Sophie finds testing crucial because it ensures that the mobile app works correctly before shipping, reducing the need for frequent bug-fix releases and increasing confidence in the app's performance.
Tomasz values testing for the peace of mind it provides, allowing him to sleep better at night knowing that the software pushed to production is less likely to break.
For a large existing code base, it is recommended to start with end-to-end tests that cover the most crucial functionalities, such as a checkout button or critical financial transactions, and then expand testing coverage gradually.
Iris believes the number one benefit of software testing is ensuring the quality for the end user, making sure that every release is tested automatically without the need for manual checks on every feature.
Kent began his journey in testing with his open source libraries, aiming to save time and effort by automating the manual process of checking and clicking through functionalities before releases.
The advice for starting with React testing is to treat it as a part of regular software development, focusing on writing tests that notify when something isn't working as expected, similar to how one would learn any new software framework or feature.
Sophie recommends using Detox for end-to-end testing of React Native apps, noting that while it may be complex to set up, it performs effectively once configured.
Common anti-patterns in test code include testing internal component details rather than their outputs or interactions, which can lead to fragile tests that fail when internal implementations change without affecting functionality.
To convince others of the value of testing, focus on demonstrating the time and resources wasted on resolving issues in production that could have been prevented with testing, emphasizing on enhancing the software's quality rather than merely adding tests.