The entire talk is about React Native Reanimated, which empowers developers with tools to create fast, easy, and performant animations. Shared values, derived values, animated styles, and props, interpolation, and animated reactions are the key primitives in Reanimated. Interpolation is particularly important when animating values from an input range to an output range.
The entire talk is going to be around Reanimated or React Native Reanimated. And I believe that this library, React Native Reanimated, is going to empower you with amazing tools and capabilities so you can create delightful experiences really fast, easy and performant. I believe that Reanimated opens the gates for creating amazing animations, it eliminates a lot of roadblocks and is solving 99% of performance issues and is going to let you focus more on things that matters the most, and that's creating pleasant illusions through animations and increasing user experience.
My name is Catalin Miron, I am currently helping others to succeed. You can follow more about my work, you can follow me on twitter using mironcatalin as twitter handler. So, let's start by setting up the ground foundation of this entire talk and start talking about reanimated primitives which I believe are the most critical one to master eventually. The first and by far the most important one is to use shared values. Shared values can carry data and provide a way to react to changes and also drive the animation and it's also important that it's reactive. This data is stored on the UI thread but can be also accessed from the JavaScript side as well hence the name shared. It can be a number, it can be a boolean, a string, an object, an array.
Use derived value is when you'd like to create a new value based on a shared value. In this example I'm just adding 100 to an existing shared value so whenever that value is going to change this derived value is going to change as well. Use animated style is used when a style attribute will need to update based on a shared value or this style attribute depends on a shared value. In other words it's a reactive style sheet. The counterpart of use animated style is use animated props. For non-style attributes in this example I'm animating a stroke with but I can also do it for a path. Interpolate is going to let you remap values based on an input range and output range. You can also have interpolate color is the same as interpolate but for colors as output ranges in this example I'm morphing between red and blue. Of course you can animate those shared values by using timing, spring and decay. You can delay those animations, you can repeat those animations, you can sequence them or go crazy. You can repeat reverse a sequence of animations with an initial delay. If you're using gesture handler you can also listen to some events by using useAnimate gesture handler or if you're using scroll view or flat list or any scrolling components you can use animated scroll handler and listen to those events and if you're just interested in the onScrollEvent you can use the shorthand notation and just get directly the event that's coming from that onScrollEvent. Last but not least is use animated reaction. It's useful if you'd like to set state or call some API's or do something else on the JavaScript side and how it's actually using it's receiving two different methods. One is for the preparation, it's informing the animated reaction what shared value it's interested in and the reaction of that is going to receive the result and the previous value and you can do whatever you'd like to do.
Now that we have set up the ground foundation and what are the most important primitives in my opinion that reanimated exposed, now let's talk what matters the most when coming from outside world or you'd like to animate something. In my perspective the most important one is interpolate. Interpolate is a function that will remap an animation value from an input range to an output range. And yeah it's a method, it's going to accept a shared value, it's going to accept an input range, output range. Extrapolate left and extrapolate right and in case those two extrapolations are equal you can use the shorthand notation.