Case Study: Building Accessible Reusable React Components at GitHub

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Twitter influencers would have you believe that if you just use the semantic html tag for elements instead of a div, your components will be accessible. but there's a lot more that goes into it!
Let's zoom in on one component from GitHub (one that you've probably used before!) and look at all the accessibility considerations involved and interesting challenges in implementing them.

This talk has been presented at React Day Berlin 2024, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.


Sid's presentation focuses on building accessible React components with a focus on screen readers.

Using the correct HTML elements is crucial for accessibility because it ensures that screen readers can correctly interpret the structure and function of the elements, such as using a button instead of a div for clickable items.

By adding ARIA roles like 'tablist' to a container and 'tab' to individual tabs, developers can convey the semantics of tabbed interfaces to screen readers, allowing users to understand the structure and navigate effectively.

The ARIA Authoring Practices Guide (APG) is an informative resource that provides guidelines and common patterns for implementing accessible web components, complementing the ARIA specification.

When disabling elements, developers should avoid using the standard 'disabled' attribute, which makes elements inaccessible to screen readers, and instead use 'aria-disabled' to maintain accessibility.

Conditionally rendering elements can hide them from screen reader users, leading to an incomplete or confusing experience. Instead, elements should be kept in the DOM and controlled with ARIA attributes to ensure accessibility.

Accessibility should be considered early in the design stage because it integrates accessible practices into the core design, rather than trying to add them later, ensuring a more inclusive experience for all users.

Developers can improve keyboard navigation by implementing custom keyboard events, such as using arrow keys for navigation within a widget and the tab key to move between widgets.

You can find the open-source code on GitHub at

ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Application) provides a specification that includes roles, states, and properties to convey the semantics and structure of web content, enhancing accessibility for screen reader users.

Siddharth Kshetrapal
Siddharth Kshetrapal
22 min
16 Dec, 2024


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Video Summary and Transcription
Hey, I'm Sid, and I work on the design systems team at GitHub. Let's talk about building accessible React components with a focus on screen readers. Use the correct HTML element for accessibility. For example, on GitHub, there are three tabs with options. These tabs are made using buttons. Let's see how a visually impaired person using a screen reader would access this website. What do they see? I'm going to enable the screen reader and walk you through what happens. When turning on the screen reader, it sets the context and tells you where you are. For example, on the React app, a button labeled 'Code' has focus and a menu popup. Inside the popup, there are several buttons with different labels. Something interesting happens. If I can't see the UI, I'm hearing buttons but no tabs. Screen readers cannot infer things like tabs from visual design. To provide this information, we can use the ARIA spec and its roles. By adding a role tab list to the div and role tab to each button, the semantics are conveyed. The role overrides HTML semantics. Screen reader identifies tabs, pronounces 'code spaces'. Default behavior of a tab is auto-focus. We can add aria-selected attribute to specify selection. Using React, I'm using an expression to set aria-selected based on the selected tab. The navigation into the tab panel is disorienting. There are separate groups for the tab list and tab panel, and there is a need for navigation between them. Use arrow keys to navigate within the widget. Remove tabs from the tab index, only the selected tab should be focusable. Implement arrow keys for navigation. Press tab to enter the tab panel. Press shift tab to go back up. Keyboard navigation is a common pattern extracted into a hook. Decide which keys to bind based on the widget type. Change selected tab on focus. Consider the ARIA authoring practices guide for keyboard interactions. Differentiate between instant and activated tabs. Follow the ARIA spec and use the APG as an informative resource. Screen readers may not always follow the ARIA authoring practices guide. Use correct HTML elements, add ARIA roles, properties, and states. Implement keyboard navigation. Use a GitHub example of notification settings with proper semantic elements. When selecting notification channels, the options are presented in a pop-up. The focus is on the first checkbox, indicating that it is the first option. The screen reader reads the status of each option. After selecting the desired option, the form can be submitted. The change is saved and the user is notified. The focus is recontextualized on the collapsed menu popup button. Not rendering the fourth option in certain conditions hides it from screen users. Removing the conditional and disabling the fourth checkbox until necessary eliminates this issue. Using IR disabled instead of disabled makes the element accessible for screen reader and keyboard users without affecting styling or click cancellation. You have to add your own class name and make sure it is disabled. It is accessible by keyboards. Voiceover on Mac uses 'dimmed' to signify IR disabled. Adding another span that requires at least one channel. Additional descriptions can be added using aria-describeby. SCREEN READER Only notify for failed workflows. Requires at least one channel to be selected. Dimmed unticked. Tick box. Now you know the label, why it is disabled, and that it's dimmed. And let's see if it's If I mean. Never. Menu popup collapsed. This flow seems more intuitive. You know all your options up ahead. One option was disabled, enabled something else, and it became enabled again. Much more clear. Feels like a better UI. We need to design with accessibility in mind. Accessibility isn't something that you can just sprinkle on in the end. We have to bring it way earlier in the stage. Be careful when disabling elements. Use RLDisabled. Short list of six things to consider. Links on my website. Follow me on Blue Sky.

