Take time off. A lot of people, again, and this is going back to rate, they actually build into their rate. They build a certain amount into their rate for their savings. So we do have freelancers who work nine months and they take three months off. We have some freelancers who work six months and take another six months off. Again, it all depends on your lifestyle. And allow yourself some flexibility. I mean, I think that's a given, but again, time management, so critical.
Okay. So I want to go back now because that kind of concludes this part of this where we're talking about how to do freelancing. Um, next I'm gonna address TopTile. And I'm going to tell you guys how different it is and why. And it's gonna address nearly, nearly, I would say a lot of the things that you mentioned in the chat. But one thing I want to do is, Alex, you asked about delays and, Um, here's what I can say to that. When you start the project, there could be delays, yes. I think the one thing that successful freelancers understand is upfront they can have that discussion with the client. Because if it's a good client, Alex, they will give you a good scope of work. And they will say, here's everything we need, and here's the timeframe. And you can identify quickly that it's gonna take a little longer, even if you have a gut feeling. Mention that to the client and build that buffer in. Therefore, when you start to look for other work, you can be realistic with that timeframe. I know this sounds difficult and complicated, but actually you will learn this over time quickly how to look at a scope of work and say, you know what, I think this is gonna take a little longer. And be transparent with the client and say, I've done this for a long time, and I just wanna build in a buffer of an extra couple of weeks or a month. And most clients for the most part will say, okay, let's do that. And so, I guess what I'm saying, but if this happens and you continue to have further delays I would tell you, you will not damage any relationship by being honest and transparent. The only way you're gonna damage a relationship is by not being transparent and honest. And that's my best advice is to always be honest. So, go to the second client, Alex, and say, hey, I'm excited to start this work. However, I wanna let you know that the project I'm working on right now, we're experiencing a short delay. Would you be okay with me starting? Being honest, being transparent, you will never damage a relationship. And I can say that without a doubt. Transparency goes a million, million miles for building your brand. So, I hope that helped, Alex.
Okay, so, let's talk about, yeah, thanks, okay, good. I've seen it work, Alex. I wanna go back real quick to a slide. Okay. If everybody remembers this little box over here in the lower right, freelance talent platforms, I wanna focus on that right now because this is the key to your entire career. Okay. So, there's different platforms. I've mentioned Upwork, I've mentioned Fiverr, I've mentioned Freelancer and Guru, and I'm sure that people might be familiar with other types. I just wanna mention TopTel because I work there and because I think that everybody deserves to hear about TopTel. So, here's how TopTel's different, and here's how we address all of the things that everybody's mentioned. TopTel is an exclusive network of the best of the best. So, what does that mean? It means that TopTel sources clients as well as freelancers. So, we have over 10,000 clients, and those clients are already vetted by TopTel. They come back to us continually because we have the best freelancers in the world. And how do we get the freelancers? Well, I'll tell you, you can't simply just register at TopTel and be in the network, it's not that easy. To get accepted into TopTel, for many people, is something that they aspire to do. There is a, let's see, one, two, three, there's a three to four step process.