Managers Are From Mars, Devs Are From Venus

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A Developer’s Guide to Communicating, Convincing, and Collaborating Effectively With Stakeholders

It’s a tale as old as time - collaboration between developers and business stakeholders has long been a challenge, with a lack of clear communication often leaving both sides frustrated. The best developers can deeply understand their business counterparts’ needs, effectively communicate technical strategy without losing the non-technical crowd, and convince the business to make the right decisions. Working at a consultancy, I’ve both failed and succeeded in architecting and “selling” technical visions, learning many lessons along the way.

Whether you work at a product company, are a consultant/freelancer, or want to venture beyond just being a developer, the ability to convince and clearly communicate with stakeholders can set you apart in the tech industry. This becomes even more important with the rise of GenAI and the increasingly competitive developer market, as problem-solving and effective communication are key to positioning yourself.

In this workshop, I’ll share real-world examples, both good and bad, and guide you through putting the theory into practice through dojos.

This workshop has been presented at TechLead Conference 2024, check out the latest edition of this Tech Conference.


The workshop focuses on improving communication, convincing, and collaboration skills between developers and stakeholders, highlighting the similarities to interpersonal relationships.

The workshop was first conducted in person at C3Fest in Amsterdam.

Effective communication is crucial to prevent delays, misunderstandings, and frustrations in projects, ensuring that both developers' technical concerns and business stakeholders' visibility needs are met.

Starting with 'Why' helps to clearly explain the motivation and purpose behind an argument or decision, making it more compelling and understandable for the audience.

Developers can create urgency by linking their proposals to recent and relatable issues, visualizing the problems, and demonstrating the worsening impact if not addressed promptly.

The 'Five Dysfunctions of a Team' book discusses common symptoms of dysfunctional teams and provides insights on creating functional and healthy teams.

Developers should avoid technical jargon, use comprehensible terms, visualize the problem, and relate the issue to the stakeholder's interests and motivations.

Forming a coalition helps to gather support from influential team members, ensuring a unified and stronger advocacy for the proposed change.

Leading with empathy acknowledges the emotional stakes involved, helps to diffuse tension, and redirects focus towards collaboratively solving the problem.

Developers should aim for tangible short-term wins to demonstrate immediate value and set up support systems and stakeholder involvement to maintain and incorporate changes for the long term.

Mo Khazali
Mo Khazali
111 min
24 Jun, 2024


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Video Summary and Transcription

The Workshop titled Managers are from Mars, Devs are from Venus focuses on the importance of effective communication and collaboration between developers and stakeholders. It aims to break the cycle of adversarial relationships between business and tech and provides practical strategies for improving communication. The workshop covers topics such as understanding stakeholders, convincing them to adopt new technologies, and addressing challenges in software development. It also emphasizes the need to balance fast delivery with bug fixing and prioritize user retention. Overall, the workshop provides valuable insights and techniques for bridging the gap between managers and developers.
Video transcription and chapters available for users with access.

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Table of contents

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