That was React server components. When you combine React server components with suspense and the streaming, we now have the primitives or the building blocks to address some disadvantages of multipage applications or server side rendered applications while maintaining the same user experience we love about single-page applications or client-side applications.
But there is one last piece to the puzzle. And in the last few months, the Next.js team has been considering this. If we need to go to the server to do a trip for data fetching and now we're going to the server to do rendering with React server components, could we possibly also do routing on the server? Could we enable developers to build applications where routing, rendering and data fetching happens where it makes more sense? And could we give them conventions that are easy to understand but also allows them to move parts of their application either to the client or to the server?
So a few weeks ago, we shared an RFC. And in this RFC, we proposed a new router for Next.js. And this new router builds on top of React components and React 18 features. There's a lot more detail in the RFC and I won't go too much into the implementation details. If you're curious to know more about it, I do recommend reading it. But for now, let me just share with you something that I'm most excited about and that we've been working on.
So, if you think about it, with React server components, we can interweave client components and server components in a tree. This means that in a page or a route, you could potentially have both client and server components. So, with this new model, it becomes increasingly important to break up our routes into independent fragments which we call route segments. These route segments, they map to an already existing term, URL segments. Although we are breaking up the routes, we want to maintain file system routing because generally it tends to be a more intuitive way for developers to define their routes. And breaking up the routes like this, or as we call it, doing nested routing, has three main benefits.
The first one is that we are able to create layouts, and layouts have been a very long, like, going-back community ask. And the way that we want to define layouts is that a layout is UI that is shared across routes, and these layouts, they shouldn't re-render or lose state on navigation. It also means that components that don't change within a route, so a layout, we also want to make sure that they are still interactive as the user navigates between routes. Secondly, if we combine it with server components, that means that on navigation, the server only has to fetch and render the segments that have changed, and we don't have to re-render the whole subtree for that route. And thirdly, we can have more granular control over data fetching. So in Next.js, as you may know, currently we fetch data on the page level, and with this new model we can fetch data in the segment level. And since we already moved data fetching outside of the rendering code or outside of the components, what we can do now is we can eagerly initiate those requests in parallel. And this reduces what some of you may be familiar with, which is waterfalls. And overall, the amount of time that it takes to load the content of a route is also reduced.
So by building a new route with React server components, we're able to achieve three things. Reduce the amount of code that we send to the client, reduce the amount of work the server has to do, and also reduce the amount of time that it takes to do that work. Now, if we were to combine it with concurrent features, such as transition, suspense, and the feature off screen component, we can simplify the creation of loading states and improve the navigation experience. For example, if you want to use client-side routing and you are fetching as you render, you may have too many staggered loading states or spinners. So, really, what you want to do as a developer is consolidate them into fewer more meaningful loading indicators.