The Roof Is on Fire?

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The devastating wildfires that ravaged Europe in 2023, burning an area the size of London, highlight the urgent need for improved fire detection and reporting systems at scale. 

In this talk, we will explore how JavaScript and widely available electronics can be combined to create a low-cost, cheap and effective wireless fire detection system. We will deploy this system in a wild forest in Greece and utilize AI models to predict where the next blaze could be sparked.

This talk has been presented at JSNation US 2024, check out the latest edition of this JavaScript Conference.


Code for the microcontroller can be written in C, C++, Python, or JavaScript. The DeviceScript framework, a TypeScript-first framework, is used for development.

AI is used for failure forecasting to predict device failures and for environmental monitoring by analyzing sensor data to predict changes in humidity and temperature.

The device network can be expanded using a mesh network topology, allowing devices to communicate as a cluster and cover larger areas by spreading out.

The device can be extended with LoRa modules for long-range communication, and additional sensors or modules for various environmental monitoring and emergency communication needs.

Currently, predicting wildfires before they happen is challenging due to multiple unpredictable factors, but research is ongoing to develop models that may achieve this in the future.

The device is solar-powered and runs on batteries, allowing for deployment in remote areas without relying on external power sources.

JavaScript is event-driven, making it suitable for IoT applications which are often event-based. It also allows for code reuse across different devices and platforms.

The ESP32 is chosen because it's a low-cost, low-power controller with Bluetooth low energy and Wi-Fi capabilities, making it suitable for large-scale deployment in remote areas.

The device is designed to monitor areas and alert authorities if a fire starts. It aims to provide an immediate response to wildfires by alerting and deploying aerial or ground units to avoid disasters.

The device uses sensors such as a flame sensor and a gas sensor to detect infrared changes and various gases, which can indicate the presence of a fire.

Theodore Vorillas
Theodore Vorillas
18 min
21 Nov, 2024


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Video Summary and Transcription
Hi there. I'm Teodor, a web developer building Proxima, an open source analytics platform. In June 2021, a wildfire burned down a huge area near my house in Athens. I had an idea to build a low-cost, open, and accessible device to monitor and alert authorities of fire outbreaks. JavaScript is event-driven and perfect for IoT applications. DeviceScript is a versatile framework for writing code targeting IoT development boards. We can expand device functionality by adding sensors for temperature, humidity, gas, and flames. We can establish a mesh network using Painless Mess for wider coverage. LoRa can be used for off-grid emergency setups. AI and ML techniques can be applied for failure forecasting and running inference on the device. The VALS BME 688 gas sensor can improve detection accuracy. USC team is working on a model to predict high wildfire danger areas. Innovation thrives at the intersection of ideas and technology.
Available in Español: ¿El Techo Está en Llamas?

1. Introduction to Fire Monitoring Device

Short description:

Hi there. I'm Teodor, a web developer building Proxima, an open source analytics platform. In June 2021, a wildfire burned down a huge area near my house in Athens. The main reason behind such a disaster is our lack of understanding of how fires work. I had an idea to build a low-cost, open, and accessible device to monitor and alert authorities of fire outbreaks. The first essential component for prototyping is a microcontroller like the ESP32. We can write code in C/C++ or high-level languages like Python or Node.js.

Hi there. I hope you're enjoying the conference so far. My name is Teodor. I'm a web developer building Proxima, an open source analytics platform. During my free time though, I also enjoy building stuff and experimenting a lot with different technologies. And through my talks, I really like telling stories.

Our story begins in June 2021, when a wildfire burned down a huge area close to my house in Athens. Since 2021, wildfires have burned down three times the area of New York City. And that's just for Greece. Incidentally, and the main reason behind such a disaster is that we cannot truly understand how fires are working. Although they're a natural phenomenon and part of some ecosystems, they are getting more and more out of control due to human activity and the climate change. They can spread really quickly. And once they hit a critical point, they are almost unstoppable. Also, their sources are unpredictable, from cigarettes to thunderstorms and farm chores. So immediate response is crucial, and alerting and deploying aerial or ground units is the only way to avoid disaster.

A few months ago, I had an idea to build a device that would be able to monitor an area and alert the authorities if there is a fire starting. In order to do so, we need to set up some ground rules for the first prototype. So our device should be low cost because we need to cover huge areas and we need lots of them. It should also be as open and accessible as possible so we can let people build and deploy them in the wild. When it comes to prototyping an IoT device, the first essential component you'll need is a microcontroller, the brain and heart of our system. You might be familiar with the term and some popular options out there like the Raspberry Pi or Arduino. Our choice is the ESP32, a low-cost, low-power controller that offers both Bluetooth low energy and Wi-Fi capabilities out of the box. Developing on low-end hardware requires obviously writing code using the device's core fundamentals. We can write code in C or C++ using the Arduino IDE or use high-level languages like Python or Node.js.

2. JavaScript for Microcontrollers

Short description:

We can use the same code for targeting different devices or platforms. JavaScript is event-driven and perfect for IoT applications. DeviceScript is a versatile framework for writing code targeting IoT development boards. It has built-in APIs, great VS Code support, and works with Platform.IO. Let me show you a simple hardware prototype. We have a prototype board and a tiny development board with pins for extending functionality. The code is simple, using identifiers for components and core APIs to initialize and respond to events. The controller understands voltage changes as digital signals.

There is a huge advantage because we can actually use the same code for targeting different devices or even platforms. We can run JavaScript, compile a code and run it on different devices, but there is actually more. Let's talk a little bit more about JavaScript. Using JavaScript for microcontrollers might sound a little bit tricky but totally worth it. By design it's event-driven and most of the IoT applications are event-based. The board itself is barebones but we can attach additional components so listening to button presses or sensor readings is actually event-based. JavaScript also has a huge registry of libraries that we can use to interact with the core APIs of the board or even mix and match technologies like pairing the board with a browser or mobile applications. And there are many great frameworks that make it even easier like Johnny-5, Scilor, Nesprino and so on.

Our choice though is DeviceScript, a really versatile framework developed by Microsoft. DeviceScript is a TypeScript-first framework that allows us to write code targeting different IoT development boards. It has great VS Code support and works along with Platform.IO, the go-to for embedded software development. It also supports simulation and debugging from VS Code to prototype and finally has lots of built-in APIs for sensors, additional components as well as communication protocols.

Now, if you have no experience with electronics, don't worry, we will cover just basics. So let me just show you what I have over here. So this is the hello world of hardware prototyping. It's a simple LED blinking on and off when a button is pressed. There is also a battery, a resistor and a few wires to connect them together. This is a prototype board that allows us to quickly put all the components together. And just to give you a perspective, this is also the development board. As you can see, it's extremely tiny. The board itself has a few pins on the right and the left that allows us to extend its functionality and attach additional components. It also has right here a USB connector to connect it to our development system and program directly and on the bottom it also has connections for battery and additional components as well. So we can take the hello world from the prototype board and move it to our development board. The code is fairly simple, just a few lines. The pins of the board are labeled with identifiers like T3 for the LED and T10 for the button. The labels have some sort of semantics, so D stands for Digital Input and Output pins. Using the start light bulb and start button core APIs from device script, we can initialize the components and subscribe to events like button presses. Once a button press is detected, we can turn the LED on. Although the previous example is a good start, it also shows us how more or less electronics work. The controller can only understand voltage changes as digital signals.

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