
Cloudflare is a service that helps protect and accelerate websites. It provides a global network of data centers, which act as intermediaries between a website and its visitors. The service helps to reduce latency, improve performance, and protect against malicious attacks such as DDoS (distributed denial-of-service). Cloudflare also provides additional services such as Web Application Firewall (WAF), DNS management, and content delivery networks (CDN). For JavaScript developers, Cloudflare can be used to optimize the loading times of webpages and applications, as well as provide security and protection.
Andy Richardson
Andy Richardson
Talk: Recreating urql's GraphQL cache on the edge
Sunil Pai
Sunil Pai
Talk: Living on the Edge
Aaron O'Mullan
Aaron O'Mullan
Talk: The Future of JavaScript Runtimes
Alex Ruheni
Alex Ruheni
Talk: Database Access on the Edge with Cloudflare Workers & Prisma
Jonathan Kuperman
Jonathan Kuperman
Talk: Static first websites with Cloudflare Workers
Obinna Ekwuno
Obinna Ekwuno
Talk: Building full-stack applications on the Edge
Matt Alonso
Matt Alonso
Talk: Building Multiplayer Applications with Cloudflare Workers & Durable Objects
Gift Egwuenu
Gift Egwuenu
Talk: Automate the Browser With Workers Browser Rendering API