Full Stack Components

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This talk explores how Remix allows developers to combine backend and UI code in the same file, enabling a seamless development experience. One of the highlights is the use of full stack components, which integrate both frontend and backend logic, making it easier to manage and maintain. The speaker demonstrates how to implement a combo box using the Downshift library, which simplifies the creation of dynamic search functionalities. The talk also covers the useFetcher hook, which enables efficient data fetching without unnecessary renders. Additionally, the speaker discusses how Remix handles authentication in loaders, ensuring secure access to data. The session emphasizes the benefits of server-side rendering in Remix, which enhances SEO by providing fully rendered content for web crawlers.

From Author:

Remix is a web framework that gives you the simple mental model of a Multi-Page App (MPA) but the power and capabilities of a Single-Page App (SPA). One of the big challenges of SPAs is network management resulting in a great deal of indirection and buggy code. This is especially noticeable in application state which Remix completely eliminates, but it's also an issue in individual components that communicate with a single-purpose backend endpoint (like a combobox search for example).

In this talk, Kent will demonstrate how Remix enables you to build complex UI components that are connected to a backend in the simplest and most powerful way you've ever seen. Leaving you time to chill with your family or whatever else you do for fun.

This talk has been presented at Remix Conf Europe 2022, check out the latest edition of this Tech Conference.


RemixConf EU is a conference where enthusiasts and professionals gather to discuss and share knowledge about the Remix framework, focusing on full stack development.

Full stack components in Remix are components that include both the UI code and server-side code, allowing backend and UI integration directly within the same file, enhancing the efficiency of route-based operations and UI interactions.

Epicweb.dev is a project mentioned by the speaker as their full-time endeavor. It is likely a platform or service related to web development, although specific details were not provided in the text.

In Remix, a 'loader' is a function that loads data for a specific route. It plays a crucial role in handling server-side operations, such as fetching data, which can then be rendered directly in the UI.

Yes, full stack components in Remix can be published to NPM. This allows developers to package and distribute components that include both frontend and backend logic, potentially simplifying the integration of complex functionalities into different projects.

Remix uses loaders to handle authentication by checking if a user is authenticated before processing a request. If a user is not authenticated, the loader can redirect the user to a login page, ensuring that only authenticated users can access certain data.

The useFetcher hook in Remix is used to interact with loaders for data fetching. It allows components to fetch data asynchronously without causing additional renders, making it suitable for updating parts of an application based on user interactions.

Remix enhances SEO by allowing server-side rendering of components, which ensures that content is fully rendered when web crawlers scan the page. This improves the likelihood of the content being indexed and ranked higher in search results.

Kent C. Dodds
Kent C. Dodds
37 min
18 Nov, 2022


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Video Transcription

Available in Español: Componentes de Full Stack

1. Introduction to Full Stack Components

Short description:

I'm excited about RemixConf EU and speaking about full stack components. I'm working on Epicweb.dev, my full-time thing now. This talk is a demo of components that include UI and server-side code. We'll be talking about Remix, our favorite full stack framework.

What is up Remix Friends? I'm so excited about RemixConf EU and I'm really excited to be speaking with you all about full stack components, so let's go talk about taking colocation to the next level.

So one thing that I wanted to talk about really quickly is I'm working on Epicweb.dev, if you haven't seen that yet definitely give it a look. It's my full-time thing now, it's awesome. And all my slides and everything for this talk are on my GitHub so you can take a look at that there.

So this talk is going to be a demo of components that include both the UI code as well as a server side code and we're going to be doing a lot of coding and so yeah, buckle up. We're going to be talking about Remix, of course our favorite UI framework. Well full stack framework, not just UI and that's part of what this talk is all about.

2. Exploring Remix Features

Short description:

Remix allows us to marry the backend and the UI in the same file. We can build UIs that aren't URL-centric, like the Twitter like button. We're going to demonstrate a combo box that does a search. We have an app running with a route for fetching customers. We can export a component that consumes the loader. We're using the Downshift library for the combo box experience.

So Remix allowed us to marry the backend and the UI in a way that has never been done before with the loader and action and our UI all in the same file. And this is a pretty simple demonstration of how that works from a route perspective. So we have our projects route and here we have our loader to load those projects and we've got our form to add new projects and the backend piece for that mutation.

But sometimes we have UIs that aren't like so URL centric, for example the Twitter like button, whenever I click on that like button that's not going to take me somewhere else, I don't only render that on a special page that has a specific route, I render the like button for every single one of the tweets that are on the page and so that doesn't really work very well as something that you'd like stick in a loader or an action for a particular route necessarily and here's another example of a combo box that's doing a search and this is the thing we're actually going to be demonstrating today.

So, I've got an implementation of this app right here, we're not rendering the combo box yet because we are going to build it together and connect it to the backend and it's going to be sweet. So, that's it. It's demo time. So, the first thing is we've got this app up and running right here, we're in the 01.b4 version of the app and we're in the app directory under routes and under this resources directory is where we'll find the customers. So, we're going to have this route for slash resources slash customers and that's going to be the API route that we're going to be using to go get a bunch of customers.

Now, one really cool thing about Remix is that if you don't have a default export of your module, the Remix will treat your module like a resource. And so, what we mean by that specifically is I can say export an async function, whoops, a function, come on, there, called loader and here I'm going to return JSON and that JSON actually is going to come from Remix run node and we'll say hello world. And if I save that and come over here, I can go to resources, customers and I'm going to get hello world. Now, there's nothing special about the resources directory other than the fact that my editor seems to like giving that a special icon, but there's nothing special about this. We can call this whatever we want and it just so happens that the way I like my URL for this to work is to have a slash resources and that's it. So wherever we want that URL to be, that's where the file is going to be. So by having a loader export but no default export, this is just a regular request for like an API request. So with that in place, now we can build some UI that interacts directly with this loader that makes fetch requests. But what's really cool about Remix is that we can actually add a bunch of other exports to this as well. We can export const koala equals Kodi, like it doesn't matter. We can do anything we want to in here and Remix will just ignore it in its builds. So what that means is we can actually export a component in here that consumes this loader and that's exactly what we're going to do. And because I know you probably don't care to watch me write a bunch of JSX, I've actually written all the JSX stuff there. So here's our loader, it's just what we had before, but then we got a bunch of other JSX stuff in here that you, like I said, you probably don't care to watch me do all of that. So skipping over the JSX bit, the most important and interesting bit here is we're using this use combo box, which is a Downshift hook. Downshift is a library I built years ago when I was at PayPal, and it's for making this combo box experience for us. And all we need to do is provide it with the items and we can respond to input value changes as the user is typing. So that's perfect. That's exactly the two things that we need. And with that we're exporting this combo box, but we're still just a resource route. There's nothing special going on here.


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