The Art of ‘Humble Views’: Testing React Native Apps the Smart Way

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In this talk, we explore the divisive world of testing, where developers often find themselves torn between writing no tests and striving for 100% test coverage. Learn how to navigate these polarizing positions and adopt a more nuanced strategy that makes testing efficient and effective.We'll dive into the concept of 'Humble Views,' where we minimize untestable objects by extracting logic from UI elements into test-friendly parts of the codebase. This approach simplifies testing, focusing on business logic instead of UI complexities. Discover how the Model-View-Presenter (MVP) architecture helps achieve this, with presenters serving as a logical layer for testing and hooks aiding in separating logic from UI components.Throughout the talk, we'll discuss the trade-offs of this approach, the role of End-to-End (E2E) tests, and how to strike the perfect balance between too much and too little testing. Join us as we delve into the art of creating 'Humble Views,' ensuring that our React Native apps are scalable, maintainable, and effectively tested!

This talk has been presented at TestJS Summit 2023, check out the latest edition of this JavaScript Conference.


Mo's talk focused on the concept of 'humble views' and how to architect React and React Native applications to make them easier to test and more scalable.

These architectural patterns help in reducing the complexity of testing, organizing code better, and making applications more scalable and maintainable.

Mo is the head of the mobile team in the UK for Theodo, a global consultancy with over 700 digital experts. He specializes in React and React Native applications.

The Humble Object model involves separating business logic from the component and placing it into its own module or file, making it easier to test critical components quickly.

The two main architectural patterns discussed are the Humble Object model and the Model-View-Presenter (MVP) pattern.

The MVP pattern separates the GUI into three parts: the model (business logic and data fetching), the view (passive view that renders based on input), and the presenter (contains UI state and logic). This makes the view easier to test.

Testing is contentious because there are polarized views: some believe in aiming for 100% test coverage as a cornerstone of quality, while others claim that skipping tests can speed up development.

Mo views his role as an educator and mentor, aiming to teach his team good practices and set them up for success rather than imposing strict rules.

The 'one hook per screen' rule suggests that each screen or component should only call a single custom hook, which helps in organizing code and making it easier to test.

Mo suggests isolating business logic into humble objects and using a presenter layer to create easily testable passive views. This approach reduces dependencies and simplifies testing.

Mo Khazali
Mo Khazali
32 min
07 Dec, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription
This Talk discusses the challenges of testing in React and React Native applications, particularly with regards to barcode scanning. It explores the violation of separation of concerns in React and proposes the use of the HumbleObject model to simplify testing and improve code cleanliness. The MVP model is also introduced as a way to separate UI state and logic from the component. The importance of following patterns, standardization, and teaching principles is emphasized, along with the benefits of using custom hooks to share business logic. The potential of AI tools in code refactoring is mentioned as well.

1. Introduction to Humble Views and Testing

Short description:

Hello, everyone. Thank you so much, Nathaniel. That was honestly a very kind introduction. Today I'm excited to be in Berlin talking about humble views in React and React Native applications. I head the mobile team in the UK for Theodo, a global consultancy with expertise in React and React Native. Testing is a contentious topic with different viewpoints, from aiming for 100% test coverage to not testing at all.

♪♪♪ Hello, everyone. Thank you so much, Nathaniel. That was honestly a very, very kind introduction. I feel humbled. Come on. All right, dad jokes don't land very well here. Good to know.

All right, okay. So today I'm very excited to be in Berlin with you all. It's my first time in the city, and it is so aesthetically pleasing. The vibes are honestly immaculate, especially with the snow. I'm very excited to be talking about this concept of humble views. We're going to be looking at how you can architect your React and React Native applications to hopefully make it a bit easier to test and also make your applications more scalable.

A little bit about me. Like Nathaniel mentioned, my name is Mo. I head the mobile team in the UK for Theodo. So Theodo is a global consultancy with over 700 digital experts, 150 of which do React Native slash React. So we've been doing React and React Native from the very early days of when they came out. And as a result, we've kind of gone through phases of evolving and seeing different code bases and seeing different patterns and trying to find ones that last a long time and are scalable and hopefully we can share some of that with you today.

So testing is a contentious topic. People typically fall into two camps. If you go down the software crafts person route, you get the likes of Bob Martin, who deeply believed that you need to be aiming for 100% test coverage, that high test coverage is the cornerstone of a good quality code base. So this is the traditional view, and this is the view that the software crafts person will tell you. More recently, on the other side, though, you've got YouTube influencers in the coding space who will tell you, you know what? I've not been testing for years and I've been so fast, you can never catch up with me. I worked at Twitch, trust me, bro. And so you get these like different viewpoints and you get people that are vehemently anti-testing and you get people that are very, very protesting. And so, as with many things in life these days, things get polarized to the very, very extreme. On the left, you've got the people that say, don't test. And if you test, don't ever talk to me again. And then on the right, you've got people saying, your code is bad, you should be testing every single bit of it.

2. Challenges with Barcode Scanner Testing

Short description:

You've got this testing no man's land in the middle where all nuance is lost. I'm aiming to annoy both parties with one talk. Let me set the scene: a React Native project in the fashion industry. A developer wanted to test the barcode scanner but faced challenges with setup. Multiple contexts and mocks were required for testing.

And really, what happens is you've got this testing no man's land in the middle where all nuance is lost. And they sometimes throw tomatoes at each other from either side. But really, you don't get much nuanced conversations around a pragmatic testing approach. And I fancy myself a bit of a centrist. I don't stand for anything. So I'm aiming to annoy both parties with one talk. We'll see how this goes.

Let me set the scene a little bit. So a couple years ago, I was working on a React Native project in the fashion industry. The app was going to be used in warehouses where they were going to scan items of clothing with a barcode scanner inside of the app. And it would store some information. They could enter in some information about the article of clothing. And it was being used by the back office, effectively. There was a developer on my team who was working a lot on the front end stuff. And she came to me at one point and was like, I'm trying to write a test for the barcode scanner. Basically, what I want to test is every single barcode has a checksum. The last few digits will be a sum of some of the values in the middle in some sort of mathematical formula. So I want to test that. But the challenge that she found was that she was needing to do so much setup before she could actually test that by rendering the screen. And what do I mean by that? I've actually went and extracted the code and you'll see how horrifying it is in just about a second. But this screen initially had a bunch of different contexts. And we didn't really need them for the screen itself. But it needed to be mocked so that they could go ahead and test it. Cool. So that's a bunch of mocks. Then some of the clients needed to be mocked for the fetch requests. Expo's barcode scanner, which was an external library that uses the native device, needed to be mocked as well because you don't have access to that in unit tests. Your navigation framework on the native layer needed to be mocked. All right. That's more mocks.


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