So, you are running npm install and you go and grab a cup of coffee, and then you come back and you have no idea or maybe you don't even care what npm did during this time.
So, my name is Tali Barak. I work for Youbeek and let me tell you about the secret life of package managers. This is what happens in your project, this is the basics of npm.
So, you have your project and you need a package called foo. So, you are running npm install foo and that's add npm install to your package json and create a node modules in your project and put this code of foo inside it. But what if foo requires buzz? Okay, no problem. It will create another node modules folder under foo and it will put buzz. And what if buzz requires bugs? Well, same thing. It will put it and add it there. And then what happens if your foo requires a buzz but also your bar requires buzz. In this case, in the naive implementation of npm, you will have two packages of buzz in the same project.
And this actually creates the whole structure of your file system that is replicating the package structure that you have in your project. And this was nice, but it created quite a few problems. For example, it made your node models huge. Also, it created a problem with circular dependencies. That means that if your foo needed a buzz, that needed a buzz, that needed a buzz, that needed bar again, that needed buzz, and needed buzz, you would go into an infinite loop. And this is, by the way, quite common. It's not as rare as you might think it is. Another issue which is common is with singletons. If you need a single instance of a certain package, like the debug package, for example, in this structure, you would have multiple instances, and that can cause bugs when you execute the packages. And the last one is no longer with us. Thank God for that. It was a Windows 8 problem that the path, the file path was limited to 256 characters. This is less common.
So what did NPM do in order to solve that? So they decided to do a dedup, de-duplicate the packages that were multiple times. So instead of having buzz twice, they would put it in the highest possible level and use it there. And the reason this worked is because the way Node is requiring packages. So if buzz needed buzz, it would go under the Node modules and search for it. If it doesn't find it, it will go one level up and search for a third.