Remix Persistence With DynamoDB

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Remix is the best React framework for working with the second most important feature of the web: forms. (Anchors are more important.) But building forms is the fun part: the tricky part is what happens when a web consumer submits a form! Not the client side validation logic but the brass tacks backend logic for creating, reading, updating, destroying, and listing records in a durable database (CRUDL). Databases can be intimidating. Which one to choose? What are the tradeoffs? How do I model data for fast queries? In this talk, we'll learn about the incredibly powerful AWS DynamoDB. Dynamo promises single-digit millisecond latency no matter how much data you have stored, scaling is completely transparent, and it comes with a generous free tier. Dynamo is a different level of database but it does not have to be intimidating.

This talk has been presented at Remix Conf Europe 2022, check out the latest edition of this Tech Conference.


DynamoDB is a low-latency, wide-column key-value store used for database management. It operates as a fully managed service on AWS, meaning there's no need for manual patching or software upgrades. It allows for different item attributes per row and uses JSON for storing data.

DynamoDB is favored for its scalability, managed service features, and low-latency performance, especially in high-demand environments. It supports a huge free tier, integrates well with AWS Lambda for single-digit millisecond latency, and its simplicity in API (about six key API calls) makes it user-friendly for developers.

DynamoDB offers a generous free tier, providing 25 GB of storage and 200 million requests per month. Beyond the free tier, costs are incurred based on storage and request volume, but it remains a cost-effective solution for many applications, especially during the prototyping phase.

Yes, DynamoDB supports an SQL-like syntax through PartiQL, which allows for querying data in a manner similar to SQL. This makes it accessible for users familiar with SQL while offering the benefits of a NoSQL database.

Common misconceptions include the belief that DynamoDB is overly expensive, requires upfront knowledge of all access patterns, and is difficult to modify or migrate. However, these are largely myths; DynamoDB is cost-effective, flexible in data modeling, and supports SQL-like query options.

DynamoDB features include automatic scaling, built-in security, in-memory caching, continuous backups, and data import/export tools. It is designed to provide both high performance and high availability, handling over 82 million requests per second during peak times like Amazon's Prime Day.

DynamoDB automatically scales up and down according to the application's needs without downtime. It uses partitioning and replication to ensure that the database can handle large amounts of data and high levels of application traffic.

DynamoDB is highly suitable for applications requiring low latency data access at any scale. It's particularly beneficial for web, mobile, gaming, ad tech, IoT, and many other applications. However, it might not be the best fit for applications requiring complex transactions typical in relational databases.

Brian LeRoux
Brian LeRoux
41 min
18 Nov, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

DynamoDB is a next-generation key-value database that is low-latency, scalable, and easy to use. It offers advantages such as local development options, a generous free tier, and fast performance. Common misconceptions about DynamoDB being expensive or hard to learn are debunked. The Talk covers topics like basic modeling, separating concerns, working with DynamoDB in Remix, and building a DynamoDB client. Overall, DynamoDB is a powerful database that integrates well with Remix and provides efficient data access patterns.
Available in Español: Persistencia de Remix con DynamoDB

1. Introduction to DynamoDB

Short description:

Today I'm going to talk about persistence with DynamoDB, a next-generation key-value database. DynamoDB is a low-latency, wide-column key-value store that allows querying by key and storing values as JSON. It is a completely managed database with no patching or software upgrades required. Additionally, DynamoDB is scaled to zero, meaning you only pay for what you use.

Hi, everybody, it's a real pleasure to be here, and I'm stoked to be part of this remix movement with you. And today I'm going to be talking to you about persistence with DynamoDB. My name is Brian LaRue, you can find me on various socials, so it still exists under that name, and I work for

So, before I get into Dynamo, I'm just going to talk about persistence in general. So, persistence is a really important requirement for dynamic web applications. It is an essential complexity for anything that's personalized, so anything that's got an authentication step and we're saving some data about a person and we need to do that in a secure way and in a fast way, you're going to need a database. And you can't do this with a flat file system. You don't want to do this with a flat file system because you'll get into concurrency issues.

So, traditionally, people would choose a relational database, and DynamoDB is a kind of next-generation database that is key-value based. And so, most organizations out there these days have settled on Amazon for infrastructure, and Dynamo is the flagship key-value database for AWS. So, if you're using AWS, you probably would like to learn more about Dynamo.

So, what exactly is Dynamo? It's a low-latency, wide-column key-value store that's a really fancy way of saying that we query by key, and we store values as JSON, and we can have different shapes of different columns on every row. So, for every row in my database, I could have different item attributes and it's all good. Dynamo is a completely managed database, and this means that there's no patching. There's no software to upgrade, and that's really nice. And also really nice is that it's scaled to zero, which is a fancy way of saying that you only pay for what you use, and you don't pay for anything else. So, it's 100% utilization. You're not keeping a big cluster of servers around just to meet demand that you may or may not have. You just use what you pay for, and happy days. You move on from there.

2. Advantages of DynamoDB

Short description:

DynamoDB is the flagship managed database for the pioneer of the cloud, used by Amazon themselves. It offers great local development options, a huge free tier, and fast performance regardless of data size. With only a few key API calls and excellent compatibility with AWS Lambda, DynamoDB stands out from traditional relational databases in terms of speed and integration.

So, the next kind of big question that I often get is like, well, why would I choose DynamoDB out of the millions of database options that we have available to us out there? And the key one for me is it's the flagship managed database for the pioneer of the cloud, and they use it themselves at Amazon to back's retail business. So, it's just a good choice. From that regard, there's great local development options. It's got a huge free tier. It's fast no matter how much data you store, which is kind of a science fiction dream for databases. Used to be, as you added servers, you would add latency, and you definitely would add problems, which we just don't experience with a managed database. It's very small, so there's not a whole lot of API to learn. There's really only about six key API calls to deal with Dynamo, which is really great. It's got a good SDK for just about every runtime you could think of. And the sort of sleeper feature, my favorite feature, that it works really well with AWS Lambda, single digit millisecond latency for queries, no matter how much data you're storing. It's generally the line that gets tossed around, and this is a really big deal because a lot of databases are quite slow today, especially traditional relational databases. They can be made fast, but they're never gonna be that fast. And they just don't work as well with Lambda for a variety of reasons.

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