. As an engineer, I'm passionate about continuous learning and personal growth, and I always make sure to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in my field. Collaborating with my colleagues and learning from their expertise is something I enjoy. I'm always looking for ways to improve my own skills and contribute to the success of the team.
Jan Demmerle
Jan Demmerle
&why GmbH, Germany
Talk: Building a Digital Sommelier on Top of ChatGPT and the OpenAI API
Jan is a lead developer at &why and passionate about creating an engineering culture that allows everyone to do their best work. In his free time, he creates a digital atlas of the world's wine regions.
Joban Singh
Joban Singh
Microsoft, India
Talk: Config Driven UI using ReactJS
Hey, I am Joban, and I am currently working as a software engineer at Microsoft Azure. I have been developing planet-scale backend services for the past 2 years and would like to share my experience with Microsoft Orleans Framework, we have been using at Microsoft Teams.
Daniel Espino García
Daniel Espino García
Mattermost, Spain
Talk: How Do We Use React Native at Mattermost. Architecture and Design
Fullstack Software Design Engineer at Mattermost. He has helped with the re-architecturing of the new version of the mobile app, written in React Native. Confident with React, React Native and Go, and always happy to learn new things. Fun fact: studying psychology for fun.