All right, let's jump into audience questions. The top rated question here is really a question that I always have to think about myself as well, which is, what are your thoughts of the adoption of cutting-edge databases? Like, who are the early adopters outside of side projects? Because the database is the last thing that a person, like any developer, wants to disappear because of. Yeah, yeah, I mean, this is true, but also, I mean, if you're thinking about new databases, and yes, there is a risk that they will disappear, the risk of vendor lock, or you know, maybe they won't disappear, but simply like people working on it will stop working on it, and then you will have to fix the bugs yourself. I know that that's a risk, but also, by being an early adopter, you get almost full-time support. So that's the advantage, because, like, I think the like people creating the database will make sure to help, and to shape the tool however, you know, the early users want. But yes, that's also true, that most of the new databases are meant for side projects first, because they first need like a vast user base to shape the API surface, and so on. Yeah, it seems that, you know, I don't know any of the market data or market trends, but it seems like the databases that are experiencing a lot of adoptions are the ones that are based on, you know, standard SQL engines, like, you know, PlanetScale or Neon, and I guess it's the old, you know, nobody ever got fired for choosing Postgres, you know, kind of thing. But do you feel like with a more bespoke database, such as HDB or something like that, like, is there a sort of like a realistic migration approach for people, you know, if you sort of like find that maybe the choice wasn't right, or maybe the database is evolving to a direction that doesn't? Yeah, I think that's a good question, and that's a question that a lot of people have, and we also have that mentioned in the docs. Like, there is a way out, of course, if you decide you don't want it, and a good thing is that it's built on Postgres, so it's not like we're, like, starting from scratch and making everything ourselves. But yes, there is a certain vendor lock that you have to take into account. Not impossible to, you know, go back from. Nice. The next top-rated question here is, how would you sell, you know, convince your colleagues, maybe, or your boss at, you know, traditional SQL Server shop to try something like HDB? Like, what's the pitch to the people who already have an old-fashioned tool and they're happy with it? I think I would say that you can start shipping very fast. I know that's kind of like everybody says, that, like, you can ship fast, but you really can, because all the complexities of setting the database up are taken away. Like, if you want to have, like, a regular Postgres, how do you run it? In a Docker? That requires a Docker knowledge, something else, and something else. So that is completely taken away. And then you have all the features, like AI authentication, that is already there for you to just start building right away with no setup and no additional tools. Like, I know something for Elf, something else for the AI database. Yeah, that makes sense. Now let's go to a little bit more technical questions. Here is one. Why is it bad to have a server waterfall? Isn't it what GraphQL servers already do? Well, it's not inherently bad, but sometimes you may not want to wait for other components to render if you know that the data can run in parallel, for example, the request. I know, like, each browser has, like, a limit to how many requests can run at the same time, but still, you could avoid having to put, for example, like a loading state or use the suspense. Yeah, that makes sense. The next question I was looking at, like, maybe this was already sort of half covered, but I'm also maybe not sure the answer is, so let me ask it again. Oh, why would you use a bespoke vector database over a database with vector indexes? Why not just use Postgres for this? Like, what are sort of, like, the features or the qualities that you get? Well, to be honest, like, these days I would use a database with vector indexes because most of them already have them. For example, if you are using SuperBase, which is very popular, SuperBase added pgVector, and there was this time where, like, Pinecon or similar databases, like, had, you know, had their time, but now I think they are slightly being pushed away. However, if you want, if your focus is only on vectors, then you might want to optimize for that. That's the only use case. Like, if you know that you need strong optimization and you don't care about other types of data.