Understanding types as sets

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The talk will introduce the concept of variance as in pertains to generic types. It will then show how this concept applies to TypeScript. While showing TypeScript example, I will try to help the audience form an intuition about variance. Finally we will look at what some of the design decisions in TypeScript mean for the soundness of the code we write, and what are some blind spots the compiler has.

This talk has been presented at TypeScript Congress 2022, check out the latest edition of this JavaScript Conference.


According to Tizian Cernikva Dragomir, types in JavaScript are viewed as a set of values that a variable can possess. Types define how data is represented in memory and how it behaves, including the operations that can be performed on the data.

In TypeScript, union and intersection operations on types are used to combine and intersect sets of values, respectively. Union creates a new type containing values from all combined types, while intersection results in a type that only includes values common to the intersected types.

In TypeScript, a type can have multiple base types due to its structural typing system. This means a subtype can be part of several super-types (base types), as long as it fits the structural requirements of these types.

In TypeScript, a union of object types creates a type that could represent any of the individual types, making property access unsafe unless the property is common across all types. An intersection, however, results in a type that combines properties from all intersected types, ensuring safe access to all included properties.

The 'never' type in TypeScript represents the type of values that never occur. It is used in situations where a type operation results in a set with no valid values, effectively representing an empty set.

Yes, in TypeScript, objects can have more properties than those strictly defined by their type. TypeScript's structural typing system allows objects to be considered valid as long as they have at least the required set of properties, regardless of additional properties.

The 'object.keys' method in TypeScript returns an array of strings, which does not guarantee type safety when used to index the original object. This method's design intentionally prevents runtime errors that could occur from indexing with keys that are not present in the object.

Titian-Cornel Cernicova-Dragomir
Titian-Cornel Cernicova-Dragomir
21 min
29 Apr, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription
This Talk explores the concept of types and their relationship to variables in TypeScript, including primitive types, special types, and literal types. It also delves into unions and intersections of types, their canonical form, and their effect on sets of values. The Talk discusses object types, their defined members, and the behavior of access property checks. It highlights how unions and intersections can be used with objects and how they are reduced to a canonical form. The importance of base types in TypeScript and how they allow variables to hold instances of any subtype is also emphasized.

1. Introduction to Types and Values

Short description:

Hello, everyone. My name is Tizian Cernikva Dragomir. I work on the JavaScript infrastructure team at Bloomberg and contribute to the TypeScript compiler. In this talk, we will explore the concept of types and how they relate to variables. Types can be seen as a representation and behavior of data, but they can also be viewed as a set of values that a variable can possess. We will discuss primitive types in TypeScript, such as number, string, Boolean, as well as special types like never and unknown. Additionally, we will explore literal types and their application in set operations, such as unioning.

♪♪ Hello, everyone. My name is Tizian Cernikva Dragomir. Welcome to my talk, TypeSets Sets. A little bit about myself first. I work on the JavaScript infrastructure team at Bloomberg. I contribute to the TypeScript compiler. And if you've heard about me, you've probably heard about me from Stack Overflow, where I answer a lot of questions about TypeScript.

So I want to start off this talk with a very simple question. What is a type? It's often very simple questions that can allow us to gain new insight. When we first start to learn programming, we will look at types as something that we associate with a variable. We will probably also learn that this data type has something to do with the way that data is represented in memory. So for example, integers are represented on 32 bits, strings are a sequence of characters, objects are also represented in memory in a particular way. So we come out with the impression that a type is representation and behavior, behavior meaning the operators that can manipulate those values. But there is also a different way to look at a type, namely, as a value space.

So a type is a set of values that the variable can possess. And let's look at some of the primitive types in TypeScript and how those relate to this definition. For example, the type number is the set of all floating point values. The type string is the set of all text values. The type Boolean is the set of values true and false. There are also some special types in TypeScript, namely the never type, which, since it has no possible values that can exist at runtime, it represents the empty set. And the unknown type, which represents the set of all possible values in Javascript. So let's take this new way of looking at types and try to apply them to some types we probably already know. Let's try to create a type that describes a set with a single value. In TypeScript, such types are denoted by their associated values. So we can define a type that is the value Yes, 1, or True. And once we've defined these types, if we associate them with a variable, then that variable can only contain the value that is part of that set. So, for example, if we associate Yes with a variable, it can only hold Yes. It can never hold the value No or any other string value. Now, literal types are not particularly useful until we associate them with one of the basic operations that we can do on sets, namely unioning. When we create a union of two existing sets, we create a new set that contains the values of both of the original sets.

2. Union and Intersection of Types

Short description:

In Typescript, creating a union from multiple types allows for a new type that can have values from all the constituent types. The intersection of string and number types results in the empty set represented by the never type. Intersecting boolean-like with the string set yields the values Yes and No. TypeScript reduces types containing Union and Intersection operators to a canonical form, expressing them as a Union of intersections.

So, similarly, in Typescript, if we create a union from our three existing types, using the pipe operator, what will happen is that we create a new type that can have values from all three of these constituent types. So our new type can contain the values 1, True, and Yes, but it can't, for example, contain the value No.

Let's take a look at the other operation we can do on sets, namely intersection. Now, let's say we have two primitive types, namely string and number, and we want to see what the intersection of these two types would be. Well, what value at runtime is both a string and a number? The answer is that there is no such value. So these two sets are actually completely disjointed. So their intersection would be the empty set. And TypeScript represents the empty set through the never type. So this intersection would be Never.

But let's see if we can do something more useful with intersections. Let's say we have this union of literal types. And we would like to extract the string components of this union. How could we use intersections in this case? Well, if we were to intersect boolean-like with the string set, what values would be in this intersection? And the answer is just the values Yes and No. The other values wouldn't fill the criteria, right? 0 and 1 are not string types, neither is True and False. So if we create this type, TypeScript will agree with us and say, Yes, just strings is Yes and No. And similarly, we could extract numbers if we intersect with number. We could also extract the booleans if we intersect with boolean.

Now something very interesting happens here since boolean just contains True and False. Since the result of this intersection would just be True and False, what just boolean ends up being is, of course, just the boolean type because boolean is just the Union of the literals True and False. But let's take a look at why exactly this works. Why does TypeScript perform this reduction? Well, TypeScript will try to bring all types that contain Union and Intersection operators to a canonical form. Namely, it will try to express our type as a Union of intersections, and it will apply distributivity to arrive at this result. So, for example, if we take the just strings type we created before, what TypeScript will first do, it will expand out that Union. And it will then try to take the intersection and move it closer to each one of the Union constituents. So we will get this type. What happens now? Well, if we take the intersection of String, which contains all string values, and of the type Yes, which is the set of just the Yes value. What do we get? Well, the answer is we just get the Yes value. We get Yes out of this. So we don't have to keep all of this around, we can just leave the Yes type alone. What about No? Well, the situation is similar.

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