All good talks need to start with a quote, right? So, you know how they say, in theory, there's no difference between theory and practice, but in practice there is? Well, that's what this talk is about. I'm going to talk to you about the theory of authorization in GraphQL, and then if and how this matches practice. So, I'm Sam, I'm the cofounder and CTO at Oso, and we build authorization for developers. And as someone who did a PhD in cryptography and sort of gradually slid more and more into the practical world, I'm pretty familiar with the distinction between theory and practice.
So, strap yourselves in and learn a little about patterns in GraphQL, both theoretical and practical. So, I know there's a lot of confusion out there around the difference between authentication and authorization, so I'll start out with a few definitions. Authentication is all about identity, you know, who is the user? It may be you identify them through username and password, you may do single sign on, you may have two-factor authentication, that's all authentication. Authorization is the piece that comes next. Now that you know who the user is, what can they do? And I'm going to be talking about application authorization. So, specifically, what can they do inside your application?
To give you a few examples, GitHub, this is a great example. It's got a pretty robust authorization system. It allows you to do roles at the organizational level, like owner and member, and which of those can create repositories. You can also have roles at a more granular level. I can invite you as a collaborator to my repository and give you a role that grants you different access. Now, I really like GitHub as an example, because they also have a GraphQL API, so we'll be able to see not just authorization generically, but also in the context of GraphQL. For a bit more of a complex authorization example, take AWS IAM. And with AWS IAM, you can sort of write your own authorization, logic, and policies to determine who is allowed to do what inside of this ginormous platform. It's a pretty complex one. But there are some application authorization that you might not think about so much. Take something like Google Docs or Notion, where part of the core workflow is inviting people to collaborate on documents, or maybe invite them to an entire folder and say where they can view, edit or comment on those documents. That's all authorization. GitHub, AWS, Google Docs, Notion, these are all fantastic examples of application authorization.
So before we start getting into the technical details, why is this an important topic to talk about? Well, first of all, if you don't have authorization and application, your product is entirely broken. You sort of have anarchy. Anybody can go in and do anything. They can go and delete other users, they can delete other people's data, they can do anything. But on the other hand, if your authorization is broken, people can't get access to anything. Your app doesn't work. If your authorization is buggy, then users start getting annoyed. We've all been in that situation where the authorization logic in an app is so broken and frustrating that you just say, you know what, I'm going to go make everybody an admin.