Best Practices and Advanced TypeScript Tips for React Developers

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Are you a React developer trying to get the most benefits from TypeScript? Then this is the workshop for you.

In this interactive workshop, we will start at the basics and examine the pros and cons of different ways you can declare React components using TypeScript. After that we will move to more advanced concepts where we will go beyond the strict setting of TypeScript. You will learn when to use types like any, unknown and never. We will explore the use of type predicates, guards and exhaustive checking. You will learn about the built-in mapped types as well as how to create your own new type map utilities. And we will start programming in the TypeScript type system using conditional types and type inferring.

This workshop has been presented at React Advanced Conference 2022, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.


TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static type definitions, allowing developers to specify the types of variables, function parameters, return values, and more. In React development, TypeScript enhances code quality and maintainability by enabling type checking at compile time, catching errors before runtime, and providing better tooling support.

Generics in TypeScript provide a way to create reusable components or functions that work with multiple types rather than a single type. This helps in maintaining a flexible yet type-safe codebase, where functions and components can operate on data of various types while still providing the benefits of type safety.

A Zod schema is a validation schema used to define the shape and constraints of data objects at runtime. In TypeScript, Zod can be used to validate data fetched from external sources, ensuring that it conforms to the expected shape and types, thus preventing runtime errors and maintaining data integrity.

To ensure runtime data matches TypeScript types, you can use runtime validation libraries like Zod or io-ts. These libraries allow you to define schemas that describe the expected data types and structures. When data is received, such as from an API, it is validated against these schemas to ensure it matches the TypeScript types expected by your application.

Using TypeScript with React provides numerous benefits including enhanced code reliability and predictability, improved development efficiency through better tooling and autocompletion, easier refactoring and maintenance, and a reduction in common runtime errors through static type checking.

Maurice de Beijer
Maurice de Beijer
148 min
26 Oct, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

This workshop on advanced TypeScript tips for React developers covers a wide range of topics, including TypeScript compilation, converting JavaScript components to TypeScript, enforcing mutually exclusive props, and data validation. It emphasizes the importance of strict settings in TypeScript and using generics for type safety. The workshop also highlights the benefits of TypeScript's type inference and its integration with React components. Overall, the workshop provides practical insights and best practices for leveraging TypeScript in React development.
Video transcription and chapters available for users with access.