The compiler will not optimize library code unless it's compiled from source with support. It works fine as long as the libraries follow React rules and conventions.
The React compiler optimizes memorization by minimizing stack memory usage and efficiently handling components rendering, which helps in reducing memory usage on the stack.
Johnny's talk focuses on React 19 from an application engineer's perspective, emphasizing performance for applications where users spend multiple hours. The talk also covers React 19's compiler and its benefits.
The benefits include improved performance through deeper optimizations, reduced rendering times, and enabling developers to focus on application functionality rather than technical optimizations.
Developers should follow React rules strictly, avoid disabling ESLint rules unnecessarily, and be aware of potential issues with refs and custom hooks that might not align with standard React lifecycles.
The React compiler is important for performance optimizations and stacking abstractions. It helps translate high-level language code for better performance without requiring manual optimizations from developers.
One challenge is the removal of the global JSX namespace, which requires adjustments in applications using libraries like Emotion that have not yet updated to React 19.
Reported improvements include better load times, less rendering, and enhanced application performance, as experienced during the beta production phase at Sizzle.
Johnny, whose full German name is Johannes Bernhardt, is currently working at Synthesia and previously worked at Sizzle. He has significant experience with React 19, having used it in beta and with the compiler at both jobs.
Yes, using the React compiler can increase build times, especially if Babel wasn't used previously, due to additional parsing and processing overhead.