
Internationalization (or i18n) is the process of designing and developing software applications in such a way that they can be adapted to different languages and regions without any changes to the underlying code. This is especially important for JavaScript-based applications, as it allows developers to create applications that can be used by people around the world without needing to rewrite or refactor the code. It also allows developers to easily switch between languages and regions without having to rebuild the entire application.
Daria Caraway
Daria Caraway
Talk: Internationalizing React
Naomi Meyer
Naomi Meyer
Talk: Building JS Apps with Internationalization (i18n) in Mind, Emoji Encoding, � Unicode, & Internationalization
Ante Tomić
Ante Tomić
Talk: Continuous Localization in Enterprise Web Projects
Luke Ehresman
Luke Ehresman
Talk: End-to-end i18n
Simeon Griggs
Simeon Griggs
Talk: Localization for Real-World Use-Cases: Key Learnings from Onboarding Global Brands, How do Localise and Personalize Content with Sanity.io and Next.js
Harshil Agrawal
Harshil Agrawal
Talk: Localizing Your Remix Website
Arisa Fukuzaki
Arisa Fukuzaki
Talk: i18n Was the Missing Piece: Let 70%+ of the Users in the World to Access Your Apps
Richard Carrigan
Richard Carrigan
Talk: How I Support Over 100 Languages in My React app...and You Can Too!
Sintija Birgele
Sintija Birgele
FRIDAY Insurance S.A.
Talk: Internationalization (i18n) With AI-Powered Language Model
Selam Moges
Selam Moges
Talk: Ethically Wired: Computer Ethics for Technologists
Mariko Kosaka
Mariko Kosaka
Talk: Modern JavaScript: Leveling Up Arrays and Intl