Breaking the Code Behind Realtime Collaboration With Websockets

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Figma, Google Docs, Miro, and several other tools allow you to see in real time what a person is doing, but how? In this talk, you’ll get to know the concept of event-brokers, pubsub design pattern, web sockets. We will unravel these features and understand how to make them.

This talk has been presented at JSNation US 2024, check out the latest edition of this JavaScript Conference.


Vitor Norton is a Brazilian developer advocate at SuperViz and a 10-time Microsoft MVP, passionate about connecting people and remote work.

Collaborative components are tools that enhance real-time collaboration and connectivity among users, such as mouse pointers sync, online status indicators, and real-time updates in applications like Gather Town and Miro.

The mouse pointer feature works by synchronizing the position of users' cursors in real-time using a combination of React components, event listeners, and WebSockets for fast, bidirectional communication.

Examples include Gather Town for a game-like interactive workspace, Miro for collaborative whiteboarding, Figma for design collaboration, and Microsoft Teams for meeting coordination.

CRDT, or Conflict-Free Data Types, is a data structure that allows synchronization of data across devices without conflicts, crucial for building reliable real-time collaborative applications.

Resources include "CRDT-R Collaborative Protocol of the Future" by Piyush Pourwell on Medium, "Learning JavaScript Design Patterns" by Addy Oslanyi, "How to Use WebSockets with Flutter" on DevTool, and "Understanding and Implementing Event-Driven Communication and Development" by Vitor Norton.

The PubSub pattern, or publish-subscribe pattern, is a design pattern where messages are sent (published) and received (subscribed) by parties in a system, facilitating asynchronous and decoupled communication.

Vitor Norton values remote work because it allows him to work from anywhere in the world, aligning with his passion for connecting people and utilizing productivity tools.

WebSockets enable continuous two-way communication between clients and servers, allowing real-time updates with low latency and persistent connections, ideal for chat and live updates.

Vitor Norton
Vitor Norton
20 min
21 Nov, 2024


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Video Summary and Transcription
Hello, I'm Vitor Norton, a developer advocate at SuperViz. I'm passionate about connecting people, highly dependent on my productivity tools, and love the idea of working anywhere in the world. Working remotely is a top priority, but we also don't want to feel alone. Let's explore some examples of companies that have addressed this issue: Gather Town, Miro, and Microsoft Teams. Collaborative components enable real-time collaboration by synchronizing participants' actions. The mouse pointers component utilizes a room concept to synchronize mouse positions. Channels and WebSockets are used for real-time data synchronization. CR-DTS is a conflict-free data-related type used to handle counter conflicts in collaborative environments.

1. Introduction to Collaborative Components

Short description:

Hello, I'm Vitor Norton, a developer advocate at SuperViz. I'm passionate about connecting people, highly dependent on my productivity tools, and love the idea of working anywhere in the world. Working remotely is a top priority, but we also don't want to feel alone. Let's explore some examples of companies that have addressed this issue: Gather Town, Miro, and Microsoft Teams.

Hello, I'm here to tell you about the code behind collaborative components. I'm Vitor Norton. I'm Brazilian. I'm 10 times Microsoft MVP. I'm also a developer advocate here at SuperViz. But that doesn't say much about me. I prefer to say that I'm passionate about connecting people, that I'm highly dependent of my productivity tools, and I love the idea of working anywhere in the world.

So working remote for me is my top priority. And this makes me increasingly connected with my devices. And actually, I think it's not only me. We are increasingly connected through our devices, right? And we all have some goals. Like, we don't want more meetings. We want to work remotely. But we also do not want to show alone. And how do we achieve that? How do we solve that?

Let me ask JPT for a bit to see what companies have done this and have solved this issue. One of the greatest examples I can bring is the Gather Town. That's a collaborative suite that you can almost play a game, right? That you have this desk where everybody in your team is, and you can go to the desk and talk to people. But they bring this game interactive mode to work to a workplace. And this makes us feel less alone and still kind of free to reach out to other people that we see that, oh, there's in the desk, let me talk to them. Another company that had made this is Miro. Who had added... I'm sure you've seen this all over other products like Figma, that you can see mouse pointers, you can see comments. If someone does something here, you will see on the other screen, you can see who is online. All of these components. We also have chat applications. And let's be honest, we all use a lot. We also have another example is Microsoft Teams that you can see which presentations people are using. And if they accept it, if they're online, offline, you can see anything in a glance before you start a meeting, right? So you feel less alone in that meeting. You see who is going to be there, who is already there. Another one is Uber.

2. Understanding Collaborative Components

Short description:

Collaborative collaboration components, such as form elements, 'who is online' components, mouse pointer sync, and contextual comments, enable real-time collaboration. Let's focus on the mouse pointers component, which utilizes a room concept to synchronize participants' mouse positions. By tracking and updating positions with state and a channel, smooth synchronization is achieved.

Or if you have, at least in Brazil, we have this huge app that you can see a delivery guy bringing things to your door. At Uber, you can see the car driving and you see this real-time update going on. So all of this is what we call collaborative collaboration components. And let's break down this a little bit more.

Let's see some examples of these collaborative components. We have form elements that allow two people on the same page to type simultaneously, with one person's typing being visible to the other person. There's also the 'who is online' component, which shows if someone has viewed a shared document, allowing for better collaboration. Another useful component is the mouse pointer sync, which enables easy communication by synchronizing mouse positions across devices. Additionally, contextual comments can be added to any location on a page, facilitating real-time collaboration. Let's focus on the mouse pointers component and explore how it works.

The mouse pointers component is a simple React component that utilizes a room concept. A room is like a virtual meeting space or a shared file, where all participants are synced together. Each participant has an ID, usually an email or a UID, and a name. By creating a new instance of the mouse pointers component and passing in the element and room, the mouse pointers are synchronized among participants. The component's main functionalities include tracking the position of other participants' mouse pointers, updating the user's own pointer position, and ensuring smooth and lag-free synchronization.

To achieve these functionalities, the mouse pointers component utilizes state to store the position information, and a channel to subscribe and listen for updates. The state consists of the X and Y position of the mouse pointer. The component listens for movements of other participants' mouse pointers and updates the user's own position to inform others. It also focuses on achieving fast and smooth synchronization to provide a seamless collaboration experience.

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