What Refs Can Do for You

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The recording will be published after editing. Multipass and Full ticket holders have early access.
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While Refs are considered an escape hatch there are times when you might just need to use them.In this talk, with the help of real world examples, we will look at what Refs can do for us in terms of code clarity and also performance gains. Think along the lines of minimising renders and avoiding flickering UIs. We will cover the restrictions for safe usage and for those of you already using these patterns make sure you are prepared for the changes coming in React 19.

This talk has been presented at React Summit US 2024, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.

Stephen Cooper
Stephen Cooper
Video transcription, chapters and summary will be available later.

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React Compiler - Understanding Idiomatic React (React Forget)
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
33 min
React Compiler - Understanding Idiomatic React (React Forget)
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Watch video: React Compiler - Understanding Idiomatic React (React Forget)
Joe Savona
Mofei Zhang
2 authors
The Talk discusses React Forget, a compiler built at Meta that aims to optimize client-side React development. It explores the use of memoization to improve performance and the vision of Forget to automatically determine dependencies at build time. Forget is named with an F-word pun and has the potential to optimize server builds and enable dead code elimination. The team plans to make Forget open-source and is focused on ensuring its quality before release.