Mastering Node.js Test Runner

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Node.js test runner is modern, fast, and doesn't require additional libraries, but understanding and using it well can be tricky.

You will learn how to use Node.js test runner to its full potential.

We'll show you how it compares to other tools, how to set it up, and how to run your tests effectively. During the workshop, we'll do exercises to help you get comfortable with filtering, using native assertions, running tests in parallel, using CLI, and more. We'll also talk about working with TypeScript, making custom reports, and code coverage.

This workshop has been presented at Node Congress 2024, check out the latest edition of this JavaScript Conference.


The speaker is Marco Ippolito, a senior developer experience engineer at Neo4j and a Node.js core contributor.

Common features include test discovery, test organization, reporting, and integration support with CI systems like GitHub Actions and Jenkins.

A test runner executes tests and reports results, while a test framework provides the structure for writing test cases, assertions, and test suites.

These hooks manage the test lifecycle by setting up and tearing down the test environment. 'before' and 'after' run once before and after all tests, while 'beforeEach' and 'afterEach' run before and after each individual test.

'only' runs a specific set of tests, 'skip' ignores certain tests, and 'to-do' marks tests as work-in-progress without affecting the overall test results.

You can run TypeScript tests by using the '--import' flag with a transpiler like ts-node or tsx.

V8's native code coverage is faster and more precise than older methods like Istanbul because it directly interfaces with the JavaScript engine to track executed code.

A test runner is a CLI tool that picks and runs JavaScript code to execute tests. It discovers, organizes, and reports test results.

JavaScript traditionally keeps its core small and delegates additional functionalities to npm packages, unlike other languages that have built-in test runners.

It simplifies setup by eliminating the need for external npm packages, standardizes test syntax, improves performance, and provides essential testing features out-of-the-box.

Marco Ippolito
Marco Ippolito
117 min
16 Apr, 2024


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Video Summary and Transcription
The Node.js Test Runner is a powerful tool that improves developer experience and standardizes test syntax. It offers features such as test discovery, organization, reporting, and integration support. The runner allows for running tests by name and in specific folders, and provides various assertion methods for code validation. It also supports parallel testing, sharding, and the creation of hierarchical test structures. Additionally, the test runner includes mocking capabilities, TypeScript support, and the ability to control test execution. The upcoming Node.js 22 release will introduce new features and improvements to the test runner.
Video transcription and chapters available for users with access.

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