Hi, everybody. My name is Mariam Bilan. I'm full stack product designer at NodeSource. And today, I'm going to talk about simplifying the complexity of Node.js for Windows DB. It is important to note that this talk will not be possible without the incredible team of NodeSource engineers who curate the content. And as an expert navigator, they've managed to simplify JavaScript specifically Node.js for me and why we use InputDB in our infrastructure. But then, let's start.
At NodeSource, we are the main Node.js distributor on Linux. Our value is centered on our expertise and the ability we have to translate performance data into a product, accessible, interpretable, actionable, do so in production. We are experts Node.js guides that help organizations and developers use Node to its fullest through our tools and consult. For years, we have been known as the Node company, always focused on Node.js, what became the idea, became the idea.
Specifically today we are going to talk about our Node.js Enterprise Runtime called NSolid, which is an Enterprise version of the open source project that is available out in the web. And what we are doing is we are essentially making some implementations that allow you to access the internal behavior of what is going on inside of the Runtime, and we're exposing this to a console. We have amazing case studies supporting the unique features of NSolid. You can access performance details, performance metrics, diagnostic capabilities, security insights, but also provide a bi-directional control mechanism to control what's happening in the Runtime and how the Runtime behaves. So with NSolid you have analytics, diagnostics, security, and best of all is directing in production. Also within NSolid, you have flexible integration, specialized alerts, cloud native and container ready. And probably you are thinking, how does it work? So we're using inflows to keep track of all the process data. With all of these metrics and analytics that we're getting, we're looking at serving large installations of nodes, hundreds or thousands of processes running at the same time across different environments. And in order to do that, we are using InfluxDB. InfluxDB drives with the data aggregation. InfluxDB gave us rich use, each individual processing, their supply metrics, diagnostic data, capture CPU profiles or memory snapshots in order to detect memory leaks, and also security. So we knew we kind of wanted to lean into a time series database. And InfluxDB quickly rostered the top of the list. So we quickly worked to migrate to InfluxDB. One of the things that was really important to us is one of the unique values propositions of Ensolving is the real-time aspect. So there are a lot of APM tools across the board, from Datatank to New Relic and whatnot. And there's a variance in terms of how available the data is. It's not necessarily real time. There's actual staging period.