Drop in a Tealdraw component, extend it, add your own stuff, wire it into your app. That was the hope. 2022, when I started the idea of, like, using AI on the canvas. I mean, AI was kind of getting popular, GPT-2, that type of stuff. And what people would be doing is, like, having the GPT-2 generate Mermaid.js diagrams, render them and then, like, basically render them onto the canvas. I'm like, oh, that's kind of cool, but it's not really that cool. Yeah, whatever, right? Or, like, having templates that you could use the AI to, like, swap things in and out, you know, kind of like FigJam style, like, their AI-powered template stuff. It's not really exciting to me, but it would have been very easy to build on top of Tealdraw.
It wasn't until the Vision models came out, and this was, you know, end of 2022, that suddenly the canvas became, like, oh, cool, like, the models now work with images. We have a canvas that we can very easily create images out of, right? Like, I can just do whatever, copy as SVG or copy as PNG, you know, paste, and now here's my image from whatever I just drew. Maybe we could use that as input to the models. Now, I wasn't actually, we weren't the, the original idea for Make Real didn't come from us, even. It came from a designer at Figma named Sawyer Hood, formerly of Figma, who saw the Open AI's presentation about these new Vision models and was like, oh, this is so cool, we can use this to generate code. And he had a little demo where it would kind of create a prototype based on whatever you drew, and it would send it to the model and say, hey, model, you are an expert tailwind and web developer who works from, like, low fidelity wireframes and creates working prototypes. Here's the latest image from your designers. Please come back with a working prototype. And it would. We took this a lot further. We put it back on the canvas. So this is a, again, the canvas is made of web stuff, so we can do this. Sadly, Miro and the others could not because their canvas wasn't web.
This little thing that I can still draw on top of and rotate, all that stuff, is a working website. I can double click in here, I can add minutes, I can add seconds, I can start the timer, and it sort of runs. Applause. Yeah, right. Yeah. Which is kind of cool. But again, because it's on the canvas, I can do more than that. I can also annotate. I can say, you know, put in a header here that says, like, timer.