SubscribeRedux is an open-source JavaScript library for managing and centralizing application state. It is most commonly used with libraries such as React or Angular for building user interfaces.
Designing Effective Documentation: Lessons Learned Building the Redux Docs
React Advanced 2024

22 min
Designing Effective Documentation: Lessons Learned Building the Redux Docs

Hi, I'm Mark Erickson, and today I'm very happy to talk to you about designing effective documentation, lessons I've learned writing the Redux docs. We'll discuss organizational techniques, practical tips, writing tutorials, and useful documentation tools. Redux offers learning-oriented tutorials and goal-oriented how-to guides. Other documentation categories include reference guides, explanations, readme files, FAQ pages, and release notes. Tips for organizing and writing documentation: consider the target reader, assume prerequisite knowledge, repeat information, cover topics in multiple areas. Writing tutorials for libraries in TypeScript presents challenges but can be tackled with TypeScript-first approach and keeping examples up-to-date. Engaging tutorials involve interactive exercises, diagrams, and formatting, and should be reviewed and improved based on feedback. Overall, documentation is valuable and worth the effort.
Why You Should Use Redux in 2024
React Summit 2024

33 min
Why You Should Use Redux in 2024
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Mark Erickson explains the history, creation, evolution, and benefits of Redux. Redux was designed to make state updates and action history maintenance easy, incorporating functional programming principles. Redux Toolkit was created to simplify Redux usage. Redux is still a valid choice for its consistent pattern and separation of state from UI. The decision to use Redux depends on the specific use case and the need for centralized state management.