Flipper: The Extensible DevTool Platform for React Native

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Are you a React Native developer? Have you always been longing for the rich ecosystem of developer tooling that exists for the web in e.g. Chrome and Firefox? Flipper is Facebooks internal, extensible mobile devtool platform, used the mobile devs that work on the Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and many more apps.

Recently the React Native and Flipper team have been working hard to add first class support for React Native as well. This means that monitoring network traffic and performance, using the React Devtools, inspecting device and application logs or even debugging JavaScript can now can now be conveniently done using one coherent tool.

And best of all: Flipper is extensible, so let's build our own plugin while at it!

This talk has been presented at React Summit 2020, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.


Flipper is a mobile app development platform developed at Facebook, designed to enhance the debugging and development process for mobile applications, including those built with React Native.

Flipper supports React Native by allowing developers to inspect the React development tree, use React Dev tools, and inspect native elements within their applications to optimize development speed and efficiency.

Key features of Flipper include the ability to inspect network requests, view and modify app preferences, inspect image caches, and utilize various plugins that extend its functionality for more tailored debugging and development.

Yes, Flipper can be used without the Hermes engine. While Hermes provides additional debugger tools for stepping through code, all other features of Flipper are available on any setup.

There are two types of plugins for Flipper: generic plugins, which apply generically across multiple apps and development stacks, and application-specific plugins, which are tailored to provide insights specific to an individual application.

Flipper aids React Native development by providing tools to quickly see changes on screen, inspect application layouts, manage state, and track network requests, thereby making the development process faster and more intuitive.

Yes, Flipper is an open-source platform. Developers are encouraged to contribute by developing new plugins or enhancing the existing capabilities of Flipper.

To start using Flipper, download the platform from the official website, install it, and integrate it with your mobile app project. From there, you can start using its features and plugins to debug and develop your application.

Michel Weststrate
Michel Weststrate
32 min
17 Jun, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription
The talk introduces Flipper, a mobile app development platform developed at Facebook, designed to enhance the debugging and development process for mobile applications, including those built with React Native. Flipper supports React Native by allowing developers to inspect the React development tree and native elements, making changes if needed. Key features include inspecting network requests, viewing and modifying app preferences, and utilizing various plugins like the network plugin. Flipper can be used without the Hermes engine, although Hermes provides additional debugger tools. The platform is extensible with generic and application-specific plugins, such as ReactorTron and the Redux debugger. Flipper is open-source, welcoming contributions from developers. To start using Flipper, download it from the official website, install it, and integrate it with your mobile app project. Flipper optimizes the development process by providing tools to quickly see changes on screen, inspect application layouts, manage state, and track network requests.

1. Introduction to Flipper and React Native

Short description:

Welcome to my talk about Flipper, the extensible dev tool platform for React Native. React Native provides a fast feedback loop, optimizing development speed. Flipper is a mobile app development platform developed at Facebook, used by all our mobile engineers. We introduced support for React Native and I'll show you a quick demo. Download Flipper, start the emulator, and load the project. Flipper allows us to inspect the React development tree and native elements, making changes if needed.

♪ Hi, folks. Welcome to my talk about Flipper, the extensible dev tool platform for, among others, React Native. My name is Michel Estrada and I'm working at Facebook on Flipper.

And so at Facebook, we discovered that React Native is quite an awesome development stack for mobile developments. Why? Basically, because it provides this very fast feedback loop. And, basically, it optimizes the time you have between making changes in the code and seeing it on screen. So that's pretty cool and it's pretty important to get a good development speed.

But there's another question we have to ask, and it's like, how fast can you figure out which change you have to make? And so that is basically where Flipper comes in. Flipper is a mobile app development platform developed at Facebook. And it's used by, basically, all of our mobile engineers. And so earlier this year, we introduced support for React Native. And so I'm going to give you a quick show of how that's going to look like.

So first of all, we're going to download Flipper from our website. Now I skipped this part because I already preinstalled it. And when you start Flipper, you see that there's a pretty empty canvas. So for this demo, I've prepared a small application, and in this application, we're going to show some Bitcoin data. So here we have the code. It's a freshly generated React Native project. And the only change I'm going to make is to enable Hermes. And so with that, I'm going to start the emulator, and I'm going to start my project. So that takes a little while, but we're done. It's loading now, and here we have a freshly-made project. And immediately we see that Flipper has a lot of contents. So on the left, there's two sections we can recognize. The first section is our application, so the coins application in this case, and it shows all the plugins that are connected to this application. And so we also see plugins connected to the device itself, for example, the logs. And secondly, we have this connection to the metrobundler itself, so it allows us, for example, to inspect the logs, but also to inspect the React development tree. So with Flipper, we can directly use the React Dev tools and inspect the layouts. But what's even cooler is because Flipper is a tool that was developed for native mobile development, it means that we can also inspect the native elements that are used by native to create our layout. So if you use the layout inspector, we can inspect a certain element and can even make changes to it.

2. Exploring Flipper and Building a Bitcoin App

Short description:

We add native elements used by React Native and explore the available plugins, including image cache inspection, preference modification, and the powerful network plugin. In this demo, we build a small application that shows Bitcoin data using components like coin view and coin item. We can inspect the data using console.log, but Flipper provides richer capabilities such as log level, copying details, and searching. We can also directly inspect network requests.

So for example, if I change the text over here, you will immediately see that that applies to what's happening on the screen. So now we're actually adding the native elements used by React Native. And there's a bunch of more plugins available out of the box, like the image cache inspection, seeing the preferences and modifying them. And a very powerful plugin is the network plugin. So this basically allows you to inspect all the network requests that are being made by our application. And we're going to dive a little bit deeper into that.

So this is basically what you get out of the box if you start Flipper on a fresh React Native project. And now that's what I want to build today for this demo as a small application that shows Bitcoin data like in this mockup. And so I'm going to take a little shortcut and paste some files I already have on my clipboard. And this basically replaced Apps.js and with some UI and some logic that fetches Bitcoin from a remote endpoint. And so we show some Bitcoin data with its own bitting components. So we have this coin view component. It fetches the data and it uses an effect. And then it uses a flatlist to map over all the data and show it. Next there is this coin item component. And that renders mutual records.

So for example, if I have a coin, I can inspect what's in there. So we have rank and icon, but what else is there? One way to figure it out is to use console.log. So I print the data I receive. And let's take a look at Metro Bundler. So what I see now is that it's printing all the data. But I can take a look at the same data from Flipper, which is a not richer. So this is basically the same log. But by viewing this in Flipper, we have a bit more capabilities. So I can fill in log level. I can copy details. I can search. So this is a bit more powerful. And actually, we don't even need that console.log, because we could just have looked directly at the network request that are being sent. So for example, I can inspect one of those network requests.


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