Hi, I'm Bradley Farias. I work at Socket on Supply Chain Security. Supply Chain refers to the network of people, tools, and dependencies that come together to build software. Security vendors often exaggerate the risks and try to make you panic. It's important to ask questions and assess the actual impact of the threats. When considering security, focus on your application, its dependencies, and the consumers. At Socket, we prioritize defending against dependencies and the risks they introduce. Understanding what the security vendor offers and tailoring it to your needs is crucial.
Hi, I'm Bradley Farias. I work at Socket on Supply Chain Security, and I want to talk to you a little bit about experience of doing so and how to not be overwhelmed by all these security people trying to talk to you about their wonderful products and all the chaotic mess that we have.
So Supply Chain just means a network of different people, of different tools, different dependencies, all coming together to make your application for software. People want to blow this out of proportion, oh this network is ever expanding and stuff like that. And it is large, especially in JavaScript. The average dependency might have around 80 dependencies, what we're seeing at work today. So whenever you pull in a dependency in your package.json for node, you're actually pulling in around 81 on average. Because each dependency may have another dependency. Which is a little bit scary to think about, but it's just the reality of the nature of building software these days. Everybody's working together. And that means our supply chain is very large.
This has security people and security vendors wanting you to panic. They want you to think that all sorts of things are vulnerable. Any sort of attack, everywhere, even the most minute kind of attack, is something you must be vigilant against. You must spend thousands and thousands of your money to just defend against something when in reality if you ask some questions. Who can actually perform the attack? What can the attack do? Where can the attack actually be performed? And these kind of things. You might notice that, okay, we can invest in these things that the security vendor has said are the most important things, but the impact of them is very small. And so it may be the case that all these security threats that are being identified, that are shown to you by these security vendors are impractical, or just don't do anything to what you have.
So when you think about this, you need to think about your application, the dependencies in your application, and the consumers of your application. And who is the security vendor actually doing something for? Are they preventing consumers from doing something bad to your application? Are they preventing dependencies from exposing dangers to your application? For our work at Socket, we are mostly focused on your dependencies. We have a high level of trust on your application. And that's not to say it's the only thing we defend against, but a lot of the time, when you are working with dependencies, you don't read their source code. You don't know what happens when you update your dependencies. They could pull in a new dependency, and when that dependency updates, pulling in a new dependency could introduce a backdoor. It could introduce a problematic script that runs on your development machine, on your build server, and stuff like that. A lot of this is about trying to figure out what the security vendor is providing for you. What the security vendor is trying to tailor their experience for. They could be informative. They are trying to tell you, this thing that you installed has 80 dependencies within it. You're not installing one when you add it to your package JSON.