#react redux
Why You Should Use Redux in 2024
React Summit 2024

33 min
Why You Should Use Redux in 2024
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Mark Erickson explains the history, creation, evolution, and benefits of Redux. Redux was designed to make state updates and action history maintenance easy, incorporating functional programming principles. Redux Toolkit was created to simplify Redux usage. Redux is still a valid choice for its consistent pattern and separation of state from UI. The decision to use Redux depends on the specific use case and the need for centralized state management.
Modern Redux With Redux Toolkit
React Summit US 2023Watch video: Modern Redux With Redux Toolkit

7 min
Modern Redux With Redux Toolkit

Mark Erickson discusses the changes and challenges in Redux Toolkit 2.0, including addressing ES Module Common JS Compatibility and shipping new features. The release includes modernized build output, smaller bundle sizes, and new features like combined Slices API and dev mode checks in Reselect. The current test version is beta4, with plans to ship by the first week of December. RTK 3.0, focusing on RTK query updates, is expected to be released next year.