#programming concepts

Programming concepts are the fundamental building blocks of programming languages, such as JavaScript. These concepts include variables, data types, functions, objects, classes, control flow, and more. Knowing these concepts will help you understand how to write code in any language. By understanding the core concepts, you can easily learn new languages, debug errors, and create efficient programs.
The Eternal Sunshine of the Zero Build Pipeline
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
36 min
The Eternal Sunshine of the Zero Build Pipeline
For many years, we have migrated all our devtools to Node.js for the sake of simplicity: a common language (JS/TS), a large ecosystem (NPM), and a powerful engine. In the meantime, we moved a lot of computation tasks to the client-side thanks to PWA and JavaScript Hegemony.
So we made Webapps for years, developing with awesome reactive frameworks and bundling a lot of dependencies. We progressively moved from our simplicity to complex apps toolchains. We've become the new Java-like ecosystem. It sucks.
It's 2021, we've got a lot of new technologies to sustain our Users eXperience. It's time to have a break and rethink our tools rather than going faster and faster in the same direction. It's time to redesign the Developer eXperience. It's time for a bundle-free dev environment. It's time to embrace a new frontend building philosophy, still with our lovely JavaScript.
Introducing Snowpack, Vite, Astro, and other Bare Modules tools concepts!
Composition vs Configuration: How to Build Flexible, Resilient and Future-proof Components
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
17 min
Composition vs Configuration: How to Build Flexible, Resilient and Future-proof Components
Top Content
Today's Talk discusses building flexible, resilient, and future-proof React components using composition and configuration approaches. The composition approach allows for flexibility without excessive conditional logic by using multiple components and passing props. The context API can be used for variant styling, allowing for appropriate styling and class specification. Adding variants and icons is made easy by consuming the variant context. The composition and configuration approaches can be combined for the best of both worlds.
Stop Abusing Client State Management
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
21 min
Stop Abusing Client State Management
This Talk discusses state management abuse and the use of React Query for API handling in React applications. The speaker demonstrates implementing loading indicators, custom hooks, caching mechanisms, and introduces React Query as a powerful tool for fetching, caching, and loading data. The conclusion emphasizes that React Query simplifies API handling without the need for complex state management tools like Redux or MobX.
Understanding types as sets
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
21 min
Understanding types as sets
This Talk explores the concept of types and their relationship to variables in TypeScript, including primitive types, special types, and literal types. It also delves into unions and intersections of types, their canonical form, and their effect on sets of values. The Talk discusses object types, their defined members, and the behavior of access property checks. It highlights how unions and intersections can be used with objects and how they are reduced to a canonical form. The importance of base types in TypeScript and how they allow variables to hold instances of any subtype is also emphasized.