1. Introduction to Accessibility in React

Short description:

Hey, I'm Sid, and I work on the design systems team at GitHub. Let's talk about building accessible React components with a focus on screen readers. Use the correct HTML element for accessibility. For example, on GitHub, there are three tabs with options. These tabs are made using buttons. Let's see how a visually impaired person using a screen reader would access this website.

Hey, I'm Sid, and I work on the design systems team at GitHub. I want to talk to you about something we do in Primer, and most of the code I talk about today is open source. You can actually find it on slash Primer slash React.

Let's talk about building accessible React components with a focus on screen readers. So, fair warning first. I'm not an accessibility expert. I'm just a silly React boy. But over the last one and a half years, I have worked with a lot of accessibility experts, and maybe this perspective of coming from a React developer instead of an accessibility engineer, maybe that's just a better or an easier introduction, a more accessible introduction, if you might, for an introduction to accessibility.

So, things you need for an accessible experience, if you ask Twitter, you get this advice, which is just don't use a div, use a button, and that's kind of it. It usually is accompanied by a purple background with some code screenshot. So, that's the first step, I guess. Use the correct HTML element, and that's it. But, of course, there's so much more that goes into it. And I slightly, even though this advice is correct, that use the right HTML element, I find it a bit annoying because it's very reductive to all the work that accessibility engineers do.

So, for example, this is a UI you may or may not have seen on GitHub. If you press the code button in the repository, you get these three options. And it's kind of nice. There are these three tabs that you can toggle through. And each of them have their own options. There's a panel underneath. We've seen this pattern so many times, right? And we know that these are tabs and these are clickable because you see this tiny hill on the first one. And the first one is darker. It has a border. So, we know that this is the selected one. But there's nothing on the page that says it's just a design pattern that we have seen so often that it kind of becomes an established thing. And to make these tabs, I use buttons because I'm a professional. And, yeah, so this is how it works. Using some React to wire it up. And that's kind of what it is. So, let's see what somebody who is visually impaired and uses the screen reader to access this website.

2. Understanding Screen Reader Behavior

Short description:

What do they see? I'm going to enable the screen reader and walk you through what happens. When turning on the screen reader, it sets the context and tells you where you are. For example, on the React app, a button labeled 'Code' has focus and a menu popup. Inside the popup, there are several buttons with different labels. Something interesting happens.

What do they see? So, I'm going to enable the screen reader and walk you through what happens. VoiceOver on application. React app.

So, whenever you turn on the screen reader, it first sets the context. It tells you where you are. In this case, I'm on the React app. My app is called React app. And it tells you where the focus is. Code. Menu popup. Button. Has keyboard focus.

So, I know a button with a label code has focus. And I also know that it has a menu popup, which means I can press the enter key and it should open the popup and then I can navigate inside it with my tab key. Local button. Coda spaces. Button. Copilot. Button. Copy URL to clipboard. Button. HTTPS. GitHub. Open with GitHub desktop. Button. Download zip. Button. Local. Button. Something interesting happens here.

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