#micro frontends react native

Micro-Frontends With React & Vite Module Federation
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
20 min
Micro-Frontends With React & Vite Module Federation
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Microfrontends is an architecture used by big companies to split monolithic frontend applications into manageable parts. Maintaining a consistent look and feel across different microfrontends is a challenge. Sharing styles can be done through Vanilla CSS, CSS modules, or CSS in JS. JavaScript variables can be used in styles, but readability and runtime overhead are considerations. Sharing state in microfrontends can be achieved through custom events, broadcast channels, shared state managers, or custom PubSub implementations. Module federation with Vite allows for client composition and sharing dependencies. Configuration is similar to Webpack, and future work includes working on the QUIC framework.
“Microfrontends” for Mobile in React Native
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
24 min
“Microfrontends” for Mobile in React Native
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Watch video: “Microfrontends” for Mobile in React Native
Micro frontends are an architectural style where independent deliverable frontend applications compose a greater application. They allow for independent development and deployment, breaking down teams into feature verticals. React Native's architecture enables updating the JavaScript layer without going through the app store. Code Push can be used to deploy separate JavaScript bundles for each micro frontend. However, there are challenges with managing native code and dependencies in a micro frontend ecosystem for mobile apps.