Sulagna Ghosh
I'm Sulagna Ghosh, a JavaScript engineer who loves working with React, performance optimization, web accessibility, and authentication. I enjoy solving tricky problems and fine-tuning rendering workflows to make web experiences as smooth as my morning coffee.
When I'm not coding, you'll find me sharing insights through tech talks, lively discussions, and blogs. I'm always learning—whether it's a new programming language or the secret to the perfect masala chai. Always up for a good brainstorming session, especially if it involves code and caffeine.
StockEdge, Indiadev.to/suzyg38/react-hydration-browser-scheduling-api-a-game-changer-for-performance-34jiG38Suzysuzy-g38sulagna-ghosh-7955361a7
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JavaScript Isn’t Slow – It’s Just Scheduled Wrong
JSNation 2025

JavaScript Isn’t Slow – It’s Just Scheduled Wrong

In this session, we’ll explore why JavaScript’s single-threaded model causes UI lag, why setTimeout() and requestIdleCallback() fail at task prioritization, and how scheduler.postTask() finally gives developers fine-grained control over execution.Through real-world examples, performance analysis, and a live demo, we’ll show how prioritized scheduling can eliminate UI freezes, improve responsiveness, and make JavaScript execution truly user-centric. If you care about JavaScript performance, this is the talk you don’t want to miss! 🚀