OpenAI in React: Integrating GPT-4 with Your React Application

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The video discusses the integration of OpenAI's GPT-4 with React applications, highlighting the benefits of vector search capabilities. It explains how to generate embeddings for custom data, store them in a vector database, and use vector search to retrieve semantically related results. The talk covers the use of Next.js, LangChain, Vercel AI SDK, and MongoDB for building AI-powered applications. It describes the process of creating embeddings, storing them in MongoDB, and setting up a search index. The importance of Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) in enhancing GPT models by providing real-time, context-relevant data is emphasized. The video also highlights how AI can improve user engagement and business efficiency, making applications smarter and more context-aware.

From Author:

In this talk, attendees will learn how to integrate OpenAI's GPT-4 language model into their React applications, exploring practical use cases and implementation strategies to enhance user experience and create intelligent, interactive applications.

This talk has been presented at React Summit US 2023, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.

Watch video on a separate page


No, AI is far from a fad. It's a revolutionary change that is helping businesses solve real problems and making individuals more productive.

AI matters now more than ever because it helps create highly engaging applications, provides personalized experiences, and drives competitive advantage by making intelligent decisions faster on fresher, more accurate data.

AI can be used for fraud detection, chatbots, personalized recommendations, and more. It is applicable in various industries including retail, healthcare, finance, and manufacturing.

Batch AI analyzes historical data to make predictions about the future, usually run offline and on a schedule. Real-time AI, on the other hand, makes predictions and decisions based on live data, allowing it to react quickly to events as they happen.

Generative AI involves training models to generate new content such as images, text, music, and video. It represents the cutting edge of AI technology and goes beyond making predictions to creating new content.

Generative Pretrained Transformers (GPTs) are large language models that perform tasks like natural language processing and content generation. Their key limitation is their static knowledge base; they only know what they've been trained on and can sometimes provide inaccurate information.

RAG leverages vectors to pull in real-time, context-relevant data, augmenting the capabilities of GPT models. It reduces hallucinations, provides up-to-date information, and allows access to private, proprietary data, making applications smarter and more context-aware.

Vectors are numerical representations of data that enable semantic search, allowing for the retrieval of contextually relevant information. They are used in various AI applications to improve the accuracy and relevance of search results.

Technologies like Next.js, OpenAI, LangChain, Vercel AI SDK, and MongoDB Vector Search are used to build AI-powered React applications. These tools help integrate AI seamlessly and make applications smarter and more efficient.

AI improves user engagement by providing personalized, context-aware experiences. It also enhances business efficiency by making intelligent decisions faster, based on fresher and more accurate data.

Jesse Hall
Jesse Hall
22 min
15 Nov, 2023


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Video Transcription

1. The Importance of AI in Application Development

Short description:

AI is a revolutionary change that helps businesses solve real problems and make employees and individuals more productive. It matters now more than ever and can take your React applications to the next level. Building intelligence into applications is in high demand for modern, engaging experiences, fraud detection, chatbots, personalized recommendations, and more. AI-powered apps drive user engagement and satisfaction, as well as efficiency and profitability. Almost every application will use AI in some capacity. Use cases include retail, healthcare, finance, and manufacturing. Early computing relied on analytics, but as computing power increased, analyzing larger datasets became easier.

Artificial intelligence is just a fad, right? It's going to blow over like a blockchain. Well, actually I don't think so. In fact, AI is far from a fad. It's a revolutionary change. It's helping businesses solve real problems, and making employees and individuals more productive. So let's talk about why AI matters now more than ever, and how AI can take your React applications to the next level.

I'm Jesse Hall, a Senior Developer Advocate at MongoDB. You might also know me from my YouTube channel, CodeStacker. So throughout this talk, we're going to explore the demand for intelligent apps, practical use cases, limitations of LLMs, how to overcome these limitations, the tech stack that we're going to use to build a smart React app, and how to integrate GPT, make it smart, and optimize the user experience.

So if you're new to the AI space, maybe you don't know all of these terms and technologies that we're going to talk about, or maybe you're scared that you're going to miss out on what all the new kids on the block are talking about. But don't worry because we're going to define and demystify a lot of these concepts. And then we're going to go deeper and discuss some of the considerations that you need to make whenever you're building AI into your applications.

There is a huge demand for building intelligence into our applications in order to make these modern highly engaging applications, and to make differentiating experiences for each of our users. You could use it for fraud detection, chatbots, personalized recommendations, and beyond. Now, to compete and win, we need to make our applications smarter and surface insights faster. Smarter apps use AI-powered models to take action autonomously for the user, and the results are two-fold. First, your apps drive competitive advantage by deepening user engagement and satisfaction as they interact with your application. And secondly, your apps unlock higher efficiency and profitability by making intelligent decisions faster on fresher, more accurate data.

Almost every application going forward is going to use AI in some capacity. AI is going to wait for no one. So in order to stay competitive, we need to build intelligence into our applications in order to gain rich insights from your data. AI is being used to both power the user-facing aspect and the fresh data and insights that you get from these interactions is going to power a more efficient business decision model.

Now there are so many use cases, but here are just a few. Retail, healthcare, finance, manufacturing. Now, although these are very different use cases, they're all unified by their critical need to work with the freshest data in order to achieve their objectives in real time. They all consist of AI-powered apps that drive the user-facing experience. And predictive insights make use of fresh data and automation to drive more efficient business processes. But how did we get to this stage of AI? Well, in the early days of computing, applications primarily relied on analytics to make sense of the data. This involved analyzing large datasets and extracting insights that could inform business decisions. As computing power increased, it became easier to analyze larger datasets in less time.

2. Advancements in AI and Machine Learning

Short description:

The focus shifted towards machine learning, specifically batch AI and real-time AI. Batch AI analyzes historical data to make predictions about the future, while real-time AI uses live data for real-time predictions. Generative AI is the cutting edge, training models to generate new content. GPT, or Generative Pretrained Transformers, are large language models that make applications smarter, but they have limitations.

Now, as computing power continued to increase, the focus shifted towards machine learning. Traditional batch machine learning involves training models on historic data and using them to make predictions or inferences about future events, about how your user might interact in the future. The more data over time that you feed your model, the better it gets. The more you can tune it and the more accurate the future predictions become. So as you can imagine, this is really powerful because if you can predict what's going to happen tomorrow you can make really great business decisions today.

So batch AI as the name implies is usually run offline and on a schedule. So it's analyzing historical data to make predictions about the future, but therein lies the problem with batch AI. It's working on historic data. It can't react to events that happen quickly in real time. Now although it's really great for industries such as finance and healthcare, we need data on things that are happening now. And so this is where real-time AI comes in. Real-time AI represents a significant step forward from traditional AI. This approach involves training models on live data and using them to make predictions or inferences in real time. This is particularly useful for fraud detection, for instance, where decisions need to be made quickly based on what's happening in real time. What good is fraud detection if the person defrauding you has already gotten away with it?

And then finally, that brings us to generative AI, which represents the cutting edge. This approach involves training models to generate new content. Now this could be images, text, music, video. It's not simply making predictions anymore. It's creating the future. Now, fun fact, the images here were all created using Dolly. So over the years, we've seen AI evolve from analytics to real-time machine learning and now to generative AI. These are not incremental changes. They're transformative. They shape how we interact with technology every single day.

So let's zoom in a bit. We have something called Generative Pretrained Transformers or GPT. These large language models perform a variety of tasks from natural language processing to content generation and even some elements of common sense reasoning. They are the brains that are making our applications smarter. But there is a catch. GPTs are incredible, but they aren't perfect.

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