Superpowers of Browser’s Web API

When writing code for the Web, there are a lot of capabilities that are offered out of the box by our browsers. If you ever wrote a File Upload component, used timers and intervals, interacted with the DOM, or stored something in the Local/Session Storage, you had to go to the MDN’s Web API docs, to find some relevant information on how to implement that code.

In this session, we will delve into the exciting world of browser Web APIs that are not so commonly used (although they should be) and explore their incredible capabilities 🚀

All these features offer new opportunities for creating immersive web experiences that can help businesses grow and connect with customers.

So if you are the kind of an engineer who wants to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to web development, learn how Intersection Observer, Background Sync API, Screen Wake Lock API (and many more) can help you create better web applications that will keep users engaged and coming back for more!

This talk has been presented at React Advanced 2023, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.

Watch video on a separate page


Web APIs are built-in interfaces provided by browsers that allow developers to interact with and utilize various functionalities such as file uploads, geolocation, DOM manipulation, local storage, and more.

The setTimeout function is asynchronous and waits for a specified number of milliseconds before executing the callback. It places the callback in a queue and waits for the call stack to be free before executing it.

The Intersection Observer API allows developers to detect whether an element is visible within the viewport. It can be used to create functionalities like lazy loading images, infinite scroll lists, and deferring animations.

The Network API provides information about the system's connection and detects connection changes. It can be used to improve user experience by notifying users of network changes or preloading large resources when a fast connection is detected.

The Background Sync API allows developers to defer tasks until the user has a stable internet connection. It can be used to handle offline capabilities, such as sending emails or completing requests when the user comes back online.

The Broadcast Channel API enables communication between different browsing contexts, such as windows, tabs, frames, or iframes, as long as they are on the same origin. It allows sending and receiving messages across these contexts.

Some lesser-known Web APIs include the Beacon API, Web Speech API, Web Share API, Screen Awake Lock API, Page Visibility API, Background Fetch API, and Web Authentication API.

Using standardized Web APIs ensures consistent behavior across different browsers and reduces the need for additional libraries, which can improve performance and reduce the bundle size of web applications.

Using Web APIs instead of additional libraries can reduce the bundle size of web applications, leading to lower energy consumption by servers and cloud providers. This can contribute to reducing the overall electricity usage of the internet, which is significant for environmental sustainability.

The slides and examples mentioned in the talk are available on the speaker's GitHub. A QR code linking to the slides was also provided at the end of the talk.

Nikola Mitrovic
Nikola Mitrovic
23 min
23 Oct, 2023


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  • Dan Pudsey
    Dan Pudsey
    New Scientist
    I use the IntersectionObserver API for a site header, but I use for lazy loading images. Is there any benefit for using IntersectionObserver over loading="lazy"...?
Video Summary and Transcription
Today's Talk explores various Web APIs and their functionalities, including the Intersection Observer API for element visibility, the Network API for connection detection, and the Background Sync API for offline capabilities. The Broadcast Channel API enables communication between components and the Beacon, Web Speech, Web Share, Screen Awake Lock, Page Visibility, Background Fetch, and Web Authentication APIs offer additional functionalities. These standardized APIs work across browsers and can improve performance while reducing electricity consumption.

1. Introduction to Web APIs and Astronaut Example

Short description:

Today we're going to talk about Web APIs and their functionalities provided by the browser. We can leverage these built-in interfaces to enhance our web applications. Let's explore some new or not-so-well-known APIs that offer superpowers. I am Nikola Mitrovic, a Development Lead and Software Engineer at Vega IT. In our first example, we have a page with a small astronaut who displays a message when fully visible while scrolling.

Hi React Advanced London! Welcome to today's talk. I wish you a warm welcome. Today we're going to talk about something called Web APIs. But before we do that, we need to take a small step back and go to some JavaScript basics.

Probably this is a classic interview question and if I ask you what is the answer most of you would answer the order of these logs would be 1, 3, 2, right? But how do you know that? How can we know that? So let's visualize this example a bit and check it out.

So as we know, there is a call stack. Our engine starts to execute line by one. Console.log is asynchronous and it's executed immediately, but the set timeout is asynchronous, so it needs to go around a bit. It waits for a number of milliseconds that we put in a callback. It goes in the queue. We wait for the call stack to be free again, and then event loop kicks with the value that we put inside of the callback. But the question is, where does setTimeout wait for those number of milliseconds? And the answer is, WebAPI. If you're a curious engineer as I am, you might ask at that point, OK, what is the WebAPI? And if we Google a bit, we can find out that there is MDN documentation about WebAPI, and the setTimeout is under the tab, WebAPI. If we check there, there we can see that there are a number of available functionalities that browsers offers us out of the box. And if we explore a bit there, we can find a lot of well-known APIs. Like, for example, if you ever built a file upload component, if you ever used geolocation, if you ever communicated with a DOM alters on DOM elements, if you local storage, session storage. So all of those APIs are functionalities that are provided by the browser. Of course, there are some well-known APIs and some well-known functionalities that you're using in day-to-day work. But I was wondering what are some of the new or not-so-well-known APIs that we can leverage in our web applications and really use these super powers? So we can conclude that WebAPI is a collection of those built-in interfaces that we can use just by using the browser.

First, I will just introduce myself quickly. My name is Nikola Mitrovic. I work as a Development Lead and Software Engineer at Vega IT, based in Novi Sad, Serbia. And these are my WebAPI highlights for you for today. We go to our first example for today. So let's say we have an application like this. We have a page. When we scroll down a bit, then we start noticing that there is a small astronaut at the bottom, in the corner. And if we scroll a bit more, once the astronaut is fully visible, he says, Hello World. If we scroll a bit up and the astronaut is not fully visible, the message goes away. If we scroll down a bit again, he again says, Hello World.

2. Using the Intersection Observer API

Short description:

The Intersection Observer API helps determine if an element is visible on the page by checking if it intersects with the viewport. In React, we can create a hook called UseVisible to observe elements. This hook takes a reference to the element and a configuration object for the Intersection Observer. We can set the margin and threshold for intersection. By setting the threshold to 1, we observe when the element is fully visible. The hook returns a state variable, isVisible, which indicates if the element is visible or not.

Okay, how did we manage to do this? There is an API called Intersection Observer API, which basically figures out if the element is visible on the page or not, if it's intersecting the viewport. If we're doing this inside of a React, we would probably build a hook, lets call it Use Visible and the code looks like this. The hook accepts two parameters, one is the reference of an element that we're trying to observe and there is a configuration object for the Intersection Observer. That configuration object may have the ancestor of the target, if we pass the null, then we are assuming that we are using the viewport as a parent element. We can set up the margin around that element and call that intersection a little bit earlier, and there is a threshold which is a number from 0 to 1. Because we set it to 1, we observe when an element is fully visible, so we can intersect let's say at a half of the visibility. We would have some state isVisible of course, and then we instantiate an intersection observer object. Inside of a callback we would get entry object, and that entry is having a property called isIntersecting. So basically, based on that, we can figure out if element is visible or not, that value would be true or false. What's left to do is just to observe that element. And then at the end, of course, we set the state and returning it back, and we would get from that hook just true or false state.

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